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Everything posted by ShrewdTactician

  1. Heres the ports list opened by the bot: Bot.exe 3440 TCP Renegade-Svr 21337 Renegade-Svr 0 LISTENING Bot.exe 3440 TCP renegade-svr.edtn.local 51144 v-162-248-88-129.unman-vds.premium-chicago.nfoservers.com 6667 ESTABLISHED 5 616 Bot.exe 3440 TCP Renegade-Svr 51146 localhost 7777 ESTABLISHED 42 1,230 461 13,056
  2. Yep, its loading. Heres the output from the command: <ShrewdXBot> There are 25 plugins loaded: <ShrewdXBot> IRC.Core <ShrewdXBot> CoreCommands <ShrewdXBot> PluginManager <ShrewdXBot> ExtraCommands <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Core <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Commands <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Logging <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Medals <ShrewdXBot> RenX.IRCJoin <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Announcements <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Greetings <ShrewdXBot> RenX.MinPlayers <ShrewdXBot> RenX.ModSystem <ShrewdXBot> RenX.SetJoin <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Warn <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Listen <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder <ShrewdXBot> HTTPServer <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.Web <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.All-Time <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.Daily <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.Monthly <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.Weekly <ShrewdXBot> RenX.Ladder.Yearly <ShrewdXBot> RenX.ServerList
  3. Just a question that crossed my mind. So feel free to treat this as a question from someone who knows barely anything todo with game making. With UDK being basically a dead engine at this point, and Renegade X still being in development, wouldn't it make sense to move the project to something like lumberyard?
  4. Thanks for the reply, Yeah, I even turned off the firewall just to make sure. The bot.exe simply isn't creating the listening port :(.
  5. Thanks a bunch for info @agent . I didn't have the html files, and I suppose it wouldn't of worked without them. Also the plugin info was great as well. Unfortunately it still doesn't work :(. The bot.exe just doesn't open a port to listen on :(. But your info does help me confirm that its either a problem with my server or the bot code. I've been trying different things with the server to no avail, so my next step is going to be to recreate my server setup on another pc and see how that goes. If that doesn't work, ill start playing with the bot code and see what I can find.
  6. Hmm, I've just done the round on trying different options: I've tried: BindAddress: blank,, (specific ip) BindPort: 80, 81, ports below 1024, ports above 1024 Process: starting with forced elevated privileges and without. Plugins: Just HTTPServer + RenX.Ladder.Web, HTTPServer + RenX.Ladder + RenX.Ladder.Web, HTTPServer + All Ladder Plugins, Variations of previous attemps with and without other plugins. Im assuming its a bug at this point.
  7. Hi Agent, Awesome Bot, i'm using it on my server and its great!. One problem im having trouble with is getting the Renx.ladder.web to work. I have the httpserver plugin and all the ladder plugins, including renxladder.web setup to load via the config file (and confirmed loaded via the console output). I have setup the options in the httpserver.ini file and the renx.ladder.web.ini. Taking a look with netstat, it doesnt seem that the bot is actually creating a port for the httpserver to listen on. Is there anything im missing with this? What are the plugins that are needed to be loaded to make this work. What config changes need to be made? Is there any other diag that i can look at to find out whats going on? Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi thanks for the quick replies. I'm running agents bot (Jupiterbot) and both !rank and .rank work, which is great. Is there a top5 command currently? I also noticed that there is a httpserver and renx.ladder.web plugin which i have configured, but cant get working. Jupiterbot never opens the port for the webserver. I'm assuming this is were the local ladder webpage is hosted.
  9. Its been a while, hows this going? I'm looking forward to the top5 and possibly join messages that stats player rank. Also I noticed the global rank webpage is running, but is there still plans to enable this per server?
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