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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. One problem might be that the map has to be built for some people, had that last week or the week before. Another problem, despite the hard work of the developer, is that toxicity (new and older version) is not liked by a lot of people. I guess it has something to do with the style / feeling off the map. Nexus also built a few large maps with the same theme but they received more positive feedback. For my his map design feels more logical then the design of Toxicity.
  2. When you almost lose a business cont(r)act cause you are distracted during the conversation cause something which draws your attention,.. (I have the same while stacking network switches :D)
  3. Well @Nexus51325 you are certainly an addition toe the community! Enjoy 2020 people. Hopefully we get to see City and Ren-x 1.0
  4. Good work people!
  5. Lol I can think of some map ideas with that (but I am not a mapper :P)
  6. Maybe the CC is there for a longer time, but I've never really noticed it (also haven't played the map a lot lately). I think it makes the map even more Nod favoured. GDI can do its utmost but is seen accross the (mini) while leaving base or trying to reach CC. Meanwhile a single sbh / stank can capture it. In my opinion it makes the map unplayable as GDI but I like to hear other opinions.
  7. Just noticed this. Crashed and my vehicle kills got reset. Not much else to say. Rejoined after less then a minute, still had score and rank.
  8. Ironically that even in 'organised games' balance / stacking is an issue. Offcourse people want to have a strong team, I totally get that, but it looks like sometimes they forget that too strong teams lead to massive unbalance which let them have a quick win. But in the end even the winners lose because there is nobody to compete against...
  9. This is what I like about it!
  10. Ok, got something weird. Yesterday I reconnected twice (because some issue). First I came on the enemy team After the second time I left the game, rejoined Switched back to my original team K/D was still there, money was still there, my points were gone Not that it really matters to me, but I guess this is some kind of bug :).
  11. Canyon harv for GDI is bugged again / still.
  12. That was also largely cause one team decided to ask the majority of the 'elite' players to join that team. Basically from that point this team became so powerfull that others didn't (care to) play. Basically it could work IF teams were competative compared to eachother.
  13. Units still do not show on Map, might be CQC mod problem Harv does not always take damage from flamer (might also be CQC mod problem)
  14. Think I posted this like a few years ago. After a long and balanced game this happens a lot because ppl take a break. Imagine people vote Volcano and both teams have some afks. I've seen active players move to Nod when there is a chance to do so, while GDI starts game with a few till sometimes a lot afks. Offcourse the game, which allready favors Nod on this Map, is over very quick... Meanwhile more GDI ppl leave. This happens a few times after eachother and server is dead. I am not a coder, but everyone should become spectator (for x minutes and then get kicked) till they press a button at game start. Would solve a lot of balance problems and I guess its not too hard to implement.
  15. I was about to report the harv as well> I also noticed this: - Map doesn't show amount of units (press M and you will see, uh will not see it ) - If you donate to someone it says you donated to yourself.. - endscreen text doesnt scroll at all like Roweboat mentioned. Not on one occasion but is a steady problem
  16. It has been done with both flamer and grenadierrushes.. I guess grenadiers even managed to kil a building from the outside
  17. I see, but there are also some triggerhappy people who like to use CP to get veteran sooner. I guess in most calls a subcommander will be doing what is best for his team, but just in case when someone isnt...
  18. Would be handy to have this, also to give out different roles (like defensive or offensive commander) or the ability for a 'sub commander' to request to use a certain power which the real commander has to approve.
  19. Well it's not about not liking. What you always do is provoce people personally like last week and then you can expect a reaction.. What happened last time is: I said something like: "I really hate this map" (matter of taste) You immediatly started reacting with things like: "Make your own maps Ryz" and "Ryz is toxic," I don't have the exact quotes but should be able to find them in IRC logs. My reaction was something like: "You always try to make yourself popular / bigger by trying to bring others down.." Nothing to do with moderating, nothing to with liking or not liking. As I mentioned before I appreciate every persons work on maps, even though I don't like certain maps (as we all do). I don't get why you, when I put out a general reaction without even naming someone, approach me personally. I've seen this happen in the past before while I have never spoken out against you personally besides reacting on you. I have even seen in the past that you tbanned me on CT 'because I had another opinion..' while I didn't insult anyone and specifically not you.... I guess you feel like I don't like you, but I don't have anything against you and my actions have proven that cause I never 'attacked' or talked negative to you or taking actions as a mod...
  20. I know a guy here used virtual audio cable or something to overcome to soundbug, but I don't remember who and what he did... I have it too with all my devices (laptop and two desktops) when the USB disconnects cause I accidently pull the cable or sometimes hit it. Reconnecting it will not re-establish the sound. Can post specs if needed, but not now.
  21. A lot has been said in the topic about FPI. Unfortunatly it is not allowed anymore to balance teams and block switching sides. For me this was a huge step forward. Yes I couldnt play with friends anymore (annoying when I have a visitor) and yes I lost so many games cause being Nod and half the team SBHS (sorry, just don't like playing Nod besides the arty). Still in the end the games would last longer. The best games I had were a good and fair fight which could sometimes last till up two hours. It wouldn't get boring cause a lot was going on and the teams were more or less equal. In many of these games we even lost after a long defence. Remember some epic games where we killed multiple maxed out stank or flamerrushes to only eventually lose. Great times. The worst games are the single sided slaughter fest in which you play 3 rounds in 30 minutes or less and just don't stand a chance. Since (previous, not sure now?) teams will stay the same round after round you would just stay in the same losing team (where people are also leaving). That's, but this must be clear from the previous posts, stacking is a huge problem. I am sure willing to see that people like to play with friends. But in the end, if you have a group of very good players which are friends, you will only be left over to play with these friends since the server just empties. Usually the 'stacked' players leave before this point. To emphasize on thing. No this opinion about stacking doesn't target specific people like Poi, JPJ and Sarah (I just name them before someone else does :D) but all players in general who make the teambalance go off too far... I know people can't help it they are good and they shouldn't be punished for it. It would just be better if they would take the challenge and fight against eachother for a deserved win instead of stack for an easy /easier game... AFKS are a problem sometimes. I would see people die or go into a afk modus (removed from game, but can rejoin in x-minutes) automatically. Teams to refusing to get a commander is also annoying sometimes but lesser a problem.
  22. Well @SMayhew... Agent brought up the names of Sarah, Poi and JPJ. We never named them at all... So it seams like some people think it is our 'aim' to target them while that is in fact not true. I guess, since people are pointing the conversation towards these three names, that the FPI rules have an influence on the way they can play and that's why a lot of people brought it up here? We were merely reacting on that, but now these three names overshadow the topic while this is about a bigger picture. Infact the rules affect way more people but you do not hear them complain (via others) yet. Also I havent been ingame much latetly so I do not have the latest info, but I can assure you the rules were made to keep games fair and balanced and not aimed on ' punishing' a few people. The rules also had ' negative' effects on many of the FPI mods for example. I rather play GDI, as many of you are aware, and I could have easily switched myself to another team. Just I never did this and I stayed with the team I was assigned to for the sake of balance and to follow the rules. We might not always moderate enough (or people do often not agree with decisions we make), but at least we are holding to our own standards. Before people started to swap teams again by using ' reconnect' the games were usually way more balanced and longer lasting. I am not sure if you think 3 games in 30 minutes with one team totally slaughtered over and over are good for the playerbase? The changes by the developers team in combination with the teamswap disabled (why would you even auto balance teams if you can still go to where you want and change the balance?) proved that we could have funny games for both the winning and the losing team where the battle was ' fair' and as balanced as possible. That is our goal... If we wanted to bully people I am sure we would have used / abused the (t)ban or kickhammer, which we never did.
  23. That's different when mods contact you about an issue. Wasn't refering to ingame chat, but not important for now.
  24. Well final reaction for today @Madkill40 cause I got to go soon and I guess we won't get closer to eachother. I don't get why you make this personal cause for me it isn't: 1) I didn't mention and names untill at least one person, who does not recognize herself in my post, starts defending herself cause the feels it's about her... 2) You state your opinion as a fact while ignoring other opinions. I just said I am vocalizing what many people think and which can be proven if by checking many posts here and on Discord. I kept all my messages polite and showed I was open for other opinions about for example the reaction from Agent about disabling commander powers... You can disagree stacking isn't a problem and state that as a fact, just check the various topics where people tell the opposite... 3) I havent played Ren-x a lot lately cause of work, I think i've only commanded a few times past month. I think my ingame behaviour has nothing to do with this polite discussion I am trying to have here Goodnight!
  25. Well @Madkill40: I am not vocalling my own feelings towards this as I stated before, but the feelings from a large(r) group ingame. If it would be about me I could better quit or just don't share anything at all cause nothing will change to suit just one person. You yourself have seen the many topics about stacking in the past. Not agreeing by how it's handled is ok, but ignoring that it happens and that many, many people have complained about it isn't.
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