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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Sometimes it seams to restore your credits and rank (but vehicle kills are gone). Sometimes not. I am not sure what the cause of this is. I guess YOUR information is stored but as soon as the single open position on the server is filled it gets deleted Main issue (which is also good) is that there are more players now. Every time I lost connection the server was full for 5 till 10 minutes.
  2. Honestly I fail to see how stopping the PUG (those 2x2 hours a week) would help new players... Last month or so I've seen a lot of new people joining which is good. Maybe 1 out of 20 till 30 asks something. Also when you PM people, start votes and as a commander send messages when a player overmines (for example) there is barely feedback I have seen a minebanned player trying to mine the tunnel (and kneel in the same spots) for over 5 minutes without noticing he couldn't mine What might help new players is (besides a tutorial and patience) maybe a way for mods to 'freeze' them till they read a message / PM. I guess this is allready sort of in place. Right now the new people who want to learn and ask around, are getting help in game, but we seam to have a problem reaching others because they aren't good at english or (what is my guess) not read at all likely because they are overwhelmed with info.
  3. Here you go with specs: i7-7700k 32GB Ram Radeon Rx 480 It wasn't a server crash. Just happened after 2 hours of gaming when a nuke exploded at endscreen... It's very random. Pc sometimes runs for 7 days where I play Renx and it doesn't crash. Havent stress tested CPU / GPU btw... I can also rejoin directly after it happens (if the server isn't full :D)
  4. The title basically states the issue... Or maybe it is on design, but you tend to miss out messages while in commander menu. Sometimes (during a rush while driving) I am allready in it so I just have press 'the button' to buff and I tend to miss information. Guess more ppl experience this?
  5. Also a small suggestion (but idk if easy to implement). Please keep a players position available for 2 min after crash. Would greatly help!
  6. Think i have this since a few weeks. On walls just a few minutes ago, but also on other maps sometimes my pc crashes when a nuke explodes. It happens like once a week. PC screen becomes black, fan starts making a lot of noise and I have to reboot. Only have this with Renegade-x that my PC stops, nothing else... It wasnt there a month or two ago... It also doesn't happen always...
  7. Well but currently no server uses it... I can see the downside of enforcing Steam because it might stop some people from joining the game. Having that said. Are there any plans of forcing steam in the (near) future?
  8. Ah, then I am mistaken... Thanks for the info!
  9. Hi all, Just had this small idea. I realize the dev team is busy with a lot of stuff, but this might draw in some more people to the game. I can't judge about the amount of time investment to be honest. The CNC Remasters games offer the option to add mods from ingame (as many of you are aware). If there would be a ' Renegade-x mod' this will surely draw attention to the game even more (cause people allready check Renx more since the Remasters got released). I am not thinking about a huge mod, but some small changes / additions to the game. The idea is that it's funny for those who play / use it, not too much work and something which will get attention for Renegade-X.. Not sure what is archievable but I was thinking about one of tthe things below: - Add Renegade-X music to the game - Add Renegade-X crates to the game / skirmish (base defences offline, alien abduction, some other easy implementable stuff) - Add (some) Renegade-X maps to Skirmish - Add VP to the game (right now units do not gain veterancy in at least Red Alert, don't know about TibDawn) - Add some of the Renx units to the game Curious what others think about the above, especially devs. I guess the community should even be able to help making some maps with tne CNC map editor and combine them as the ' Renegade-x' map pack...
  10. It might be a thing to automatically stop the harv after being destroyed 5 times and when there is no commander. Will greatly reduce the snowballing effect. (maybe something for a seperate topic?)
  11. Maybe put it in the post as well, would make it a bit more clear... Now people see this AFTER reading your post.
  12. There are many games where there is a commander infact... Why are there a lot of games where there is no commander then? Usually there are a few signs which people who have commanded will notice: - Early game nobody doing basic stuff (defending harv / mining) - Team ignoring field when it matters - 10 sbhs before mines - generally no reply on teamchat These are the games where I am not even bothering to command cause it's likely lost. I am pretty sure other 'regular' commanders experience the same. If you've been a commander a few times (and play the game in general) you develop a sense of the situation. Commanding can be fun if you get the team with you, but is totally annoying if you are just talking to a wall... And no I am not expecting everybody to join a rush, but if I call out mines 10 times as a player and get no reply, I think thrice before commanding....
  13. Not too sure about switching midgame. Did this yesterday to help balance a team that was baselocked and that team still lost after minutes. In my initial post I forgot to add an important thing @Havoc89. The games I mentioned which were super unbalanced were played by a group of 5 or 6 snipers together. They didn't help the winning or losing team but just kept sniping without aiding in the mission (aka destroy the enemy base while defending yours). Their sniping prevent tanks or inf rushes from enemy but didn't aid / help the others team in attacks. The sole reason some rounds which are super unbalanced take longer is this. These people basically play another game. Based on the fact 'the average time for a single round is fairly high' you state that it's understandable people leave midgame. I would tend to agree if people left on both sides. In reality the team getting baselocked and even basekilled has the majority of people leaving. Switching a high skilled tanker to balance will still not help cause even the best tanker will die if he / she cant repair get repairs or do it himself cause of the snipers. Yesterday we played Under again and one side was indeed baselocked. The other team had the majority of snipers BUT not as much as the day before. Eventually after a lot of work GDI took field and the game started to become back and forth and, if you ask me, was fun even if we would have lost. You need the feeling you can archieve something. Now back to these 'super unbalanced games' the day before. These had no perspective from the first minutes. People knew this, kept manually switching to 'winning team' or left. Would auto balancing work midgame? - Only if snipers / people with good aim get swapped and start competing eachother, which we've seen in the past they sometimes won't. In some extreme scenarios they just ignored eachother. In less extreme scenarios they pick a place where they don't have to face eachother. - I can forsee another scenario where the winning team gets more tankers / teamplayers (so becomes even stronger) and is able to end the suffering for the other side. But this is not a desired solution. - Otherwise I fail to see how balancing would work midgame In the end I think the only options will stay: - Indeed balance normal players, tankers, repairs, teamplayers, snipers at game start. This will help A LOT. - Actively moderate for good snipers / people with good aim to be on both sides (but do the same for other people). - Maybe allow the 'less fortunate' team to get a few more players when they join so they have two more - In the end switch people midgame. I said at the start of this topic I didn't want to make this topic about a few people. But if you check a ton of previous posts by many people and if I give the balancing some thought I am starting to believe the key also is in moderating these people even though it's sad it has to come this way but I am affraid some people will never change their behaviour unless forced.
  14. Thanks for the reply Havoc. I can't judge about 'Old Renegade' recently because I havent played it in years but from my perspective old Renegade had more balanced games. Sometimes they were too balanced and Field / Under (to name a few maps) could last a day or more. I remember returning to a game after sleeping to basically encounter the same situation as twelve hours before but just with other players (and some diehards still there). For me, but this is also a personal opinion, it is good that things like VP (also later introduced in OG Ren by mods) and commander powers got introduced. I don't might losing Under after 1 hour back and forth and even a base lock is fine as long as teams are sort of balanced... 24 hours Under, no thanks! On OG Ren you could find multiple servers and change if a game didn't suite you. On Renegade-x this is rare. The catch22 is that the playerbase doesn't grow cause games aren't balanced. Because of this people cannot move to another server (were games are balanced) and you have a vicious circle. I am not the expert in this matter but I think something like HWID could be used for the balancing unless somebody finds a way to reset this. Even then the majority of the players wouldn't reset it so this can still balance teams out for quite a bit. If people, like the well known smurfs, still ignore any balance measures they can usually be easily tracked and warned for this. By speaking out and confronting people about their behaviour and maybe go as far as a warning or ban as a last resort you could use force a culture change. Is there any way we (the community) can help out with looking options for a registration system or balancing method used in other games? Who know's if this is freely re-usable.
  15. I forgot this in my list but will add it. Cause (as I stated in different topics) people tend to move to one team leaving the other team (usually) with the afks. I even see people kick afks from the opposite team so they can join it. This definatly changes the favour for one team even more.
  16. Yes... me again about the same subject I've been complaining about for years... Why? Cause thousands and thousands of voluntarely hours have been invested in a game that really looks nice and plays well. Every new patch we draw in fresh players and longtime Renegade-x lovers who return to check the new features and are enthousiastic about the new contents the devs have introduced... Sounds good right? Every new patch we also lose the majority of these people quickly.... I know I am saying something which has been stated many, many, many, many times, but since no action has been taken I am doing it again also because I know a large group of the players feels like this. And yes I realize implementing balance changes takes time... But if you don't invest it, all other time invested will also be for nothing in the end. Cause in the end the game we love will not be there if it keeps scaring new people away cause a combinations of balancing issues and behaviour... TL:DR Without spending a fair amount of work on balancing features and a common sense by the community itself EVERY minute spent on new content will be for a small group that will never grow. Thousands of hours work for great content with a small reach... In detail. The main issues basicaly leads back to ONE problem: No auto balancer (or whatever you call it) That wouldn't be a problem if teams get randomly arranged and people stick to that team (or switch side and reconnect get disabled). You might win some, you might lose some, but in reality people switch and this tends to cause a snowball effect. Who tend to switch? 1) People who don't like Nod / GDI ( a few) 2) People who don't like competition / be part of a less good team. In short it turns out usually the majority of snipers move to one team... 3) Long term players who play with friends... Usually also good players 4) Players who know which side is stronger and like to join this team (a couple of players each game) 5) Players who know which side a map favours... 6) And sometimes ppl who don't like bar / hon or whatever building is down.... While the other team likely has they afks and the new players. This leads to the team with the bigger chance to win becoming even stronger... And it leads to games where the outcome is almost decided before it even started... Only this night I've seen 4 games where one team was locked in base and NEVER left the base for more then one minute... I spent at least one hour getting spawnkilled or killed in front of base while being on Nod on Reservoir and after it on Eyes... After this I suddenly was with most of the good teamplayers and 4 or 5 very good snipers. We locked GDI in base on Field within less then two minutes. If I don't count Reservoir (hard to destroy harv there) I've seen the losing team get 1(!) Harv in over one and a half hour of various games... Not to mention Nod won this Field game without any struggle (and if you ask me without any fun for both sides, but with LOADS of people leaving the game...). Yesterday the same happened. Nomatter if it's about GDI vs Nod... Or Nod vs Nod... The faction isn't the problem, they vast majority of good players on one team is... Now imagine there are the new players... Well you don't need to imagine. I've tested this by introducing new players to the game... What did they do...? Most reported that they were getting roflstomped and basesniped and never returned.. A few tried one or two more games on another day, but with all the people I've introduced ( even those who played the original Renegade) the outcome was basically that they said games were so unbalanced that it was unplayable. It is apperantly very hard to find a game which isn't either a super easy win or super har loss. The only time they touched the game again was to delete it... Why am I saying this is not only about the game but also about behaviour? We've had a lot of discussion about 'playing with friends,' 'stacking or whatever you want to call it.' I am affraid we cannot change the behaviour of good snipers cause most seam to prefer joining the same team instead of having competition. What we can adress is ''playing with friends' cause this even more amplifies the problem. Even some developers with good skills always teamup. That wouldn't be a problem if there is competition on the other side, but sadly this is not always the case. I am asking everyone not to start blaming people in person (nomatter dev, sniper, or regular player) but just to consider (for yourself) how you can help with the balance and keep playing this game. With friends, maybe on the other faction... But better then soon with friends vs bots... Also I clearly hope that someone will finally look into balancing teams. I realize this takes a lot of work. But just imagine spending thousands and thousands of hours more (with the dev team) to add more content that will likely not see a big audience... Instead of that a few hundreds (I am only guessing) hours of work to balance seams like a well worth investment. Also maybe let us know how the community can help.... Untill then, switch more to stack the less stacked team, play with friends on different factions & teamup with your snipers AGAINST eachother...
  17. Title describes it, cant type messages in survey with a V!
  18. Small bug in surrender message, speaks for itself. Nice to see the Nod vs BH maps implemented this way btw
  19. Hi all, Today I played Mesa for the first time in a pub since it got changed (back to where vehicles can enter the cave again). Sofar pretty nice to not get arty shelled from the short side within seconds But: - As noticed in PUGs Nod can VERY easily snipe into GDI base without GDI being able to do much - Nod can arty shell the WF and kill every vehicle getting out of it In short it is very very hard for GDI to take back cave because: 1) GDI loses a ton of vehicles just buying them 2) Harv gets farmed after its killed (took 3 or 4 times dying just to move it out of fire range) 3) GDI vehicles that survive the initial bombardement cannot get repairs cause they get sniped Have to add we had 0 snipers and Nod had ppl with K/D of 20 times more kills then deaths till even 100/1. Might be accidental, might be the usual 'lets face no competition and team-up sniping.' I don't want to drag the discussion here tbh. Suggestions: - Turn WF around or move it prevent vehicles (and harv!) to be shelled - Make bridge cover higher (so ppl cant jump on top or jump and shoot over it) - Make bridge cover less small / more wide so you can splash enemies Even 8 vehicles spamming rockets to the tunnels couldnt kill snipers... Hope this get considered. For now I would not like to play Mesa as GDI again. The old Mesa was Nod orientated but at least ended quick. Here I got spawned killed / killed in seconds after leaving building numerous times. It just doesn't make sense. I guess some more ppl will add feedback since a LOT of people did feel this way. Thanks in advance!
  20. Glad it will be fixed, handy to check around the map, especially when a new one is released.
  21. I don't have a screenshot, but the a commander message (with /R) shows the font type / color also in the message. Guess due this being stripped initially...
  22. A new bug since last update. Guess something to do with the recent changes to doors not allowing splash damage!
  23. Guess my reaction will not change anything, but still.... The problem, but here I am repeating myself again like so many times, is that snipers / people with good aim usually stack aka 'play with friends' (which is basically playing with equal skilled people to have less competition sadly...) This effect becomes worse when others also try to switch to the winning / better team leaving the other team with new players and afks. Seen games starting with 5 till 10 afks on one side and where that faction lost the harvester multiple times (or even buildings) before the teams even got remotely balanced. When the teams were equal number wise, the game was allready basically over... The last weeks were often horrible with 9 out of 10 games a single sided roflstomp (at least the ones which I played). One evening we had 7 games in 70 minutes or less... Even if I am in the team who 'wins' a game with no effort it still feels like a loss.... Also after it there was nobody on the server. So in the end everybody loses with these games, yet people fail to see.... Yesterday you ( @poi ) were so fair to change to another team to balance out snipers a bit. Too bad some other people changed sides quickly so they wouldn't have to compete against you. I guess from all snipers only @Minji (who joined later and also got accused of stacking and / or aimbotting, while I've never seen her change teams / reconnecting during the games yesterday) was on the opposite team most of the games. The average game yesterday night had 4 or 5 super good snipers in one team round after round while basically having no competition on the other side. The result...? One team baselocked and getting farmed, people ragequiting, next game tons of afks, snipers on one team again, team getting baselocked and a repeat of previous game.... The other result: people like you (Poi) getting blamed / votekicks started. Fair? No... Expectable... Sadly yes... I understand that you (refering to Poi still) get the blame. While it is not completly fair, since for example yesterday, you tried to help with balance I guess this is due the known history of very often joining together with multiple good snipers / aimers always on the same team. It was no coincidence some people were with you the majority of the time in the past. It will take time to build a new reputation and get rid of this negative image I assume... Also... But this was stated many times before: - A system to balance playerskills would solve this problem partly - Disabling / making it harder to switch sides also - 'Press play to join' at start would reduce afks and benefit balance / reduce roflstomps - Afks should be kicked / moved to spectator (if possible) to balance - Frequent afks (there are some people who are afk a lot should be warned / tbanned) But likely nothing will change and in 3 months we will have another topic about this, with a different title, but the same context... Hope people will stop the votekicks and that players with good skills will consider spreading over teams. Might be a win-win situation for everyone where each player gets contested on his / hers skill level while keeping the game fair and nice for everyone.
  24. EMP now enables the base defence till next EMP actives it... EMP stays off in between. Worked this way on Obelisk, didnt check AGT.
  25. I guess, if people fill it in honestly, that it can give a good sense of the average game quality. The problem after this, is that something 'needs' to be done with this feedback. I havent played a lot lately, but basically the game playerbase consists out of two 'large' groups. One group which says stacking is a huge problem for game quality. Another group which says they are playing with friends (called stackers by the people who believe in stacking). And since this group enjoys their gametime and does not acknowlegde / think it Is causing issues for other gamers they will likely vote they had a good experience. And if you look at the broader discussion we've allready seen that, even though polls provided feedback about mayor gameflaws, things will (likely) not change. So in the end this idea creates feedback on which people will (likely) not act.
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