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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. True, unless that is even impossible cause you get instant sniped inside your base when leaving a building. We had that yesterday; no vehicles cause WF was down and no way to enter the tunnels... People were mad when we surrendered after being a prey for 30 min. or so with Nod just sniping us, without attacking. If you can't even get crates, the map is just worse...
  2. Love it! "I am stuck on this Island, get me out me here men!"
  3. Case closed?
  4. Also thanks for this feedback! Let's hope one of the devs. looks at this!
  5. I've noticed this before with the HON (I guess) but that's a while ago. Not sure it's a problem, but now more people know about it, it will become an issue. Good posting this!
  6. Nice nice nice... Now let's bribe Yosh for an update!
  7. Good to hear, I asked about this a milion times but nobody ever had the bug. Untill now since you confirm you have this too. Lost like 10 beacons to this.... Cause I turned around halfway and back again and oby would shoot me...
  8. Have this since the last update... When I enter smoke and sometimes a dark area my character rotates 180 degrees. Sometimes it happens over and over....
  9. It was. Look at kenz' last videos. I will
  10. O men, this was the PUG where Yosh was really drunk at the beginning... Too bad that wasn't recorded
  11. Hello, it's in the middle of the night here and I just got home from a bar / café so I didn't check your logs into detail yet. I am not a developer and I don't know all the detiails, but I am just posting this to help. I 've heard some people complaining about 'certain' crashes since a few days. Yesterday I talked to one of them and he managed to solve this by running the game in WIn7 compatibility mode. The other one didn't respond but asked if a recent win10 update could be related. Since you are running an update of 11/12 days old this might be the case. I got no data to prove this, but you are the 3rd person who has been running the game for a while (I don't know how long in your case) with Win10 and 'suddenly' has problems. Check if my suggestion solves it. I will look into the launch log tomorrow, but I am sure the people making this game can provide you more info. Just hope this helps!
  12. Doesn't B0NG have a more updated guide with firewall rules?
  13. Still in a separate screen it's hard to see for me... I am not sure if this is the same person, but I suggest asking for a mod next time to make sure it gets handled. I am not a developer nor a mod, but afaik it's not allowed.
  14. Beacon can be placed in rock Just noticed this yesterday. I was at the barracks within seconds of a beacon being placed and there was also one at the ref. Since I could find that one I removed it... The BAR beacon had 6 or 7 people near it, but we couldn't find it. Only from one angle I could see that it was inside the rock... Looks like a new bug to me. Getting stuck near Nod turret I also had issues walking to the turret (not the closest to the HON) cause I got stuck behind 'things' delaying my walk to it so I got shot. Sometimes this happened, sometimes not. I believe the tree was one these objects. Getting stuck right corner Nod tunnel Ok, this one is a bit harder to describe. If you move from the GDI AGT to the Nod Ref you can hide in the far corners of the tunnel exit to stay out of sight and for example hit enemies when there. But once you are in this corner it's almost impossible to get out. One person had to suicide cause he was stuck all the way. I can create a screenshot of the location if you want, but not right now...
  15. Do you know who is in it? I cannot come up with the name, but I am pretty sure we had someone doing this every game of walls a while ago. We tried to reach a mod but nobody was there... Afaik it's not allowed...
  16. Most people vote field to snipe I have the feeling. About walls: it's simple, has options for both sides, infiltration chances for either faction, and so on. Just a really, really good map and very versatile.
  17. Hmm, that's an oversight. I'll check it. So the Custommap screen is behind the Pw entry screen? Yup!
  18. Yeah that's cause we worked as a team, communicating to eachother. It doesn't say anything about the individual skills in the team. Played with almost the same people and lost quite a few times cause everybody was still very solo orientated (even on the PUG). I was thinking to say something about 'rules' for the PUG, but I just leave that besides. One thing to consider is the fact that you had people doing solo nukes (Tony?) which didn't really benefit your cause... Not sure how to tackle that.
  19. Yeah Quincy was right. I loved this PUG, but I can imagine what it would be like on the other side... I think at least 3 out of 5 games where lost cause of bad or no defence and people being ignorant. Islands had good teamwork on both sides. In Tomb I died early and decided to have a look at the GDI base. I am pretty sure 2 or 3 people noticed me walking to the WF and I even encountered someone at / near the door who choose to ignore me. Than when I c4ed the MCT 2 other people came in and an enemy soldier which was killed in a firefight. After this nobody cared for the C4 at MCT it seemed. GG! Lakeside we (I am not sure who was with me) just fell in the HON with a chinook while this vehicle primary a decoy. Later Nod surrendered unfortunately. Could have been a good game, but it felt like the whole enemy team just fell apart... On Eyes I think we had one serious infiltration attempt and two chinooks hitting us. We couldn't kill the small guardtower, but I walked to the ref multiple times without any problem. After this we decided to let 'our opponent' choose a map, which was snow. We expected a huge chemrush and had some work to repell the flamers. I defended the vehicle tunnel later and chased a soldier, Since I was close to the HON I thought I could as well go for it.... Two people joined from nowhere and 3 three people inside the HON seemed to be AFK. I can't believe we killed that building. Again: I liked the PUG but I wouldn't want to be on the team that lost most stuff by bad organizing / defence. Hopefully the other PUG's will have something for both sides...
  20. When joining the PUG with the custom maps launcher I get the 'message' that I have to download new maps 'behind' the password screen and I cannot see what's happening. Launcher asks if I want to start without all maps (which I do).
  21. Tony likes fancy fonts...
  22. Nice addition with the 'medical center.' Map overall looks cool and fresh!
  23. PUG is always the same time Tony Dutch / Western Europe: 20.00 / 8PM UK: 19:00 / 7PM USA / New York: 14:00 / 2PM India: guess it depens on where you are, use a timezone converter? Might make it tonight, if I am still alive...
  24. Just checked again and everything is downloaded. Appears that, when downloading from the repositary, it's really quick. Downloading from the 'normal auto updater' which launched yestersday isn't. But most important fact is that it works without any issues. So I say again: good job! Hmm small update: I guess the 'normal auto updater' downloads something when verifying the game, but it started with a delay for me yesterday. Now, when I click it, it directly shows up and I get the same 'screen' downloading something. from between 5- and 60 mb while it was around 70 yesterday. Both tell I have succesfully updated to 5.16. The custom maps part looked different and was very quick. Hope the information is clear, al works smooth!
  25. Good job, testing this right now! Edit: launcher works, but nothing to download yet Will watch the CT IRC and forum to see if B0NG has added the mutator. Edit 2: I am downloading something. Also nice to see the previews of the maps in the launcher! Edit 3: I keep on getting 'not all maps have been downloaded' but nothing downloads. Can join the game anyways.
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