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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. I don't see what point you're trying to make here. Snipers have kevlar armor, which is resistant against bullet damage. Railguns, Volt, and patch nade have no penalty against kevlar. So basically you want snipers to be super buff and tanky and have their own armor type that is resistant to all types of damage?
  2. I vote for walls and i'm awesome
  3. boxes


    When a team surrenders their buildings simultaneously blow up
  4. I highly recommend you to turn up the voice receive volume around +10 to +20db. The in-game sounds at the highest volume are too loud for you to hear anybody talking in the default TS volume
  5. Walls - Nod tries early rocket rush, deals about 25 perma damage to ref. Vehicle slugging ensues for the rest of the game, with artys managing to continue chipping down the ref down another 50 HP. Nod overall performed better with their apaches and inf, and held onto a strong 2k point lead. GDI made one final push with Orcas and trannys with gunners and other inf to bring down the Hon to 2 HP until the final seconds, but sadly wasn't enough. Nod wins on points Volcano - Nod tries a huge chem rush through the tib field, but got chewed down by officers. Both starting harvys were destroyed. After a couple of minutes of vehicle slugging, a tech brings down the WF. GDI tried a gunner rush on the Hon but failed to do any perma damage. GDI then crumbles to flamers and nukes. Lakeside - Both GDI and Nod went for Orcas and Apaches right off the bat. Nod rushed first and brought the Bar down about 30 HP, and GDI rushed right after and failed to do any perma damage. Nod then decided to take some field control with ground vehicles, and GDI went for another orca rush and brought the strip down about 30 HP. Nod transitioned back to Apaches and both teams went on a staring contest. GDI got impatient and rushed the ref and failed to do any damage, and a tech brought the Bar down and Nod retaliated with their Apaches and destroyed the Ref. Nod then went for Stanks and defended against another orca rush, but failed to do anything productive other than that. A tranny filled with Ravs and LCGs along with SBH nukes and apaches finally brought down the WF. Complex - Standard silo slug-fest, GDI beatdown. Nod did have a somewhat successful stank rush bringing the ref down about 70 HP, but other than that, there wasn't much hope. Ion at the end of the strip with all tanks covering sealed the deal, and finished the game by taking the ref down with tanks and the Hon with an Ion. Xmountain - Nod decided to go for a full out SBH rush but got interrupted by an APC rush. The SBH then decided to take and hold the field. Nod tank play was overall superior and held the field for the majority of the game. When GDI finally pushed out and held the field somewhat, an SBH nuke at the PP brought it down. GDI then crumbled by mass tanks after an attempted hottie rush. Team2 wins 4, Team1 wins 1 Nod 4, GDI 1
  6. I'm pretty sure this image is confirmed to be fake. But yeah, we miss you boomer
  7. This bug is the sole reason why base defense maps are far more tolerable to play now. People need to be aware of their surroundings and not let the base defenses do the work for them. OB and AGT still do their jobs against tanks and stealth units, and players need to be more aware of infantry plays.
  8. Calling for a ban on all SBH entering the territory until GDI can figure out what the hell is going on
  9. Good pug, but the attitude and the complaining needs to go.
  10. I honestly wish it stays like this. The "bug" happens to be a very nice nerf to the base defenses.
  11. I feel that number-wise the game is as balanced as ever. Some other things should still be considered, such as bringing the spin-ups back to chainguns, emps disarming remote C4s, vehicle weight adjustments, etc.
  12. I can still hear the screaming on TS to this hour
  13. Did you try left-clicking?
  14. I'm still wondering what tank play would be like if all vehicles had the same weight treatment as the GDI APC.
  15. ^Silo needs to be put somewhere else or just remove it.
  16. Poked around again for a bit. Looking pretty nice, but: 1. Harvesters are completely broken. GDI harvy almost always gets stuck, and Nod harvy drifts off to the PP for some reason. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 851CD2124/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 0FCCD28B8/ 2. Bike PT should include text specifying "recon bike" and cost, like the Titan PT on crash site. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... D5F9A4971/ I'll go through it a bit more later.
  17. 5.15:
  18. This happens to me frequnently with the officer chaingun, and occasionally with the autorifle.
  19. boxes

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    I actually want to take back the things i suggested about adding more paths. Today when we played Snow in a 13v13, both teams were without vehicle production, and it was some of the most fun I had in a while. Both teams were pushing each other back and forth in the vehicle tunnel while farming the vehicle crate, and when Nod gathered a rather strong tank force, a triple SBH nuke caused the whole entire Nod team to charge in and ended the game with both teams having a total blast. This map just doesn't work with 40 players, but can be very fun when the player count dips down during EU sleep time. And tbh that's perfectly fine. I would suggest perhaps moving the WF back a tad bit, as it can be rushed easily in one sprint meter from any of the Nod buildings.
  20. There's not enough manpower in the dev team for modeling and such to fully reskin the game. It's been discussed before, but at this point there's no motivation to move away from c&c. Getting in contact with EA is a more easy and realistic way to expand the playerbase.
  21. This map could use some clutter in the vehicle path. It's a bit empty and vehicle slugging is dull. Tib field side is fine though. Silo kinda feels like it's just slapped on the side of the map. This map easily ends up in a sniper fest, but it's just how this was designed so I don't think you can do anything about it.
  22. boxes

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    The problem with this map is that there's only one inf path and one vehicle path. The infantry "path" is too claustrophobic and it doesn't do much. But yeah, more sneaking options means more paths, and that's what this maps really needs atm. If possible you can add another vehicle path or two somehow that would be great. There's also a b2b spot at the very back of the Nod base where they can shoot through a window to hit the wf.
  23. And about any other infantry. Offtopic but: did I notice correctly yesterday that a Chem spy does no or reduced damage an enemy chem trooper? Because that's a pretty cool detail. Chems are immune to other chems, and flame troopers are immune to flame tanks and maybe each other too. And yeah, Officers OP, not chems. Just point and click in a general direction and everything gets wiped out.
  24. Officers crush chems.
  25. No defense please. There's nothing more that stagnates gameplay than base defenses.
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