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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Kinda in the mood to throw ideas around. here we go: Reduce sidearm ammo by half and increase all infantry primary weapon ammo by 50%. Remotes detonation time should be set exactly 1.5 seconds after C4 is thrown. This makes engies less dangerous during suicide runs and a lot less effective in direct infantry fights. This change along with the sidearm ammo nerf will make roaming adv.engies more risky and a lot easier to deal with. An increase in headshot damage for all weapons will nerf snipers in close quarters. Gunners should have their splash against infantry returned to what it was before, but keep the damage the same. They're useless against infantry atm. Increase stank range and missile speed. Explained in the balance thread. Add more weight to APCs/Humvee/Buggy. They're too floaty and hard to control at times. All 1k infantry should have slight buffs. Hav/Sak - Faster reload time, 200 light/air armor damage in 4 shots, remove remotes Syd/Rav - Faster fire rate Mob/Mend - Faster fire rate, faster charge time All - 2 timed C4s To put it simple: 450 and 500 classes of both factions are better choices than 1ks. In fact, LCG makes Mendoza almost obsolete, and Patch is a better choice to use in the field than Mobius because of his massive range. Increase AT mine health, decrease price to 200. They get destroyed quite easily from splash damage from lets say, artys or meds. They're also quite an investment for something that a suicide engineer can accomplish.
  2. I think beacons vanish after you leave the game. During a pub on EKT a while back, we apache rushed the WF with nukes, and after several were planted the server crashed. I hopped back in and the WF was still standing and there were no countdowns. And GDI ended up getting like 7 apaches.
  3. Pretty much, it makes flame and med rushes a lot more dangerous. Basically it makes them reach the AGT/OB a lot quicker. Actually, I was thinking only the hill on the back of the GDI hill, not the bunker one. Mainly for artys. I was alsoo thinking of adding some clutter on Nod's side of the field for cover, but I don't know if this is going to be a nuisance or a benefit. Or a complete rework of the field to make it more bumpy like Xmountain to benefit lights a little more, as yosh mentioned earlier
  4. bar fireworks
  5. For the next patch, are we going to see any reworks of the airdrop? We've heard enough ideas on how to nerf it already, but if there's nobody working on this, can we at least get a simple price increase to 3x?
  6. Scoot the walls with the sniper ledge closer towards the base, for both entrances. Makes it easier to rush. Remove the Ref walls in both bases. Raise the hills slightly in the GDI side of the field so tanks can take better cover behind them.
  7. Looking great, any news on the no-fire bug? And yosh, my stanks pls
  8. When I play pugs in Team Fortress 2, a rule says that the captains must pick the teams as evenly as possible and they are always chosen based upon how well they know everybody's skill level, regardless how good or bad that captain may be at the game itself. We're not playing to win, we're playing so that everybody has a fun, competitive experience without getting completely stomped. Fun experiences bring back players for future pugs. When we pick teams, everybody goes to spectator mode while the captains duel in some form to get the first pick or second pick. While picking teams, captains must tell everybody their decisions one by one as people from spectator join that captain's team. They choose in a 1-2-2-2-2... fashion until everybody is picked. After the teams are set, we don't straight up jump in to the game, we talk and decide who plays what role during the games, and also decide what strategies we're going to use. When we're done, we "ready-up" and wait for the other team. We do this before every map change. Another thing I think might be worth trying out is to flip a coin for GDI or Nod after a map is picked. Swapping factions after every map can lead to biased map votes.
  9. I like this idea. I'd be willing to host an Official server of each type and it will have no affiliation with CT or any other community other than the RenX official community.
  10. I honestly hope that the Hmrls and bike stay super strong against aircraft. So much fun using them against orcas
  11. Before, when they didn't have modified armor, sure. But now, aircraft are quite fragile and are countered by cheaper MG vehicles no it's no big deal anymore.
  12. There's a helipad in kenz's new map
  13. Range buff, and an increase in missile speed. I can argue about this for a long time, but again, to simply put it: for 900 credits, there are so many better options than a stank. Ex: Arty+Tech-massive range, massive damage. Instead of having one Arty dealing damage and one stank watching that med get chipped down to half health until it finally does something only to end up getting caught by a mobius nearby, how about 2 Artys to add 2x more of that damage? Cheaper, more reliable, easier. Or how about 3 Buggies+Engie-Ultimate MRLS/infantry/air killer. 1/3 of the price. Charge at a camping MRLS and they will miss all their shots if you zig zag. Sit next to it and gun it down. Blown up by something else? C4 the MRLS and bam, you still did your job. If you kill even one hotwire, you did your job. Instead of getting a stank to run down some annoying hotties or MRLS only to end up getting caught by a soldier, you can always grab a buggy to go hunting. Kill any infantry Tier 2 and above, you did your job. With buggies, you get three tries, and with a stank, you get one. Orcas? Buggies have the range, the hitscan, and the cost. Far better AA option. Stanks are really good at: Rushing, if not spotted. If anybody accidentally fires or if somebody takes damage, whole rush is fucked and all money goes down the drain. Sneaking a tech in a base by trading with an SBH Covering beacons. But even that's a little iffy; you only have one drive-through for crushes before the whole GDI team knows there's a stank there. And note that none of these are related to events occurring in the field. Increasing their range and missile speed with make them a more optimal choice for AA, more consistent damage against tanks and infantry, and would allow them to hide behind Nod's front line to add surprise damage (something they can already do, but at a risky range).
  14. My favorite maps are the ones without silos.
  15. Bringing this back up. Stanks are still underwhelming for their cost, and a lot of same problems still persist. A reason to buy them before 5.003 was for AA, but that's not really necessary anymore b/c APCs, Buggys, and lasers are way better at taking down air (range, hitscan). Another thing that annoys me is their wonky lock-on to orcas flying above them. I think this was mentioned before in another thread.
  16. Jeez, ???? seems to love Nod quite a bit. ;D Gah, I play too much.
  17. Just happened to me for the first time. Completely random, I didn't do anything weird before it happened.
  18. It just gets on my nerves when there's 5 snipers and a couple sydneys up there raining hell on the entire map, and there's nothing you can do about it except counter snipe.
  19. Also, just my opinion: I really, really don't like this spot: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 48D977513/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 9338D69B1/ (furthest I can go before OB starts firing) http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... B08924CB8/ It favors Nod because the AGT won't shoot at you, but still it's very frustrating to deal with.
  20. I think it's well known by now that there's something in this map that causes servers to crash. I'm not sure exactly what it is though, usually occurs late in a game when buildings are gone. Also, there's a B2B spot on the GDI wall where gunners can shoot at the Hand and PP. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 519D2B972/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... BDAE88558/
  21. On Islands, I kept noticing you guys giving up on hottie repairs. It was easy for us to stop your counterattacks because of that. Also, I think you all needed to call in a lot more airstrikes to assist in med pushes. Our plan on islands, for the most part, was to completely ignore SBH unless it's a part of a planned rush, and only buy techs+tanks while Tokiyo and DCG cover the tunnels. That's why we didn't plant any nuke in front of WF while we kept point whoring the ref. To be honest, SBH are not really good on this map because GDI's buildings are so close to each other.
  22. That's just going to make games last a couple more hours long.
  23. I kept pushing our team to buy apaches nonstop with techs, and we did, and got the bar. But then after that, everybody started doing their own thing. After we lost our Ref, we pretty much gave up. Only thing I knew was going on was an SBH c4 rush, but after we lost our PP, I heard the rush didn't go well. Throughout all of our games, we never really committed to any plans really. If we did, it took sooooo long for people to understand what was going on, and by the time we got organized, the other team figures out what we're doing and scrambles a counter. We also had no dedicated sniper.
  24. Not going to lie... rappelling sounds useless when we all already have parachutes. Airlifting vehicles MIGHT get considered down the line... like WAAY down the line. It could work with a movement penalty depending on what the Chinook is carrying. But still, I can see so many cheap spots being exploited.
  25. GDI oppurtunites on Under: 1. Able to sneak in Strip/Hon with smoke through hill 2. Able to rush OB with smoke through tunnel 3. Able to hit Ref/Strip from outside the base 4. Able to line up meds, mammys, and MRLS behind the rocks near WF to easily gun down vehicle rushes 5. The whole map is built to suit GDI tanks 6. Able to sneak into PP/Hon through back 7. Infantry hill/pipeline in GDI base has PLENTY of cover for snipers/patch/etc compared to Nod's little metal platform Nod opportunities: 1. Able to sneak into PP/ref though back
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