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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Server crash rescues GDI from light tank horde (~12, 4 meds instantly vaporized in tib cave)
  2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jPZ8WQEOWYFMPE4l5y0ptVnrwgP977DbqGCHgZEXzLg/ Originally I wanted to make this doc private, but I think it's best if I get opinions from the players themselves. After some discussion with other RenX vets, this is what we came up with concerning balance. There's still things out there that need some change, so if you have anything in mind, just say so.
  3. Hope it goes well.
  4. boxes


    Can confirm the damage hack. Three buildings went down in 15 seconds with one flamer.
  5. The method we have right now with some adjustments to vehicle limits and price works just fine, and there's no need to further change anything else.
  6. Because that promotes camping. If you're going to purchase something that going to progressively get more expensive, you're not going to want to risk losing your vehicle by moving out of your base.
  7. For airdrops, I think APCs should be 3x the price so there's more incentive to purchase buggys/hummers.
  8. There are also many changes to the map that I'm not very happy with.
  9. Have a set timer for when the remote detonates, and reduce remote explode radius. Also maybe reduce Engineer health to 75 and Adv.Engie health to 150. Increase all weapon damage to MCT by 5x.
  10. Completely one sided again. Maybe we should try randomized teams with a f1/f2 survey asking whether everybody is fine with the teams or not. And also teams are free to elect a leader if they want. This makes it different from what a pug game is supposed to be, but it's just impossible to know everybody's skill level.
  11. can't make it, exam on saturday
  12. Islands, not too much GDI can do once Nod gets a strong foothold in front of their base. I mentioned before that airstrikes will help a lot, but I didn't see many of those in the pug. It's just that: Artys are almost half the cost of meds, and can almost work as a frontline tank as long as they have techs backing them up. MRLS don't stand a chance on their own even with hotties, and APCs get absolutely wrecked. Once GDI can get meds up, their ref is probably already being hit by like 5 artys, and Nod by then should be rolling out flamers. Walls is a reason why I really want a stank buff. If they had the ability to more effectively deny orcas in a larger area and had better anti-tank capabilities, Nod can get a better hold in the field. I feel that the best strat for Nod is a combined SBH C4 and Arty rush in the early game. If that fails, Nod should do a mass tech+buggy rush, or whatever that is possible to at least destroy any one of GDI's buildings. Late in the game (assuming GDI has a full base) when GDI starts rolling out heavy armor and air, it'll be too difficult for Nod to anything in the field. Canyon is one of the best flamer maps, and is pretty decent for Artys too. If Nod controls the silo and gets a harvy ad, they can roll out flamers before GDI can get meds, and there's little GDI can do if that happens. Nod on the other hand, can counter meds with an Arty wall.
  13. Pug 11 - Incorrect config, was still fun. bong/yosh 3-0 Walls, Islands, Canyon, all wins by good D and tanking.
  14. I'll try to be there, but I'll be playing on my laptop
  15. Should be fine. Having only MG vehicles means no more building bombardment via armor, no more air, and best of all, no more tank rushes. APC rushes won't work if the other team is keeping a constant stream of tanks.
  16. On eyes, we should have done a fake tranny rush along with a gunner rush. 5 empty trannys circling hon while the rest of the team takes out the ref. That most definitely should have worked, but points still might not be enough. Or while our orca rush, we shouldn't have attacked hon right away. Instead try to take out all adv. infantry, and then a building.
  17. Whiteout, Nod's 5k point deficit comeback Eyes, Nod's wall of Raveshaws Complex and Walls were rather quick games won by GDI, Complex with a med swarm and Walls with an APC rush Ended up being tied 2-2. First two games won by bong/yosh, second two by nanas/minji
  18. 10th pug, best pug
  19. Anybody going?
  20. why must you torment me
  21. I think .rank shows your complete, total score ever since you started playing or something like that. The leaderboards are reset every month.
  22. Sidearms don't have the range and are a bit of an investment just to protect yourself from other infantry, but whatever, I don't really play GDI anyways. More easy gunner kills for me!
  23. Which is exactly what they should be. No, it's so bad, I just laugh how I can take out a seven man gunner rush with one LCG and watch all those missiles flying towards me and not doing shit. It's just not right. Patch can almost do the exact same thing as a gunner, but in exchange for building damage, you can actually kill infantry! And not fear the oh so scary shotgunner running towards you. Gunners should be weak vs infantry, but not completely useless against them. Excluding the extremely unlikely headshot you might land. Also, are we ever going to see more spammable radio commands? Destroy that vehicle, especially. I actually wouldn't mind either. Do we have anything in mind to replace the ramjet? I mean, maybe Havoc/Sakura could be the commando infantry the devs wanted them to be in like beta 4, make them start out with autorifles, but allow them to pick up any three weapons they might find in the field? And make the ramjet a crate exclusive weapon? Because it's kind of iconic in renegade.
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