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Everything posted by Handepsilon

  1. RypeL... you might want to improve the Mutator when you got the time. It's quite deadly for low pings that stands on a really fast moving platform... killed lotsa people in Coastal's hovercraft Emphasis 'when you got the time'
  2. The weaponless soldier The repairing Havoc The hoarding SBH
  3. Indeed, you can go name it Metropolis
  4. Nah, just the lighting stat. However if you... for instance... replace the actor that contains the light, the prompt will pop up in the corner of your screen Internal does not have static lighting tho
  5. not replacing but adding the code to the list GameplayMaps(Filename="CNC-Tutorial", Description="Tutorial",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic",MapImage="ing://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-tutorial") First it should be GameplayMaps(Filename="CNC-Tutorial", Description="Tutorial",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic",MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-tutorial") Second... I kinda doubt the image exists...
  6. Most codings are indeed in the Internal class. And yep, unfortunately it does need to relight... at least as far as I know. Changing a single number in static light will cause the Lighting needs to be rebuilt to pop up
  7. These map (ideas) are meant to be just for fun. While the map will be kept as balanced as possible, there will be chances that there would be imbalance. One thing in common is that it will deviate from the normal competitive CNC maps Links will be updated as necessary. As usual, Coastal comes first in the priority 1. CNC-JFF-RocketHill (WIP) Every man gets a Rocket and Missile Launcher in addition to their default inventory. Only spend the money for more health, cosmetic looks, and price. Try not to buy Gunner or Rocket Soldier unless you feel like it. Map will be divided to one tunnel, one hill, and one map extension for Silo and infantry haven. There will be AGT and Obi, but PP can be hit from tunnels https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing Basically a Gunner/RS rush map. Everyone gets Rocket and Missile launchers. Good for practicing Gunner Rushes Known bug, there will be kismet warnings when someone dies, because it keeps trying to give a dead pawn an inventory 2. CNC-JFF-Camouflage As the map suggests, the map will be filled with bushes for hiding. You can only rely on your magic recticles 3. CNC-JFF-FindTheBase A map filled with fake structures to hide in and hide your entire base. Find where the true buildings really are in the sea of fake buildings 4. CNC-JFF-BaseToBase Neighboring bases, free to B2B attack each others. Beware the constant siege. Nowhere is safe
  8. Is the Lighting needs to be rebuilt warning red? If it is, then there will be a possible huge performance hit
  9. hopefully you don't replace the UDKMenu.ini though if done right, it should be on the list
  10. Thankfully I took my time to apply collision to all my foliage trees, then use VehicleBlockingVolume to sort out the loose ends Shoulda just used a single BlockingVolume per tree tho, might be more optimized....
  11. I thought Kenz said this map was cursed... Ryz
  12. uuuuh, B0NG... you forgot to put the mine and vehicle limit for smaller coastal lol. sorry about nagging
  13. A super rare crate that gives you another primary weapon in addition to your existing one?
  14. Oh, and I'd like to inform you that for some reason, bots will proceed to buy Orca in the CoastalSmall, despite having flying vehicles disabled I probably forgot to add the MapInfo, but uh, will do it later
  15. As much as I'd like to have decent AI, I'd like to inform you that doing a decent... efficient AI that is both smart and not memory-consuming, will take time. Even I still don't quite understand the whole AI commands other than moveto(), IsAimingAt(), and similar things. This is not Unreal Engine 4 where you can simply use the AI tree, and even that is not simple if the game is this complex And with people usually playing online, this really is not a high priority. Game balance will always come first before spices such as AI (I call it spices because even OldRen doesn't have decent bots anyway and I read that originally there would be no bots)
  16. Dakuja's eyes is in process of reuploading due to the path not being rebuilt, resulting Nod spawning in GDI's base and GDI unable to spawn Also, I crashed the server again, this time due to B0NG mistyping the map name from CNC-CoastalSmall to CNC-CostalSmall anyway, fixed Eyes
  17. Um.... can you upload it on DropBox or something? I'm having trouble downloading the map due to the restrictions
  18. Beta 1 fixed that I think.... unless the spotting actor is not big enough
  19. It should be simple. Copy paster all the .int localization files and rename the extension to .deu. Then edit the .deu files as necessary https://udn.epicgames.com/Three/Localiz ... rence.html
  20. A smaller Coastal, made from blank template in 2 days edit : just a sec, fixing bugs
  21. Well, actually it's the buildings that spawns internal classes so I don't think Internal classes should be included in the mutator. Another problem I see is that the buildings are StaticMeshes with static lightings (you even needs to rebuild when you change their locations)
  22. class Rx_BuildingModified extends Rx_Building should be... class Rx_BuildingModified extends Rx_Building;
  23. uh... post your link here. B0NG will update the list and delete the link after
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