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Everything posted by Handepsilon

  1. Oh God... Regarding sx's problem, I just remembered that I play on medium settings, and I set one instance to medium detail and another to high to save memory for lower specs. It is obvious that sx was looking at the 'High Detail' grass which did not show up for me since I play on medium settings.... Hold up, will fix the material ASAP
  2. sounds quite severe trouble.... hmmm, just for double check, install the UE3Redist in your binaries folder About volume, it works similar with add/subtract thing. It depends on your builder brush
  3. Mostly gameplay and balance feedback ! Can we expect your map any time soon as well? Edit: new version of crash site uploaded. First I need to complete the dam interior and the tunnel system. at this phase there's no point in testing it yet. That kinda sounds like what Ruud should do with his ship
  4. yeah, reason why there will be the overload system Also, Nod's main huge disadvantage is their large... stretched base. GDI actually had their base at strategic points with 2 choke points as entrance. Of course, this all can be proved when we have a huge set of players playing in this map for real. 5vs5 would do fine maybe
  5. Since the Dev hasn't answered, I might be able to speculate. This is most likely the issue of Anim Tree asset that gets the character into sprint animation using an AnimTreeNode that checks speed, then decides to switch the animation. I believe it's called AnimNodeBlendBySpeed. Look up the Character's AnimTree in Content Browser
  6. Oh, that's the grass alright. I dunno why you're getting that.... it's fine on my end Btw, while Sxchmn was posting this...
  7. of course, if you want to make your own particle, you're welcome to try. I believe the beam emitter in cascade would do juat fine with distortion. Just look for Link Gun's beam material Or maybe you can try the volt-rifle's particle as well
  8. If ammo pack drop is going to be a thing, the tier needs to be looked out on. Like tier 2 drop gives a lot of ammo to tier 0, lots ammo but not as much as tier 0 for tier 1, moderate ammo for tier 2, and lesser ammo for tier 3... that way, freebies won't be abused as ammo source too much
  9. Ion storm? I think I may be able to work on it, and the lightnings too
  10. Eh... I dunno. My biggest complaint about Volts is because they run out of ammo so fast and at the most problematic moment...
  11. maybe I can help you with the Day/Night Cycle? I've worked on it once in other project, so I can get a thing or two done
  12. SBH that are IMMUNE TO BASE DEFENSES with PROXY are possible... Scary... Imagine it like this *Spy SBH walks in, sees a Tech mining* Spy SBH : Hey Tech, what are you doing? Tech : Mining, duh Spy SBH : Can I help you? Tech : Uh... sure? *Spy SBH lays all his mines on the stack* Tech : Thanks.... but wait, aren't you supposed to be an SBH? Spy SBH : Uh... yes, why? Tech : How did you get mines? Spy SBH : I.... always have it around me... why? Tech:.... Spy SBH : ... Tech : SP.... *boom, boink* Spy SBH : Uuuuh, well, nice to meet you too
  13. Taking a break from Coastal for a moment, just to show an idea of mine
  14. Meh, I just DL'ed TS and my Skype messes up all the time. So ok, IRC LOL, just don't buy vehicles from the 'external' PT. It works, but then you'll be away from base Can we make it so that this volume refers not to the standard PT camera, but to a new PT camera with a custom 3rd box in the sky? That'd be cool.. I also wonder if it's possible to create custom buttons etc then, we would have a complete custom PT menu then Not sure. I believe those things are hard coded. Will have to look further
  15. Meh, I just DL'ed TS and my Skype messes up all the time. So ok, IRC LOL, just don't buy vehicles from the 'external' PT. It works, but then you'll be away from base
  16. ....wait, shouldn't the instigator goes to Player Owner instead of External Interface? Anyway, yeah, that's still my homework. Hehe ^^;
  17. So, as some of us know, we seem to like inserting gimmicks in our map, just to name the few 1. Crash Site has meteor crash and destroyed WF that produces Orca for both team 2. Reservoir has Repair Pad and is/was planned to have rising water 3. Coastal has 3 Obelisk on field and Hovercraft and is considered to have Power Plant overload method So I wanna know if you guys would ever have idea to make something special for a map... for example these are some ideas that crosses my mind 1. Night/Day cycle w/ flooding sea 2. Ion Storm 3. Survival Map Note : this is just some idea pot. Doesn't mean it's gonna be implemented anytime soon
  18. No... If you look at the TestMap_MP in the SDK, you'll see a PT OUTSIDE the building, on a wall. Then if you try looking with wireframe view, you'll see an invisible model of PT, which is an actor, I forgot what it's called. But it certainly is not the visible PT screen static mesh on the wall... BTW, if you want to help me build lighting, I'm gonna appreciate it. It takes about an hour WITHOUT lightmass. God knows how long it will be with lightmass
  19. TF2 is FPS... or are you talking about something besidea Team Fortress?
  20. No, I didn't. I use the broken PP static mesh on the map, which only has 2 PT and 1 MCT (which you only touches to activate for now). It doesn't count to building destruction so... in other words, you have 3 PPs to defend. One of which is non-functional, indestructible, and not counting to objective. It's also protected by turrets (LOTS OF THEM)
  21. I.... don't know if I should take it seriously or not... Anyway... Airdrop needs fix too. Basically sometimes it bugs to negative (why not just clamp it to 0 anyway) and it refuses to work after changing team from a team that loses Strip and then lost WF afterwards
  22. That actually sounds nice as long as it doesn't turn RenX into a ninja game (everyone wielding a knife just to get to places... like CS)
  23. Yeaaah, that's kinda saying that Stank is stronger than Light Tank when rushing head-long
  24. Hey, chill. Dev would like to have little spread, but even that, the OldRen veterans wouldn't have it. Since I'm not a sniper and they know Renegade better than I do, I just shut up (no really. I'm not being sarcastic. I really do think I have no say about it)
  25. ...because this is not CS or CoD? I really don't have a better explanation about that...
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