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Everything posted by Handepsilon

  1. I believe UDK is Nvidia favored. I got 20 FPS on my lower spec computer on 1/4 populated server
  2. Requesting 2 last demo recording of Eyes plz? Also, the IRC bot is offline
  3. While first Test Night was quite a success, today's event was really deserted. We've only managed to get up to 6, and it didn't even last long. It's safe to assume that today's quite a failure I hope we can get the server as crowdy, and even crowdier than last week. Remember, we're doing this every Sunday. Hop in when you feel like it
  4. 3k seems alright for the game, Although if it's all boxy you can optimize more to 1000, I believe. I think you can unwrap and stitch it piece by piece, as comfortable-looking as you can
  5. uh well... unwrapping takes patience. In my past experience I textured the high poly version as good as possible without unwrapping it (you're not even gonna put it in-game anyways. Then I project the texture AND the poly detail with the unwrapped low-poly version to form the normal and diffuse map. Projection are not always that easy due to all those raycheck misses, but you're gonna need it for the normal map anyways so make it as great as possible What's the poly count of your tank btw?
  6. I guess it's just a matter of photoshopping. Maybe put some metal texture overlay or such like that...
  7. FAQ Q : The custom map doesn't appear in my Skirmish Menu A : You have not set the UDKmenu.ini file to include the corresponding map. It is a matter of Copy and Paste, but for simplicity sake, just click F5 and type 'open [mapname]' replace [mapname] with your custom map name, including the 'cnc-' prefix Q : I get an Ambiguous Package warning A : You put 2 same files in different places. Check your game directory and delete the file that has been wrongly put Q : Some textures are missing and I can't play online A : You either didn't install the package, or you have an ambiguous package issue or your package is outdated, OR you have placed the packages in the wrong place. Though the later is not very likely, always check if you have installed everything properly Q : I see UDKGame folder in the zip file A : Some people like me tries to save you the trouble on placing the files on the right place one by one. Now all you need to do is insert the UDKGame folder to the game directory. Have it 'overwrite' the folder Q : The UDKGame folder is inside another folder that is not related to the game's own folder. A : Only extract the UDKGame folder. Skip the parent folder Q : I'm stuck in the loading screen A : Your game is precompiling the shaders of the map. It only happens the first time you play it. In online game, you might get disconnected once. Simply rejoin
  8. Ah, the custom maps.... Many has managed to figure out how to install these. Here, I will try helping the minority who hasn't managed to get it right 1. Open up the compressed packages 2. Open up your game directory, to UDKGame folder 3. Extract the files in this manner a. Files that ends with .udk goes to UDKGame/CookedPC/Maps/RenX b. Files that ends with .upk goes to UDKGame/CookedPC/RenX. From then on, most people will tell you to put it into the Environments folder. Do so, unless the creator tells you to place it somewhere else c. Files that ends with .u only goes to UDKGame/CookedPC. During online play, it is not necesary because the files are usually small enough to download. But you need this for Skirmish d. Do NOT replace .ini files. This will change your settings. Instead look for any changes necessary and place it on your own .ini file under the same filename That's it. You're done! Now you can go open this map by clicking F5 then type open [mapname]. Don't forget to include the 'CNC-' prefix as well
  9. Sounds like you have something against Marathon. I'm not much of a fan of it and my first game was AoW... but Marathon server is currently the most popular now... I mean yeah, Field and Under might be quite tedious... but I think most people are getting used to EKT mine limit (one time someone dissed on TmX's low mine limit and call it unplayable)
  10. It's out already. Maybe go download the maps and check on Sunday. Where we (try to) hold the Test Night. Of course you're free to extend your wait until the autodownloader is up
  11. Updating All maps Coastal : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing Coastal Small : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing Rocket Hill : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing Also fixes any problem for those who installs Coastal first then Coastal Small or Rocket Hill. They share same packages, but Coastal once had the most up to date ones. Now all of them are up to date
  12. Ok, let's revamp your script. All modifications are in bold //============================================================================= // FoliageCollisionVolume: a vehicle collision solution // used to collide certain classes of actors // primary use is to provide collision for non-zero extent traces around static meshes // Created by Pinheiro, https://forums.epicgames.com/threads/913559-How-to-enable-collision-on-foliage // Heavily modified by Ruud033 //============================================================================= class FoliageCollisionVolume extends Volume placeable; var BlockingMesh CreatedBlockingMesh; var Array SpawnedBlockingMeshes; [b]var bool bBlockersHaveSpawned //Check if blockers have already spawned. If it has, no need to spawn more[/b] [b]var Array VehiclesInVolume;[/b] static final function vector MatrixGetScale(Matrix TM) { local Vector s; s.x = sqrt(TM.XPlane.X**2 + TM.XPlane.Y**2 + TM.XPlane.Z**2); s.y = sqrt(TM.YPlane.X**2 + TM.YPlane.Y**2 + TM.YPlane.Z**2); s.z = sqrt(TM.ZPlane.X**2 + TM.ZPlane.Y**2 + TM.ZPlane.Z**2); return s; } //Search for each tree apart, the code goes trough the volume and searches each tree. event Touch( Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal ) { local InstancedFoliageActor ac; local InstancedStaticMeshComponent comp; local vector loc, scale; local Rotator rot; local int i, j; super.Touch(Other, OtherComp, HitLocation, HitNormal); If(Other.IsA('Vehicle')) { [b]VehiclesInVolume.AddItem(Vehicle(Other)); if(!bBlockersHaveSpawned) { bBlockersHaveSpawned = true;[/b] //look for the InstancedFoliageActor foreach AllActors(class'InstancedFoliageActor',ac) { //iterate through the various foliage components for(i=0; i { comp = ac.InstancedStaticMeshComponents[i]; if (comp.StaticMesh.BodySetup != none) { //iterate through the various meshes in this component, if it has a collision model for (j=0; j { //decompose the instance's transform matrix loc = MatrixGetOrigin(comp.PerInstanceSMData[j].Transform); if (ContainsPoint(loc)) //check if this instance is within the volume { rot = MatrixGetRotator(comp.PerInstanceSMData[j].Transform); scale = MatrixGetScale(comp.PerInstanceSMData[j].Transform); CreatedBlockingMesh = Spawn(class'BlockingMesh',ac,,loc,rot); CreatedBlockingMesh.StaticMeshComponent.SetStaticMesh(comp.StaticMesh); CreatedBlockingMesh.SetDrawScale3D(scale); SpawnedBlockingMeshes.AddItem(Spawn(class'BlockingMesh')); } } } } } } } } //Destroy the spawned meshes once untouched event Untouch( Actor Other ) { local int i; Super.Untouch(Other); [b]for(i=0; i < VehiclesInVolume.Length; i++) { if(Vehicle(Other) == VehiclesInVolume[i]) VehiclesInVolume.RemoveItem(i--, 1); }[/b] [b] if(VehiclesInVolume.Length <= 0) {[/b] for(i=0; i [b]<[/b] SpawnedBlockingMeshes.Length; i++) { SpawnedBlockingMeshes[i].Destroy();//if bNoDelete is set to false in defaultproperties; this deletes it SpawnedBlockingMeshes.Remove(i--,1); [b]// Hande's note : This is not necessary as the below function will automatically empty the array[/b] } SpawnedBlockingMeshes.Length = 0; [b]bBlockersHaveSpawned = false;[/b] [b]}[/b] } defaultproperties { bColored=true BrushColor=(R=0,G=255,B=255,A=255) bCollideActors=true SupportedEvents.Empty SupportedEvents(0)=class'SeqEvent_Touch' } Something like this. Just fix things that needs to be fixed EDIT : Replace : for(i=0; i < VehiclesInVolume.Length; i++) { if(Vehicle(Other) == VehiclesInVolume[i]) VehiclesInVolume.RemoveItem(i--, 1); } To : VehiclesInVolume.RemoveItem(Vehicle(Other));
  13. EKT is always full in its' prime time (11 hours from now) while a few are either on TheMatrixRen or Testing Server (Ironically some of us TmX members decided to have fun on the latter)
  14. My FPS is NOT okay tho. hovering from 8-10 Also, need PT scene
  15. Hmmmmm try foreach spawnedblockingmeshes(mesh) or. add local integer (i) and replace that foreach with for (i = 0; i > SpawnedBlockingMesh.length; i++) { SpawnedBlockingMesh[i].Destroy(); } SpawnedBlockingMesh.Length = 0;
  16. You forgot Class in foreach SpawnedBlockingVolume (see allactors foreach for reference)
  17. Beta 0.2.3 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing Patch Changelist - Fixes Giant Turrets having Hovercraft's weapons - Adds more rocks on Hovercraft tunnel - Adds Obelisk blocking rocks to prevent Obelisk from sniping GDI on the Refinery weak spot cliffs - Darken water, increasing water plane size to match with the texture tiles
  18. Next installment of Coastal, more bug and glitch fixes
  19. Ok, thx for the cleanup btw. It won't happen again. I'll PM Thommy next time
  20. One problem : There is no thread about Training Yard
  21. I guess it's official now. We're going to start the event to each Sunday afternoon in US Time, which means the start of evening in Europe (but you can come in later if there's still more peeps). Our last Test Night got us up to 8-9 in Eyes and Training Yard. Here's a compilation of Screenshot taken by SuchConquer/EWandelart http://www.thematrixren.net/index.php?/ ... p-testing/ Of course, it's open everyday so you can come in outside these dates
  22. Sorry Dotts. After the incident with Tokiyo and sxmchn (he was still never heard from again btw....), we cannot risk breaking anyone else's game just for our own fun I'm gonna hard-lock the sandbox mod to only summon things from renx_game and UTGameContent and UTGame just to be on the safe side. This means no more summoning Titans unless it's implemented officially
  23. Uuuuuuh can you remove my mod from the server? I believe it's wrecking the game files for clients who doesn't have certain summoned packages.
  24. No, it can be done with PostProcessing as well, but the game has the option to turn it off. Might also be able to be done with thick fogs like my Coastal's rain cycle
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