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Everything posted by Handepsilon

  1. Tiberian Sun vehicle was specifically tooled to be OP. Besides, most of them does what the current vanilla vehicles do already No, we're not adding it in the current purchasable list ever
  2. Because that scale would be too enormous for me to come up quickly for the settings menu. When I tried giving HUD option in main menu, I ended up crashing the game several times because of slight mistype, and that was just an on/off button Also the fact that the Main Menu flash file was so sketchy I keep causing the app to freeze continuously whenever I tried to import in the rest of the essentials...
  3. Well honestly tank slots can go. I mean.... overview map has that info already and it's much more helpful
  4. Fffreak already noted this to me. Overview map's unfortunately bugged as well, though not in the same way. If anyone could help before I get home to do the fix, I'd like a to test these few methods out. Method 1 Start game Destroy the building Open the tab menu Method 2 Start the game with a destroyed building Open the tab menu Method 3 Start the game Open the tab menu Destroy the building Open the tab menu again If you can document this and any other method you can find, please let me know in details. Note that the time/order in which you open and reopen the tab is important, so I'd like you to take note on that for further reports
  5. I dunno, feels like the HUD's already bloated with so much info already....
  6. Stalemate doesn't just happen when both teams are good though. Sometimes it happens when neither of the team knows what else to do and neither side really make any meaningful progress and ended up just fooling about waiting for things to happen. A stalemate where things actually happen is great, but let's be honest, that doesn't happen in all stalemates.
  7. Let me just wrap this up by pointing out the most important thing Yosh has brought up : This is pretty much the engine with problematic vehicle physics and the nature of UDK wouldn't let us do much to rectify this. So..... yeah
  8. TS units are designed to outclass their RenX siblings. You'd have to forego balance if you want to add TS vehicles into regular purchase menu Even Wolverines wreck shit with extreme prejudice
  9. Mine Limits and Vehicle Limits have been hardcoded as mapper-exclusive iirc. I think that setting were deprecated because in the past, some servers decided to put mine limits far above/below the intended number by mapper Some parts are not hard-coded though
  10. Unfortunately Walls is waaaay to small and as soon as you're out of the allowed area, you're dead in 5 seconds You need a big open map to enact a proper dogfight Also, Airfight UT mod might be something you want to look at. It's a UT99 mod where the entire gameplay revolves around dogfighting
  11. Rewarding aggression is fine. Overrewarding it on the other hand, is not. Yes, you want the bulk of your army to be on the offensive, but as I said time and again, there really is next to no point in actually staying in base other than being a voluntary 'better safe than sorry' squad and mining, of which there is almost no reward other than a few random VP and surplus money... mostly because of your lack of purchase. It's not as bad in maps like Island or Lakeside, but then you have maps Like Field or Under, both of which really overrewards offensive play by giving a mean to farm harvester, hold the tech building, farm crates. The two maps were very much not geared for any form of defensive play other than mining, which is not exactly as vital too considering the huge-ass tower that annihilates everything. In fact, by the time you're pushed to defensive, you can only pray that your enemies make a mistake and give you a good opportunity to come back. If not, you can have fun getting locked in the base with small resources and no way to exit to the field, all the while your VP is penalized while your opponents' are boosted up. You can argue that airstrike could be the way to open a wedge, but let's also not forget that your opponents can similarly do the same thing, and with more cash, they can do that twice as often with less risk
  12. Handepsilon

    CNC jokes

    Here, I'll do you guys better. Q : What is the most essential part you need to place next to every single vital structures and defenses in your base? A :
  13. This is a really old topic (3 months old) and unfortunately the problem you described had nothing to do with the original problem. (Vehicle destruction and PT lag are both known and different problems altogether) Topic locked to prevent further necro
  14. Yeah, harvy denying is one of my biggest issue.... although it wouldn't be complete Under/Field clone without Tech Building in the heavily contested field in the map... which just makes the reward even bigger
  15. This honestly is more of a Renegade X thread, but I'll say this. VP system is a good stalemate breaker, but it also adds to the whole snowball problem on top of the Tech Building, Base destruction, Base locking, etc. etc. Yes, skilled players should benefit, but they already benefit from many other things in the first place. Field control will earn them 1. Base locking and harvester denying, which will earn them ... 2a. Crate Control and Tech Building, and... 2b. More money than the opposing team, which will earn them... 3. More vehicles and infantries, which will... 4. Allow them to destroy building, which will... 5. Deny enemy team more armaments to work with, which will... 6. Allow them to easily destroy more buildings, which will.... you get the idea In all honesty it's not that VP system is problematic. It's the combination of the entire thing that's becoming a problem
  16. Ah I see. Ok, I'll check it out, but probably won't come up in next patch Menu already gave me enough trouble as it is...
  17. It's actually bindable I think. It's just meshed together with Crouch key (correct me if I'm wrong tho)
  18. Except turrets and stationary defenses that doesn't count as necessary buildings are vehicles. Vehicles are dynamic object for which a lighting (and not 'lightning'. That's like the electric shock that comes from the sky ) build is not necessary. But that'll require a new update though
  19. Well if it's just resolution, then maybe, but considering I only have one 1366x720 monitor in my laptop, it's unlikely for me to be able to test it at all
  20. Considering we don't even support multi-screen, I doubt we can pull that kind of thing off
  21. It's... common sense. That's my reason. I'll list the more detailed reasons then 1. SBH is a stealth assassination unit which inherently screams 'Glass Cannon'. Self regen on glass cannon where that isn't common is just plain weird. It would be more plausible to give them to LCG, given their (previous?) status as man-tank 2. It costs around 400 credits 3. It has laser rifle, a weapon with INFINITE ammo and damages EVERYTHING NEAR-EQUALLY. Self regen is just more reason not to refill, on top of already killing stuff and looting their packs 4. it already like... rewards you for being stealthed. I'd probably think about it if you cannot stealth AND regen at the same time. (X) button comes in mind PS : My last post was kinda half a joke. I kinda edited a bit to complete it.
  22. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE Nope Nope NopeNopeNopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopecan you hear me? still saying nope. nopenopenopenope.....................
  23. Sinkhole When I patch Coastal holes I might suggest that too if there are enough players lol
  24. We're putting the team chat back to the top and the death log to its' original position. It's still going to be separated from the Radio due to the constant spam that occurs a lot of times when people Q-spot things a lot (building Q Spot spam comes in mind....) And we're also increasing the chat limit. We realized that the chat limit was too low that old chat gets removed too quickly (note : 64 is still a terrible player count, boooooo) It's not that. It's basically the fact that due to the changes on how building list is changed in the background and the visual change of the list itself, I don't know how to handle the tech building in the HUD and more specifically, where to put it in the first place because the original spot is filled up already Alignment aside (Havoc's a bit iffy even if I miss 1 pixel off the alignment lol), that spot will not work on certain aspect ratio. even in 5:4 ratio, the current spot already works terribly that I had to cook things up a bit more on that aspect..... without causing the font to be too small to see in lower res (previous iteration was TERRIBLE to look at in 800x600, and downright unreadable in my previous low end res, which is 640x480) As a proof, here's one example relayed by a player from discord : That being said, I also cooked up a new UI settings for the next update whenever they come around which hopefully would be able to scale the elements enough to alleviate these kinds of problem I also realized that using Digital counter for those info is kinda terrible, because they look too thin. So I replaced them with this (visualized in Flash). Still on the same spot tho, but Havoc realigned them again and increased the size
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