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Everything posted by testman

  1. Yes. That's why the default value should be ridiculously high, so that it's practically an opt-in system. But have it very-high-limit instead of completely just opt-in, because AFK players, sneaky bastards and people who shoot tunnel exit with MRLS the whole match can hoard quite a lot of credits without intention of using them. Therefore team gets a chance to use those credits for some better purpose. I think 5k would be the right limit, because it is way more than you can possibly usefully spend, unless you were planning to buy Mammoth tanks for your whole team, or if you were planning to use Mendoza as suicide bomber 5 times in a row. Someone could take your overflow credits without your explicit approval, and you could take someone's overflow credits, and none of you would waste each others time. Because some people have very interesting selection of symbols in their name, and I don't want to lose 20 seconds just typing in the name or attempting to find the bastard on esc-menu list. I mean, if I have the credits to donate, and he wants the money, shouldn't he be doing the busywork instead of me? Which means more action for everyone, since I don't have to stop mid-battle to donate to someone who is at PT waiting for donation. Yes, I make a lot of typos, and those typos can cost me precious seconds in the middle of the battlefield. Or I could just hoard credits and watch people wait for their tanks while we lose our base.
  2. How hard would it be to implement this: Give player an option to decide what's the minimum amount of credits they want/need. Credits beyond that minimum become available to other players Implement a "team fund" counter, that shows the sum of how much all players have gone beyond their own specified amount Implement a "withdraw" function into game menu, which allows player to instantly transfer from team fund to his own credits count Either try to take equal % from each player that has available credits or take credits so that every player with available credits is left with equal amount Set default minimum amount to something very high, like 5k, so that only players who opt-in and serious hoarders can give their credits away It's basically reverse-donations, and it's way faster than asking in team chat for donations and faster than using either CLI or GUI for giving donations. Would this be a good idea? >inb4 get out with your communism
  3. I still think we should go trough with some promotion project, like Make Ren-X Great Again. Or we should invent some RenX dank memes and start spreading those. Some interesting parts of internet say that meme magic is real, and that it was used to meme Trump into office. If they managed to do that, then we can also use some meme magic to make people come play RenX.
  4. I'm glad that someone else thinks this is a good idea. This is my post I made at the start of this year: Also, would it make sense for Q-spotted units to appear on the map (when you press M) for few (4-5) seconds?
  5. I had fun on Whiteout and Complex, but Walls was not that enjoyable for me. However the part where we tried to kill Mammoth with 6 APCs was fun We med rushed at silo side, started hitting airstrip tower, but it got heals soon enough, so someone said "shoot the HoN" clearly and loudly. It took about 5 seconds for everyone to switch target. I know that 5 seconds is relatively short time, but like Quincey said, seconds decided. If we were more coordinated at focusing fire, we would probably have won Complex. Still, had fun.
  6. "That's it Gliven, that's it. You are in way too deep. However, I like it" - Yosh This quote gets the "Quote most in need of a no-homo clarification" award.
  7. I did state in pre-PUG that I am not a good commander. My knowledge of map-related tactics is not good enough and therefore I am not confident that my tactics will be effective. There is one thing that bothers me: do I have to explicitly specify that group of tanks needs heals? That's an example of what I meant in my previous post. Repairs on tanks should be something that does not have to be specifically ordered for. Anyway, I would be glad to hear your feedback, what can I do better, how can I improve my commanding skills? Edit: Well fuck me, just now after watching our side of Volkano, I saw that SRVD (dude with the nuke) actually said in team chat that he died, and that was few seconds after he confirmed that he is in position.
  8. How do we make people play better as part of a ? I mean, I have absolutely no problem when commander doesn't call us by name when dedicating roles and tasks, when making groups but instead just says, for example "we need 2 people defending, 2 people sneaking, 5 people driving meds and one to pilot tranny". I personally can extrapolate from team chat which roles still need to be filled and then I chose a role/task that I prefer most. (this is why I always express the wish for quality team communication) But from my experience so far, people are not that good at this (let's call it "hiveminding"). Would it be possible to make people be better at self-organising? Also, if we are up for it of course, could we try hierarchy with squads today?
  9. So, are we doing it today? One thing that should be done before PUG starts is very good com check. I think it would be good idea to evenly spread players with microphones among squads.
  10. I think having squads is definitely worth a try. Having squads would make logistics easier. It's not necessary that all quads are the same size. If we have full server (20 players per team), you could have 7 people in offensive squad 1, 7 people in offensive squad 2, 3 people in special- ops squad, 2 people in defense squad and 1 commander. TeamSpeak has the "Channel Commander" and "whisper list" options, so we would need to get some TS configuration going before PUG. And communication among squad leaders (and also commander) would have to be insanely good, since they had to relay some important messages from their squad members. Say if mines go down or beacon gets deployed, you usually say/type the location or say/type that building is safe. With hierarchy, for that kind of info to get to me, it would have to go from squad1 member -> squad1 leader -> my squad leader -> me. It takes way more time than if some squad member starts yelling into mic and get everyone's attention. He could Q-spam the shit out of it, but that wouldn't mean that rest of the team will interpret his message in time. So maybe there should be some agreement as to which communication channel should be used for which kind of info. But anyway, I would like to try out squads. It doesn't matter how messy it gets with communication.
  11. Probably no PUG for me today.
  12. Looks nice. Reminds me of Nuclear Dawn. Still does not look as fun as RenX to me (not enough vehicle combat and setting not sci-fi enough)
  13. If it looks expensive, blow it up. We need need to blow up their expensive shit! - Yosh
  14. How I would describe myself: + Drive tanks well, prefer being in vehicle over being infantry + Quickly respond to rush gatherings + Quickly respond to base defense stuff (when rush or mines get called or C4 on MCT) + Understand enough meta game to know the priorities on most of the maps + keep an eye on team chat 95% of the time, therefore I mostly know what is going on across the map (knowledge is power - Only occasionally check mine count - can't aim for shit as infantry, can't snipe - get very salty if team can't into teamwork - get angry at people doing unproductive shit, stop playing seriosuly if I see too many just people fucking around - give up at first sign of opposite team being better than my team
  15. >What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? >Do you mean an African or European swallow? How do you know that? Are you a king? How did you become king? Well I did not vote for you.
  16. >mfw IRL friends are all either normies or CoDfags I think that getting some Youtube people to play RenX would be very good publicity.
  17. Voltex uploaded recording of our perspective of Field PUG match. Enjoy hearing my rage at certain moments. Also, one match before that, Walls snow. We were Nod. We lost because Airstrip and then PP. So I took some time to analyse what Voltex recorded. 31:31 - Mines get called, team acknowledges. 31:35 - HoN reported looking fine. 31:38 - PP reported OK, therefore only Ref and Airstrip unchecked. 31:44 - Since I am in Apache and can therefore quickly move around, I call dibs on checking Ref because it's further away. 31:50 - I report Ref OK, at the same second we figure out it's Airstrip. 31:57 - Airstrip blows up All this brings up the important question: What the fuck was the other Apache doing? At 31:45, we knew it's not PP and most likely not HoN. I was on the way to Ref before I reported it in chat, so dude saw where I am going. That leaves you with one building to check. So why the fuck is he just chilling around at vehicle spawn? I am very confident when I say that this guy could have turned the tide of the game by saving Airstrip. To get coordinated in this kind of fast search action does require some processing to do, but it's not some quantum physics that average human could not handle. Or am I overestimating what average human can do?
  18. Also, can we expect the glitch at 10:50 to get fixed?
  19. I'm asking myself the same thing. Probably something to do with the fact that I was tired AF. Hope you guys had fun.
  20. I made a list of what music I think that each RenX character listens to: NOD (they are more of technological faction, so they listen to more techno / EDM music): Soldier Shotgunner Marksman Flame trooper Engineer and also ironically listens to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp8hvyjZWHs Officer Rocket soldier Chem trooper Black Hand Sniper SBH LCG Sakura Raveshaw Mendoza Tech GDI (they are more 'murrica and heavy armor faction, so they listen to more rock music): Soldier Shotgunner Greneder Engineer Officer Rocket soldier Patch Mcfarland Deadeye Gunner Havoc Sidney Mobius - Probably listens to clasical music, but when in EDM mood listens to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0jk5ReXv1o or when in funky mood to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-WaSXrqqZ4 Hotwire Feel free to tell me if I managed to get or if I completely missed the type of music that characters would be listening to. Also provide your own examples. Together we can figure out which track suits which character the most.
  21. We were suppressing our power level.
  22. Well, our team agreed that we are going for the air rush, but because we did not take care of our harvester or silos, we didn't have enough credits for Apaches. When we started getting Apaches, Orca rush was already on it's way to us. Rush gathering was disappointing most of the time on our team. We needed way too long to get people together. But on Arctic Stronghold I was like "IMHO this team is awful at making rushes, please prove me wrong faggots". And they did. It was fastest, most organised and most effective med rush I have seen in a long time.
  23. How hard would it be to achieve this? So that you could access map overview trough browser on either same computer where Renegade X is running (useful if you have multiple monitors), or trough some other device in local network (for example laptop or tablet. Additionally, having commander mod work trough that interface (click / press on units and buildings to issue relevant commands) would be very awesome IMHO. Would it even be possible to implement something like that? Would it be useful for anyone?
  24. I managed to get stuck here quite a few times now. That's at the entrance to GDI base.
  25. any news about this? I have noticed that we currently have quite a lot of RenX footage on Youtube, but most videos have low view count, because we (RenX community) are the only ones watching them. Would it make sense to filter out few videos the best represent the current RenX game and post those to some wider gaming communities? (/r/gaming comes to mind)
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