I was on team Yosh, had fun and enjoyed the challenge.
In my opinion, communication on our team could be a bit better.
In final moments of Goldrush suddenly 2 nukes, at PP and WF without anyone on team knowing.
On Volcano, whole squad of SBH waiting in GDI base for what, 5 minutes? On the team of 12 people, that's very irrational.
Tony, if you plan to deploy nuke and there are 8+ SBH in GDI base, tell us about that, maybe we could cover it.
On the other hand, I hope that I'm not becoming too loud on TS. I try to limit my voice chat to:
- recon info (reporting on enemy activity)
- strategy info (sometime suggest plan of action, respond to strategical suggestions of other people)
- bitching about improper use of single voice channel