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Everything posted by testman

  1. "I know that's not a thing in Europe, but you guys gotta learn how to use emotions" - Yosh
  2. testman

    New Forums!

    Is it worth paying 30 burgerEuros per month? Also, whole previous site was made in phpBB 3? Holy shit. When I used phpBB 3, it was just to set up forums. I can't imagine how much code butchering was required to make it into full website. As freetard, I still think that it would be better to use Joomla or Drupal or Wordpress. But hey, I am still happy we got new site. Thank you for all the effort.
  3. Previous Youtube embeds are ded. Press F to pay respects.
  4. No PUG for me either. Please try to record both sides.
  5. Updated post with links to youtube. And you are right, somewhat. In Windows 10 I also can't see videos, in neither Chrome or Firefox. With Flash player enabled or disabled. On Linux I can see it just fine without Flash even installed. And thank you for recording from our team's perspective.
  6. Full first match from both sides: 0hWH-TAIaCg 9SEB5NkVVvI second match: ThYkhw0aRG4 8W9EKA88CT8
  7. No PUG for me today. Hope you guys have fun and have one guy recording on each side.
  8. I like the way you are thinking. I would play the game with those mechanics that you described.
  9. There are map testing sessions sometimes before PUGs. Or if there are map testing servers set up that have to-be-tested maps on them, you can join and test by yourself any time. Be sure to and report your findings here on forums in map-specific thread.
  10. I probably won't be able to join you guys for next two or three PUGs. Hope you guys have fun and record matches, so that I see what I missed.
  11. Awesome looking changes. If I understand correctly, veterancy will work per-player and VP will be gathered trough whole match, and it will not be lost when killed? In that case giving late-joiners some VP makes sense. Would it be possible to make a version of veterancy where VP is gathered per-character / per-vehicle with maybe x5 multiplier, but lost when vehicle is destroyed / character is killed? It would work much more like veterancy in RTS games, which does not necessarily translate well to RenX. Would that even be fun?
  12. I would very much like to see this happen.
  13. I think that's called "breakdancing", and this guy has some serious skill
  14. Take a look at Yosh's guide to Renegade X, it's very good guide-like-thing that goes into a *lot* of aspects of RenX.
  15. I'm pretty sure that I stole that quote form somewhere
  16. heh, reminds me of the ending to Maybe RenX could use some emotes. And while we are at that, just add hats and RenX overtakes Battlefield, Overwatch and TF2 in a week.
  17. I was on team Yosh, had fun and enjoyed the challenge. In my opinion, communication on our team could be a bit better. In final moments of Goldrush suddenly 2 nukes, at PP and WF without anyone on team knowing. On Volcano, whole squad of SBH waiting in GDI base for what, 5 minutes? On the team of 12 people, that's very irrational. Tony, if you plan to deploy nuke and there are 8+ SBH in GDI base, tell us about that, maybe we could cover it. On the other hand, I hope that I'm not becoming too loud on TS. I try to limit my voice chat to: - recon info (reporting on enemy activity) - strategy info (sometime suggest plan of action, respond to strategical suggestions of other people) - bitching about improper use of single voice channel
  18. physics (vehicles bumping intostuff, each other and running over people) are calculated server-side
  19. fix'd, thanks for notice
  20. AFAIK visual content is the easy part. It's the code that's hard to re-implement, since UE3 and UE4 are very different when it comes to that. To be honest, I think that making UE4 version of RenX would be a lot of work and result that would just split the playerbase. I think it's better to start working on a game with same intended mechanics (base construction, economy, commander interface...) and get that working. And then if that gets any momentum and playerbase, then make RenX / other C&C reskin of that. My thoughts on reskin: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76175&start=90#p161767 My thoughts in RTS mode: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=74695&start=15#p162331 My suggestion for FPS/RTS mode on Epic Forums: https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournam ... -game-mode Also Savage Resurrection was released to early access not long ago. It's an FPS/RTS hybrid with base construction, running on UE4, which is similar to what you are aiming to achieve, so if you want to look for some ideas and examples of implementation, SavRez could be a good place.
  21. Anything new with this promotion project thing?
  22. Did the accident make you colorblind? Like Ryz said, I wish you fast recovery, so that you can get back into this colorful world. Can we add interesting unit quotes to the selection of voice commands? Or maybe as automatic responses. Mobius electrifies 4 people and says " "
  23. Is that how Mammoth tank MKII gets made?
  24. Ok, here are some things that I found: On the map with the hovercraft: That's on the vehicle path between bases That's on the infantry path, I got stuck there I don't think that should be accessible Just a bit of floating geometry, nothing serious On CNC-City: You might have a blocking volume or two I don't think vehicles are supposed to be able to get there Fun place for a nuke
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