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Everything posted by testman

  1. testman


    i would totally donate to that.
  2. Because of immersion. I can get much more immersed in Renegade X than in RTS game where I am just some camera in the sky. Well, I support this idea of commander-base-building or democratic-base-building. It could be just one of game modes that are to come, not replacement for current Command&Conquer mode. (Why is it even called like that, there is no "command" in current mode) Well, back to Savage 2 I guess.
  3. Wait, what is actual legal status of Renegade X. What is agreement between Totem Arts and EA that they can use C&C name without fear of being sued? Can we see it? How come Totem Arts cannot accept donations? Since Steam has Greenlight AND Early Access category, I see no problem why Renegade X should not be put on Steam at this moment.
  4. What? No. I am against this idea of limitation. Temporarily, for open beta is fine, but I hope that 64 (or even more) comes back. There was one C&C game that had limited number of units. Guess what was it's name and how good was it. Hint I would like game to feel like I am one of units in actual big C&C game, not like some Counter Strike match.
  5. In "item" screen in Renegade X you can currently buy Nuke/Ion and airstrike. In video there are more options that are grayed out. Bottom two are two defense turrets. I imagine that those turrets would, when purchased, go on their appropriate places (like those empty metal things in middle and in front of base on map Walls) Could probably be re-purchased when destroyed. That is in some aspect, building base defenses, but main buildings remain as they are, destroyable-only.
  6. It seems that functionality like this for base defenses is already being worked on. Look at 2:32
  7. Do devs know about this idea? it could be one of the modes game modes. I would really like developers to consider implementing this idea. Also, were can I bribe donate money to Totem Arts?
  8. testman


    One of things I find missing to make this game uber-epic is lack of C&C music. C&C franchise is known for it's good music, and I think this game should be no different. Did devs think about adding C&C-like music? I know that there are a lot of sound effects and player commands to listen to, but so was in RTS C&C games, and music did not interfere with that. With getting actual soundtrack from any of C&C games there would also be legal problems, so I think that C&C-like music would be just fine. Unless we ask Frank Klepacki if he has some free time to make something for us
  9. What would be easier and/or better to do: Include base building into Renegade X or modify savage 2 into C&C themed game? I am looking for C&C themed game with Savage 2 gameplay for long time now. There is one thing that I have yet to see in any game at all, and that is democratic base building. So that whole team would be deciding how to build base, not just one person. Not like in Savage 2 where you have to hope that your commander knows what he is doing.
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