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Everything posted by Glacious

  1. That's alot of nice fixes and changes have to admit and Naval mines on Islands Hmmm will have to try this, and a version of Goldrush I will enjoy Nice work on it all peeps.
  2. Looks really good have to admit, Ice cave looks awesome, be good to get testing on this asap, Look forward to trying it.
  3. Okie Dokie, Assume all ok to use your release version and make one?
  4. Nice nice Ill get cracking and have a ganders
  5. Sounds good and can't wait to try this
  6. Hey All, Just finished doing a few loading screens and wanted to say that if any of you guys making new maps need or would like a loading screen made up just feel free to reply here or drop me a PM. More the willing to make as many as requested, also welcome to supply your own footage, would just need to be videos split into multiple sections as per the below video equating to a total play time of 10 seconds to keep with consistency or can be as short as a 2 second animation that gets looped until loading the map is completed, I don't mind loading up the map to record some footage myself if need be no biggy. Bare in mind that once the loading screen has been made you would need to include the finished bik video along with your maps final release into the following location: Renegade X\UDKGame\Movies M6Qm7Osn-Ws
  7. Oh my god that looks cool lol looks like a sonic defence tower to me or some kind off hmm satellite uplink?
  8. Looks good that, nice to see new objects being added in
  9. Looking forward to this map alot, roll on the pictures and testing
  10. Tried these new versions over the weekend and from what I can see great job all the previous problems have been fixed Good job Mr Thommy
  11. haha, That was not really a request although hmm fits nicely lol
  12. From watching this happen on maps quite a few times, I think at a bare minimum needs to be increased by 2 maybe even 3 seconds.
  13. One thing to add You can also drive up the rocks and over the barbed wire that is near the NOD airstrip (not in base other size of wall), I can upload a couple of screenshots once I am home tonight so can better show you.
  14. Hope so as this map has the seal of much approval from Glacious
  15. Love the sound of the bridge look forward to seeing this map.
  16. Post for all feedback and bug reports regarding Crashsite.
  17. Look forward to trying these one I am home from work Will see if we can get a few of us on one night and have a good run around and test on it as I think this weekend 2 maps have already been assigned for the map testing session, although nothing stopping us trying these after the PUG if people want to hand around.
  18. I really think the time needs to be lowered, I know of quite a few people that use and abuse this trick/glitch at the moment, and I for one see it has a huge problem/glitch as its totally unfair as hardly anyone knows about it and it totally bypasses the giant concrete walls on the map which are meant to limit the way into the base to only the main entrance. If the time was lowered I think that would fix it I mean you get a loud sound, flashing screen, and text in middle saying you are out of bounds, if players can see or realise that they are in the wrong place after 5 seconds they deserve to be killed/blown up tbh.
  19. Does looks nice this game with graphics card settings and ingame settings maxed. Skirmish, then open console then: fly togglescreenshotmode Take screenshot
  20. Thread regarding views and feedback about Snow.
  21. Thread for general views and feedback regarding Goldrush.
  22. Same here since the last patch not quite sure what is causing this
  23. Woohoo!
  24. Whatever does not cripple FPS on main menu I am happy for
  25. Once your loaded into the main menu the games spends I think around 5-10 seconds scrolling from side to side on an image and then moves onto the next one so it's like a continuous changing background which is what I like
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