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Everything posted by Glacious

  1. Once your loaded into the main menu the games spends I think around 5-10 seconds scrolling from side to side on an image and then moves onto the next one so it's like a continuous changing background which is what I like
  2. Hey All, Just wondering what other peoples views where on changing the main menu background on Renegade X on a more permanent basis as I know for me the very first instance when you load into a game and you find the main menu is abit choppy (FPS wise) I am assuming due to the water under the hover craft it makes me think if it's like this here god knows what the game will actually be like (All be it fine for me ) and also find it abit boring myself. Handepsilon made these different main menu backgrounds: http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75252 with scrolling cameras on and I think would be good to get a few of them alternating into the main game for some variation and not to menu makes the main menu in my case feel alot smoother without water in it. Below are most of the backgrounds I think would suit it well and maybe we could get a few views on what ones people like and go from there , also bare in mind all these below have animated flying cameras on so move in different ways 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18:
  3. Think is lets be honest the random/average player on most games really don't care to much about an online leader board so having a loss next to there name will mean nothing
  4. I meant the suggestion above for players that team change during a match should be changed back to there original team, I guess that main problem happens when people rage quit due to a building being destroyed and then the teams are uneven say 19 on NoD and 14 on GDI how do we even the teams and make things fair if people don't want to be switched to make things even. To me it seems odd people are willing to make the teams uneven and unfair just so they can play there preferred faction, and this is the reason things should be changed in my view.
  5. "Oh god , now thinks of Alien ship in the snow at night"
  6. I agree that Teamchanging should not be allowed once a game has started or is a few minutes in, there is really no need to allow team changes, if the teams become stacked one side or another the only way to do it would have a mod/admin change someone, or have a setting or kind of command/check that would allow the server to auto balance.
  7. Agreed I think a time set before the PUG would be good, I would also make sure people know these sessions are for testing purposes only and make them abit more serious not just sessions to piss around in and get to see new maps before hand.
  8. Really nice work there, hopefully get to see this is the flesh soon
  9. Nice work as always Don't know how you keep so many different maps all going at once lol surely be better to focus on one least that's all my brain can handle
  10. The reasons given as to why the ban was issued is not related to the above at all Tokiyo, if you want to come onto Teamspeak and have a word with Yosh about it feel free.
  11. As said my skills suck balls lol but I have uploaded the Photoshop PSD if anyone wants to fiddle with it or change it etc more than welcome, Also included the Renegade X original logo as a hidden layer incase you want to use it. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-NOJj7CdPP9cTlYYUJwY2s5V2s
  12. My photoshop skills are rather pathetic lol but had a free moment, I can edit/change things if need be but this any better?
  13. Balls! I would but I forgot I am off to see Star Wars (Finally) at same time as PUG should be Maybe to makes things different you could do the pug on the custom map server
  14. Xmas pfffffffffffffft like that's an excuse to cancel lol
  15. Gunner Para Drop -> SBH. Discussion Over.
  16. If felt so good being one of the gunners and it actually working
  17. Sadly I don't think anyone actually managed to get a recording of it Sad times, I plan to record every PUG from now on, got it all setup after the PUG so good to go for next week.
  18. Just saw this online and thought others may find it quite interesting, RIP Westwood Studio's, All be it they have been gone for some time, they did make some great games back in the day. https://vimeo.com/147144804?ref=tw-share
  19. Simple way round it is to just remove the "Recommended" part and let people download from any link, if one doesn't work for a player then then just try another link not that hard for them.
  20. Agreed good to hear that RypeL and hope you come back and find some new found interest Should come along to a PUG one Saturday evening and enjoy a few games.
  21. Looks cool that lol pitty isnt a simple click import to UE4 job done.
  22. Very nice that I have to say, Ill be downloading the map once home later on tonight to have a quick look around
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