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Everything posted by Glacious

  1. All removed
  2. What would be nice if there was a setting/command to enable it so that weapon drops became enabled once the Weapons Factory or Air Strip is destroyed.
  3. Thats all I needed to hear on the subject
  4. Hence I have a post up asking for clarification
  5. I will happily stream it as long as the Devs don't mind as end of the day up to them
  6. I have to say I really do like alot of the changes being implemented into Beta 4 but I would like to echo the above views/confusion over the Havoc/Sakura class. To me its quite an odd change to make, I know this is a team game as well as most of the avid fans of Renegade but we do get alot of new players to the scene and old at times who think they can solo destroy buildings with infantry and whilst this is possible it is also good fun and a challenge hence why so often you see a large bulk of the NOD team using Stealth Blackhands with beacons and Hotwires trying to sneak in as they can solo take down a building if done correctly, yet the Havoc/Sakura even with 2 timed C4's can't do this. I would have thought if the aim was for this to be a commando unit your better off giving them the ability to finish off a building completely?? I just can't see the unit being used in the way that you hope as if your wanting to infiltrate the enemy base I would still choose a hotwire with upgraded weapons which is a better use than a Sniper who can sneak in to the enemy base just to damage a building but not destroy one. I guess what I am trying to say is I would have thought you should either go completely one way or another either make the Havoc/Sakura a lethal Sniping machine or a full on commando with ability to take down a building. As it is it seems more of a middle ground half and half unit which again I don't recon with be used the way its intended. I will happily be proven wrong but thats just my personal view.
  7. CAPs ARE COOL BRO!!!!!!!!
  8. Must admit soon as he said C&C MMO I did think about Tiberium Alliances.
  9. Glacious

    Name calling

    Banter is banter
  10. Glacious

    Name calling

    Well said that man:) Its the internet and its multiplayer gaming, people from all sides need to lighten up.
  11. Glacious

    Name calling

  12. Glacious

    Name calling

    Hey Truxa, Just to get this correct, your changed your name to pretend/fake to be a bot ingame and as other servers tend not to have bots I am assuming you done that specifically on the EKT servers as the Marathon servers at low player count add bots to make the game more interesting so to speak, people like yourself and alot of the clan players can tell who is pretending to be a bot ingame but we have had many occasions on the server where people pretend/fake to be a bot by using the tag and then other less expereinced players ingame asking us to remove all bots or vote to do so. New players to the game won't understand the difference between a real bot and someone pretending all they will see is the tag. I personally think its a stupid thing to do to add the tag, just simply play with your real game name/tag aka Truxa like you normally do, and if someone calling you a "retard" online in a multiplayer game and you can't handle that and have to resort to making a forum post to make yourself feel better about it then maybe online gaming simply isn't for you. In EKT we always have a laugh and alot of banter goes on ingame and on TS/IRC if you have a problem or issue you where more than welcome to pop onto our clan forums (can't miss the web address its in the server name you join) and pop through a PM or pop onto IRC and message one of us, instead taking it onto an open forum I assume to gain traction or just get attention to me seems quite low. End of the day you where pretending/faking to be a bot ingame which is lame and a stupid thing to do to be honest, if you can't take the heat when doing stupid things like that don't do it.
  13. The only way round this really is if on GDI use a medium tank which will allow you to get under the harvester and carry it on top of the medium tank and as the harvester is it a stuck position its wheel will now move then for once its on top Of tank it should stay, then just drive it towards enemy and let them destroy it to get credits flowing again. If get stuck on NOD then use a APC/Light tank.
  14. Feel free to not watch every second of it as nade some right stupid descions lol and we maybe looking at more community wars or even public vs clan sessions in the near future.
  15. Was a good match I have to say, match doesnt start until 13:13 in that video and apologises from having to watch it from my point of view even if I appeared rather suicidal at times
  16. Hey Truxa, got your demo if you want a copy of it, can explain to you the basic viewing of it if you like, and will forward onto RypeL once I am home.
  17. Don't worry I have learnt from experience that there is no pleasing Goku Also love the idea of the Medals/Recommendations as did love that on the original Renegade.
  18. Will the Stealth Black hands be getting abit of balancing? aka when shot they will continue to glow as at the moment they seem rather over powered compared to the original Renegade.
  19. lmao do I even ask how you done that
  20. I have to admit I have done this but it was on my part a pure mistake, there seem to be various parts of the ref that do this, its not well not always an intended plant by a player as all you do its plant normally like you would next to any wall and sometimes it just like you have shown in pictures goes into the wall, seems to be random parts and only on the Ref sadly.
  21. lol that is all.
  22. No I can't see the official server maximum going any lower but recon its good to have a few servers abit smaller just incase people fancy it.
  23. It actually has the same IP as the old Fubar server doesn't it this new MoO server.....
  24. Hey All, Well I tend to agree as well as I personally much prefer the smaller games as it requires more teamwork to win. On that note we have setup a new EKT Renegade X server with smaller player cap. Server Name: EKT - MiniMarathon - EliteKamikazeTeam.Com - Euro Server IP: Players: 24 Hoping that having a smaller server will get some of the old school players in (including myself) who prefer the smaller more tactical style of gameplay. Hopefully 2 teams of 12 will mean more team work. Well at least thats the plan
  25. Was about to say the same, seems worse now
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