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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. 11 hours ago, j0g32 said:


    You could also use the tiberium (damage) volumes to trigger when to alloe collection - if you are not doing that already ;)


    This would not be practical due to the amount of tiberium in most maps compared to the actual harvesting node.

    Harvesters use this Navigation point as the determining factor for allowing Harvesting to commence.

    Harvester Tiberium Navigation Point

    As a property of the navigation point is the team number (0 for GDI, 1 for Nod) which means the harvesters drive to that point to collect the tiberium.

    Also many mappers use Tiberium Damaging volumes to deter players from going too far out of bounds or on top of rocks they aren't meant to be on top of (I.E Lakeside)

  2. Hi Challenger.

    I would recommend that you clear the current installation of Renegade X (completely removing all files) then try installing once more.


    If that fails, try downloading from the below links.

    These are full builds of the game (and are just Drag and Drop versions) but they will likely take a while to download due to the large file size.




    HTTP DOWNLOAD FULL [7z http://www.7-zip.de/]





  3. 5 hours ago, YagiHige said:

    EDIT: Also, we've been through this in another thread, but AirTower ease is balanced because lack of stealth, Barracks bottlenecks are balanced because of stealth, HoN and WF are balanced against each other, but Air and Bar are balanced against each other in GDI's favor because GDI can't be invisible.

    Definately not the case on Flying Maps compared to Non-Flying.

  4. 45 minutes ago, yosh56 said:

    Because we definitely need to play 30v30 Snow ..... ever. 

    We actually had a good match on Snow yesterday, Nod lost airstrip in first 3 mins of game, but still won the game over 30 mins later.

    41 minutes ago, Madkill40 said:

    Please remove walls snowing, it is waaaay too bright and the 'snow' still looks like sand.

    Its just White sand Walls.

    Lovely Xmas map but c'mon, 3 versions of the same map is not variety or interesting. 

    Remove Walls Snowing? Saves double/triple Walls conundrum.

    I have tried to balance the rotation so you end up with a reasonable gap between walls and other maps (since Walls is by far the most popular map).


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  5. Here is the Change health part


    class Rx_Mutator_NormalizeHealth_Pawn extends Rx_Pawn ;
    simulated event PostInitAnimTree(SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp) {
    	Super.PostInitAnimTree(SkelComp) ;
    	if (SkelComp == Mesh) { SetTimer(0.5, false, 'NormalizeHealth' ) ; 	}
    simulated function bool NormalizeHealth () {
    	healthmax = 200 ;
    	health = 200 ; 
    	return true; 
    • Like 1
  6. Currently the server seems to max out at 8 different maps before it offers a map again. It would be nice to offer it as a group option so it randomly decides one map from that group and avoid the others, but unfortunately there is currently no method in which to do this, that I am aware of.

  7. On 4/22/2017 at 7:51 AM, YagiHige said:

    If I'm also not mistaken, since servers can change map rotation on the fly instantly without turning the server off, can't they just have a bot check server population and command the server to add or remove maps to the rotation based on player population? At least until perhaps oneday it's a game feature that checks the map config for "map player size" (already a number iirc, but the game doesn't base map vote or select, on it).

    You are indeed correct, we can alter the rotation without restarting the server.

    However to do so based on player limits would likely either need the server to determine it, or maybe have @Agent's bot try doing it?

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