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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. An unofficial release is simple, it just requires a server owner to put it on the server, and the autodownloader be updated to the latest version to enable people to download it automatically.


    For an official release, the Devs need to include it into a patch which is only done after sufficient playtesting and balancing issues are sorted.

  2. The development team are unable to place the game on steam or even Origin as the IP belongs to EA and they have said that "The Dev Team cannot make money or receive any financial backing in the form of donations, gifts or the like for this game."

    The only thing that can be done is advertise the game to allow people to play, but since the game hasn't reached an "End Point" in the form of Patch 1.0 (non-Beta) they are in no rush to make a marketing push to advertise.

  3. He is not playing or even viewing the forums the last I saw.

    Presume the map is abandoned and ready for someone to take over.

    As for a list, I wouldn't take on the map if you haven't at least attempted to build your own.

    You don't want to make changes to a map without knowing how to do a lot of things beforehand.

  4. 6 minutes ago, SvN91 said:

    Is there really a need for a solution? It's not really that common and even if it happens it's not really that much of a problem. Vehicles shouid never be able to harm friendly players. Imagine if you have an expensive character and go afk for 20 seconds for a cup of coffee and you come back only to find out someone has pushed you to death.

    If we are making vehicles do damage while pushing stuff I'm all for doing ramming damage to enemy vehicles (your own vehicle would take the same amount of damage). I have always wanted to crush a buggy with a mammoth.

    If you are going AFK in a location where a vehicle can reach you, then a soldier/sniper can reach you as well. Meaning you chose a poor place to go AFK.

    Inside a building a vehicle cannot kill you and is a suitable "AFK" location for a minute but if you are killed, then thats a minor problem stemming from you AFK-ing.

    As for ramming damage, I don't think that will be that good. Mammoth tanks (being the biggest vehicle) would decimate tanks in a full blockade, and realistically, I don't feel this would add much to the game.

    • Like 1
  5. I think you need to only have one of the leaderboards active at any one time.

    I normally use Lifetime for CT.


    As for your Http Ladder, I am not certain, I haven't bothered setting it up.

  6. Then the easiest solution to this would be to do damage to friendly units if they are moved by a vehicle for more than X seconds (15 seconds?)

    This way there would only be damage done if the unit is pushed for a long time, and not accidentally.

    • Like 3
  7. @craige1

    As Luhrian posted.

    .rank is used to access the global rankings in-game,  this polls the information directly from the Stats gathered for the Ladder.

    !rank is used to access a local rankings (So all of Constructive Tyranny's servers count as 1 Server, even though we have 4+ servers), just as MPF have their own server rankings.

    The local ladder is only available on servers that run a bot that keeps the ladder data stored. (Since most big server groups use @Agent's Bot, most of them do use the ladder plugin to keep the data)

    You cannot find out your ranking for CT on the RenX forum or the CT forum, you would need to be in-game to access your ranking.


    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, DarkSn4ke said:

    Just add it as a steam-external game :)

    You don't even need to do this.

    Just make sure the following is met and it should be fine.

    1) Steam is running when you load the Out of Game launcher

    2) When you open the launcher, make sure there is no name in the launcher (as to allow Steam to provide the name)

    3) Load the game into a server


    This will make you have your steam name in RenX and allow the Stats bot to collate your Ranking Data.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Xeon Wraith said:

    The one change that I'd like to see tested for a while is a significant increase in the random character and vehicle (ideally faction-specific) crates. They're unreliable enough to make the loss of a building hurt, but they can still provide opportunities for losing teams to do things. Most importantly they're on the field, which will force players to go out to get them. Winning teams shouldn't be affected much, as they can just directly buy want they want.

    We are able to alter the spawn possibilities of crates, but the issue stands, if the field is the only way for them to collect a crate, they are almost unable to recover since the field will be controlled by a force which has a much stronger side (Improved Infantry or Vehicles available). You will be lucky to actually reach a crate (Look at Field as an example). If Nod lose the Air, they can still collect vehicle crates via SBH. But GDI losing WF would be locked into the base by artys and unable to progress through the tunnels due to Sniping. They would not have the ability to capture crates. If they lose the Bar/Hand then the issue is slightly less relevant, since the Vehicles are the easiest way to defend the base + Hold the field.


    As for the Refinery, I feel that you could leave the credit tick rate at full if destroyed since the loss of massive credit gains from the harvester are a big loss already.

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