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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. What do you mean?

    If you are referring to the structures then they are in the game already.

    If you are referring to the Skin of each building, then it is possible to implement that on a map if someone was so inclined since they would just need to replace the materials that are present on the buildings with an equivalent skin

  2. Hi Hayden,

    Did you use the following file to install the game?

    If so, can you confirm the version of the launcher and of the game (You can see both of these in the launcher window).


    If they match the following details:

    Launcher Version: Renegade-X Launcher v0.76

    Game Version: Open Beta 5.293

    You can see an example of a fully updated version of the game and launcher in this image


    Can you then please run the following:

    Settings -> Verify Game Integrity / Reset Game (Either option will work for this purpose)

    Then try once more, If this still fails, we will need a log file from yourself to help diagnose this issue (if one is being created)

  3. If done in a Push to Talk style.

    Could use (for example)

    ; = Full Team Broadcast (Could be limited to a Commander)

    [ = Squad Leader + Commander only chat (Allows a commander / squad leader to communicate to a smaller group making commands easier to filter down)

    ' = Proximity Chat

    # = Squad Chat

    Would also need to implement a moving squad function (and potentially cap squad size)

    Unfinished list*

  4. 56 minutes ago, Badmojoman said:

    Is their a download available that has the GDI and Nod character models accessible? Because, I was wondering if I could transfer those models to garry's mod as player models

    I would avoid doing this, since this technically falls under IP theft, and since the Renegade X team do not own the original designs, they would likely break their agreement with EA allowing you to do this.

  5. This appears to be caused by mis-matched versions of the Rx_Mutator_AdminTool 


    Delete the file and rejoin if you have issues.

    CT has a more advanced version of the mutator compared to Try's server.

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