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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. Quote

    Add message when 'F5 donate' command is successful ('donated x to y').

    I know this is outputted to IRC, so it should be rather easy to implement a player feedback (other than the receiving target).


    Add 'startfire' to list of rebindable keys in input menu.

    You can use the console to rebind it, but again should be somewhat easy.


    Save/load settings (audio, video, input) to file (was in orig ren), so players can restore them after reinstall or update. If that isn't currently possible, at least make sure updates won't reset settings.

    You can do this anyway, its in your config files in UDKGame, just take a copy of them before doing an update/re-install, but know that some files cannot copy over without causing you issues. Such as UDKRenegadeX.ini (which holds version information).



    Show commanders abilities that are dropped from plane, cruise missiles and friendly airstrikes on big map and minimap as hollow circles of different colors.


    Your section for "Friendly Airstrikes" (Assuming a non-commander power version), this would be different to how they behave, since GDI have directional airstrike.

    You could implement it for Nod though, since they just hit an area, not a line based attack like GDI.

    Otherwise, should be somewhat good QoL changes

  2. 12 hours ago, Interval said:

    In Tournament match not necessary AFK kick, right?

    Unfortunately even disabling the AFK kicker in the settings, doesn't truly disable it. 

    You remain "dead" in spectator mode and it kicks dead players after a short while. 

    I often use Kill player to check if the person is active, because if they respawn during that time, then the AFK kick timer is reset

  3. The PUG has restrictions on players joining, to allow for a much more competitive game session, and this can be rather daunting for newer players, especially since we expect both a level of knowledge and the willingness to listen to instructions from the appointed commanders.  

    An individual player's skill isn't a major factor since the commander will give instructions to all the players on their team. This obviously requires a player to be listening to the instructions given and if we have random people joining this will potentially disrupt the team since you may have 1 person+ doing something that is the complete opposite to what the team wants. 


    However in the general situation, games will not normally be locked, barring the odd individual server (such as a test server, or a private clan server). Since the server owners will want people to join their server that they are providing. 

  4. It honestly depends on what you want to do with it, if you want to run stuff for others then you can potentially rent it out or run servers for games that you want to run, or even use it as a large NAS drive.

    Otherwise there is little benefit on keeping hold of Server hardware and can just do a bit of Refurbishment to it and sell it on.

  5. 48 minutes ago, TomUjain said:

    I've looked over a few other topics that have brought this subject up and would like to pool all the ideas I've found / thought of so far. I'll add new ideas that are posted here.

    Ideas to address the player problem on Ren-X

    • Listing Ren-X on Steam for free ($100 fee)
    • Listing Ren-X on GOG for free
    • Targetted ads vis Facebook or Google?
    • YouTube Promotion via Pug videos etc...
    • Ask game reviewers (e.g. AngryJoe) to play the game
    • Tournament with small prizes
    • Offical Facebook / Twitter page
    • Posting on other message boards (with permission)

    I know for a fact that Steam isn't going to happen.

    This is due to the agreement with EA (Definately the case with Steam, may need to check about GOG, but suspect it would be the same.)


    Ask game reviewers (e.g. AngryJoe) to play the game

    - We did have a few YouTubers review the game early in it's lifetime. TotalBiscuit did a review a long time ago. 

    Once the game hits a 1.0 release, then we may see this re-review become a possibility.


    Tournament with small prizes

    Who would you expect to issue prizes in these situations, especially since the team cannot profit from the game.

    @TomUjain - Many of these has been posted before if you searched in the General forum.

    • Thanks 3
  6. Don't forget that the Recon bike is a Tiberium Sun crate vehicle (unless you are on the AGN mutator server or playing Fort where they can be purchased) and as such is expected to be much stronger than their equivilant purchased counter parts.

    All Tiberium sun vehicles are stronger in more than one way over their counterparts.

    They are also much lower spawning than other crate types on most servers to balance the fact they can turn the tide of battle much easier.

  7. I get what you mean, but we have had some interesting games without use of the advanced base defenses where it is the last building standing for both teams.

    Old Field used to be quite fun if it ended that way, more often than not GDI wins that fight :)

    Then again, it very rarely goes to the point of being an issue, since if one team has normally destroyed all the other buildings, they have normally destroyed the Advanced defenses first since they normally have to go past them to proceed further into the base.

  8. Thats not quite how it currently is since the tanks currently have a skin selection based on the map (or an active mutator (or is Fort)).

    It would likely be easier to impliment an aura like glow effect than changing the material on the vehicle (since it doesn't actually affect the vehicle's skin)

    Plus in your description, if it is determined on spawn, then a user who is heroic can buy a large amount of vehicles and make it seem like they are all heroic, despite the driver potentially not being Heroic.

  9. I think it may be a bit harder than that, due to the fact weapon fire can be spawned in after the veterancy is determined, however something changing Skin based on them entering or leaving may be a bit harder. But sounds cool enough

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