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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. 1 hour ago, MintLemonade said:

    So just throwing this out there as an idea for Commander Mode!

    Instead of voting the commander every round would it be possible to instead award commander status to the players who won MVP, Support, Defense, or Offense in the last game? It would not only create value for those awards, but also motivate better team play as people strive for one of those top spots.

    So at most you would have 4 commanders per team. I don't this that's too much saturation, and would allow everyone a chance at the role.

    Unless you only want a single Commander. Stay awesome! :D 

    Honestly, at the moment, I would say wait till you get to experience the changes to the commander system, although I would also like to see multi-commanders

  2. If it states that you need steam to play.

    Then you need to have steam running (in the background or system tray) and be logged into Steam at the time of joining the server.

    If you do not meet this criteria then the server will not allow you to join.

  3. Went about as well as expected. 

    Moderately low turn out (20 players).

    Few minor bugs that needed to be worked out... stupid remix/rebalance system (good for Public, not for PUG) didn't shut off...

    Bandwidth issues (Sorted that out, by upping the limit)

    But otherwise appeared to have good gameplay once we nerfed some of the crate spawn settings (since Ion Storms appeared before the old one ended :) )

  4. Timed Double Speed (60 seconds of 200% movement speed)

    Negative Credit Crate (Removes credits from the player (No more than 300 credits, min 0 credits)

    Base Defense Offline crate (60 seconds of Disabled base defenses - This affects both teams, although if you can, make it so it affects the player who picked it up, have a reduced penalty by 15 seconds, example GDI pick up crate, 45 seconds of disabled defenses, Nod get 60 seconds.)

    Tiberium Bomb (Suicide Crate - But damages nearby targets, does not detonate immediately, after 30 seconds or on player death it detonates (not a lot of damage (About 60 damage - can damage vehicles), but applies a Tiberium Burn effect on explosion for 10 seconds - No damage to vehicles))

    Regeneration Crate (Applies a Powerful Healing over time effect (About 10 per second, lasts 60 seconds)

    Nuclear War/EMP crate (Nuke detonates in mid-air - Causes all UI elements to disable, for both teams or just the enemy team - Your choice)

    Tiberium Fog - Applies a map-wide damage over time effect for all infantry units (about 3 damage per second, this will also prevent Self Healing from Elite and Heroic) - Lasts 30 seconds (Puts a green haze on each player's UI)

    Damage Multiplier crate - Gives the player a 1.5x damage multiplier on all weapons for 30 seconds.

    Vehicle EMP crate - Disables all vehicles (as per EMP grenade) for 15 seconds.


    Just a few random ideas.

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  5. I believe the games have been recently designed to average out at 45 minutes, Anything shorter than that is kinda over too quickly, and anything over 75 mins feels like a long match.

    This doesn’t prevent the match from ending earlier, it just adds an end time, using points as an alternate victory condition.

    As for who runs that server, can’t say I really noticed it.


    If you want people to play AOW/Timed then just join the server when it’s quiet, and people normally filter into an active server.

  6. 4 hours ago, SMayhew said:

    This bashing of @poi and @jpjtyld has just gone too far, way too far. Some absolutely ridiculous comments in this topic.

    The accusations of arrogance (which is bs) insinuated from people are far less troubling than the abuse/hate I often see poi getting in game from players, I rarely play public games at the moment but the comments are a regular occurrence and need to stop.

    I agree, public attacks like this should not be the way to handle this. 

    Be warned if this thread continues in this manner I will lock it.

    Remember if you have problems with a player that are breaking the rules or cheating raise it to a moderator or admin through the use of the Modrequest command. The server moderation team will handle it from there.

    The team will pass any relevant information regarding any legitimate hacking/cheating to the Devs so they can either implement a fix for that issue (if possible) or globally ban anyone who is breaking the game.

    As was mentioned before publicly attacking a player should not be the way to deal with an issue ever, and can even result in the attacker being punished (even if the person attacked is doing wrong) because inciting action on a player who may not be doing any wrong (as you may not have the full facts) can drive a legit player from ever playing again. 

    This does not mean don’t let people know what they are doing wrong, if they are legitimately cheating/hacking so as to raise awareness of the facts but don’t then begin to attack said player in any fashion, just call a moderator

    • Like 1
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  7. 1 hour ago, Henk said:

    I see CT's AOW server is now called Timed Match Server. That is a better description imo. I think the time that can run out right when a game could be getting exciting can be a bit anticlimactic. What would help a lot is a countdown anouncement that would say "10 minutes remaining", etc. Just like in the Tiberian Sun. Would make it more tense for sure.

    Well Henk, make it happen :)

  8. @Agent This would still trigger the Player is Overmining message, if there was some way for the system to show how many non-essential mines and not trigger the overmine broadcast, then that would also be helpful.

    Maybe have the non-essential mines show in a bracket on the UI.

    Example: 21/24 mines (3)

  9. The map wasn't in the rotation, due to it not being part of the default rotation.

    Once someone pointed it out, I added it back.

    Default rotation from the file:

    "CNC-Field","CNC-Walls_Flying","CNC-GoldRush","CNC-Whiteout","CNC-Islands","CNC-LakeSide","CNC-Mesa","CNC-Volcano","CNC-Xmountain", "CNC-Canyon", "CNC-Complex", "CNC-Under"

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