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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. The directory refers to the installation location not for in-game downloading.

    The in-game downloader (by default) is a file storage site that myself and the Devs have access to.

    The out-of-game server launcher that used the Seeker to download maps used something completely separate to the server directory.

  2. Try closing the launcher fully so no launcher task exists in the background.


    Then reopen it, and don't click on a server name, but go straight to Verify Game


    As for the UE3 it appears you manually installed.


    However in regards to your low frame rate, your specs are fine, I know a few people struggle for some reason with the frame rate, but they are very hard to diagnose the issue causing it.

    I can only recommend trying all the graphic options in different configurations

  3. 6 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

    If the other three maps DL fine but WoodsV2, Forest and UphillRedux do not then you'll have to see what fffreak can do about it.

    Woods, Forest and Uphill were never added to the in-game downloading.

    I do not plan to add Woods until more changes are made.

    Forest and Uphill I haven't tested (at least recently) and once I get a chance to test (Prob Next weekend) I will see about adding them if there is no Major issues

  4. On 4/5/2017 at 6:12 PM, Madkill40 said:

    We have reached the point of done. Any further amendments made can be done when there is time to do so but as it stands (minus the loading screen) Frostbite is much ready to go in a patch.

    Have you managed to fix the ABSURDLY long loading time for shader building on the server?

  5. 1 hour ago, poi ❄ said:

    I really think it's bad that there are 2 lakeside versions in the rotation all we play is walls - field - lakeside - lakeside NF - islands - islands flying. 

    It's so boring :<

    I can always increase the number of maps that must be played before it is offered as an option again


    Edit: Looking at the Marathon rotation, I can increase map vote limits to 10 matches before they re-appear without issue

  6. 3 hours ago, Luhrian said:

    Hey guys,

    you surely noticed, that the launcher downloader was replaced through a improved version of the ingame downloader from @ShrewdTactician.

    I was thinking about it and I think that it isn't good to put the launcher downloader in the rubbish. I'll just show you the advantages from both downloaders.

    Auto Downloader:

    1. fast download speed
    2. it doesn't matter how many are downloading the maps at the same time
    3. you are getting all maps at once if they are added to the downloader

    Ingame Downloader:

    1. you don't have to restart the game
    2. you don't have to add files into a downloader you just have to open the map on the server (I think it is like this)

    And now the disadvantages from both downloaders:

    Auto Downloader:

    1. you have to restart the game
    2. you have to put the maps in the downloader first

    Ingame Downloader:

    1. slower download speed
    2. If many people downlaod the map at once, the download speed is even more slower. On the CT server it could be not a big problem, but maybe on the T.O. server.
    3. you only download 1 map, which is really retarded, if you are playing on a map testing server.
    4. you are downloading it from the server. If it is a home server the speed is even more slow, because not all people have 100MB/s at home.

    So you see there are many strong points against the ingame downloader. But with that I don't mean, that the ingame downloader is shit. We just need to optimize some things. And it would be really great if we can optimize and keep both downloaders in the game.

    Agent already removed the Launcher downloader,

    As for the in-game downloader for your comment


    If many people downlaod the map at once, the download speed is even more slower. On the CT server it could be not a big problem, but maybe on the T.O. server.

    This should not be an issue if they use the default settings since it linked to the Renegade X CDN, They don't download from the server being joined they download from an FTP server.

  7. Crates determine their content at the time they are picked up, so the content is not determined in-advance, they take a snap shot of the probabilities at the time of pick up and then the content is chosen from the crates that are valid at that time.
















    So for example CT Marathon has a combined (Initial) weight of 3.32 (Sum of all initial weights before modification) assuming all crates are active.


    The chance of getting a nuke at 00:30 (30 seconds in)

    Money - 0.45

    Nuke - 0.1

    Abduction - 0.02

    Timed C4 - 0.1

    Veterancy -  0.8

    [Total Weight = 1.47]


    At 1 minute in the chance of a nuke appearing in a crate is weighted against the following crates at the following weights

    Money - 0.45

    Character - 0.35

    Timed C4 - 0.1

    Nuke - 0.1

    Abduction - 0.02

    Veterancy - 0.8

    [Total Weight = 1.82]


    If you reach the maximum possibilties for crates with all the modifiers, you would have:

    Money - 1.95

    Spy - 1.05

    Refill - 0.35

    Vehicle - 1.1

    Character - 1.1

    Speed Crate - 0.45

    Timed C4 - 0.1

    Nuke - 0.1

    Abduction - 0.02

    Tib Sun Vehicle - 0.4

    Veterancy - 0.8

    [Total Weight = 7.42]


    You can see a large decrease in the percentage of nukes appearing in the crate just 60 seconds in.

    By 5 minutes you have hit the 3.32 (without building loss modifiers).

    If my math is correct I think it comes out at ~3% at full weights for 0.1 weight at 5 mins in and ~6.8% per 0.1 at 30 seconds and at maximum weights about ~1.3%

    If you assume that the average match lasts from 45-60 minutes and you have about 3 crates per minute, That gives you anywhere from 135-180 crates collected.

    So 6-7 nukes easily can be found in those percentages and time frames, with most of them being in the early game.



    As for this:

    1 hour ago, dtdesign said:

    I'm okay with nukes as long as it does not harm nearby players.

    I would change that slightly, to only affect the team of the person who picks it up.

    I feel that some detrimental occurances need to happen, since it is a "Mystery Crate" not a "Power Up/Pure beneficial crate"

    I agree that nukes are a little heavy handed at the moment, but if you take into account your scenario

    1 hour ago, dtdesign said:

    The issue is not that one as the crate collecting player gets send to low earth orbit, but rather that I just happen to be nearby. Like farming myself a med on Walls w/ no ref and then get destroyed by a random nuke crate picked up by some SBH scum.

    You should be thinking: "Is there any need for me to collect this crate"

    If you are on the offense (pushed the enemy back into their base and camping the entrance) the answer should really be no, you have the advantage and while most outcomes are positive, it also has the downside of being potentially catastrophic to your team. Now if the enemy picked it up and they managed to destroy your tank thats almost balanced admittedly they took out something worth twice as much but they still died, and assuming a similar situation (no ref) for the enemy, even though it is a negative outcome (crate), they still managed to achieve a positive outcome from that negative (Cost vs Gain).

    Personally I feel that crates need a positive and negative side, as it balances out some of the randomness of regular public matches. And most of the time the nukes radius only hits 1/2 people at worst since they tend to be placed in places out of the normal pathing routes (off vehicle paths or to one side).

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