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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. I haven't had time to spend on doing it yet.

    However I plan to spend some time tomorrow evening to try get this to work.

    So I need to include all the Env + Maps files in the directory it points to?


    Also I think the auto-downloader should be used in parallel since it has the ability to download maps in the rotation, and not just the one currently playing. 

  2. 31 minutes ago, ShrewdTactician said:

    Admins Require Steam
    Location: UDKRenegade.ini
    Section: RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControl
    Parameter: bSteamAuthAdmins
    Format: (B)
    Default: FALSE
    Examples: bSteamAuthAdmins=False
    Explanation: Do admins need steam to login.
    Verified: FALSE

    This variable is for Automatic granting of administration privilages (from the server (as per adminlogin)) based on the user's Steam ID. If I remember correctly.

    • Like 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, ShrewdTactician said:

    Allow PowerUp Drops
    Location: UDKRenegade.ini
    Section: RenX_Game.Rx_Game
    Parameter: bAllowPowerUpDrop
    Format: (B)
    Default: TRUE
    Examples: bAllowPowerUpDrop=true
    Explanation: When a player dies, should their weapons drop
    Verified: FALSE

    I don't believe this is correct


    PowerUpDrop I believe is for the random drops that occur on death (such as Health, Armour and Ammo)


    If I recall correctly, there is another variable which does Weapon Drops.

    • Like 1
  4. I normally see some of this issue when the killer dies and has yet to respawn for the first part (/Ramjet) etc.

    As for the vs (blank). Not seen this although it may be because of them being Bots.

    Does this behavior persist when Players are present?

  5. Hmm strange, there hasn't been any reported issues from this mirror as far as I am aware.

    Yosh/Agent/Schmitz may be able to help you further. The launcher has been patched recently and should prevent most of the common issues from occuring. 


    In the meantime, you are able to download a full version of the game from iTweek's DLs this should stop any issues for now.



    HTTP DOWNLOAD FULL [7z http://www.7-zip.de/]



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    USA United-States-icon.png  Renegade-X Open-Beta-5.282.7z.torrent

    HongKong  hong.gif  Renegade-X Open-Beta-5.282.7z.torrent




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