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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. 2 hours ago, Syntharn said:

    If Nod have 15 elites with a combined player stat value of 1500, versus GDI with 16 average players with a combiner player stat value of 1000,
    do the team maker put the next connecting player in the gdi team or not? it kinda has to I think.
    if no new players connect at all it won't matter though.

    Except what you fail to take into account with this is the fact that numbers DO matter, 17 people to 15 may mean that while in a rough 5/5/5 split for Aggressive, Defensive and Field Support, a 2 player addition to any of the groups, would be a massive swing in their favor. 7 Medium skill tank players vs 5 High skill tankers, numbers make a massive difference. (Bare in mind this is just an example) but this is something you need to take into consideration.

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