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Everything posted by Valor

  1. Currently the GDI/Nod win ratios are definitely skewed but it depends on the maps. On maps without defense Nod will definitely win more due because of the SBH. In Ren X, the new players aren't accustomed to defending the base so GDI is in general more careless and susceptible to nuking. In the original Ren, there would always be a Mobius guarding the entrances and an APC patrolling the base. Now, you can set a nuke and everyone on GDI will just assume someone else will take care of it. I'm sure that given time, GDI will start defending better, as the original Ren probably suffered from the same problem when it was released. This is further exacerbated by things like quiet beacons, illegal beacon placements into a building's wall, and the glitch in Walls Flying, but this can be fixed by the devs. On maps with defenses, GDI will win likely due to their superior vehicle power and the large nerf to the Nod artillery. I have yet to see a Field game where Nod managed to take the field. Just keep in mind this is a work in progress and the original Renegade was not perfectly balanced either.
  2. Near GDI PP, tried forever to escape.
  3. Tried it too, very easy to do. No wonder Nod wins this map almost every time.
  4. Honestly only having 1 defend is what causes most of GDI loses on the map. One person can usually hold off the solo nukes, but eventually NOD will start sending more when they see the solo fail time and time again. You usually want 2 to 4 base defenders. With all the new players, it's unlikely anyone would be willing to defend for the whole game (or at all really). This is why GDI ends up losing most defense-less maps like Walls and Islands. I've still seen cases where a nuke doesn't get any attention from GDI in a 40 player game.
  5. Open beta now means stress test. All it is is for the publisher to estimate how much money they need to spend on servers. The game itself is already finalized. For example, the Titanfall "Open beta" started a month before the release. Do you think they will make any changes to the game in one month?
  6. How exactly do you know this?
  7. This happens when you sort the list of the in-game server browser. Either don't sort the list, or you can use the Launcher to join a server.
  8. Try this: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72023
  9. Try this: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72023
  10. The problem is new players don't want to defend. Only the seasoned Renegade vets are willing to spend a whole game defending and there's not many of them playing Ren X. As such, expect to see much more Nod victories.
  11. Bring back splash damage inside buildings. That's all.
  12. That's exactly right. The map and ping do not work in-game either. Use the launcher browser instead.
  13. I remember some servers had this, except for the last part. I don't agree credits should be transferable between teams.
  14. Jelly, Rencorner 1, and St0rm seem to always be full.
  15. I just found out that if you press c twice it toggles crouch.
  16. Drive your tanks backwards. It gives the enemy less area to hit it. Especially true for the artillery.
  17. What is the second value it displays? For me it's 16.66 ms.
  18. Which guns are/are not hitscan? I swear it's so much harder to snipe in Ren X than in Ren.
  19. You couldn't sprint in the original Ren. If you can't even move while shooting then something must be wrong with your computer or input settings.
  20. Doesn't matter that they killed you or not. You spotted them, you could have told your team, those SBH were good as dead.
  21. Valor


    Read: http://www.renegadewiki.com/index.php/T ... ntwhore%27 Or you can just play Marathon games.
  22. No new player has ever been good at piloting. But once you become pro at it you feel like nothing can stop you. Vehicle cap is a serverside setting. Tell the host to up his cap. My server is currently capped at 12 vehicles per side (because I'm not quite crazy enough to deal with 15 stealth tanks... yet.) Ideally the limit should be team player size/2 minus 3, with a minimum of 7.
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