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Everything posted by Valor

  1. If you can get Fobby to advertise your stream on the front page, you'll get a lot more viewers. The forums here are still mostly empty.
  2. Valor

    Sudden death

    I agree for marathon servers this might be necessary, since I don't believe vehicle shells are in Ren X so no massing tanks above the limit. This will make marathons very difficult to complete. At the very least, there needs to be the crate that disables the enemy defenses for 5 min.
  3. Valor


    They're called "clans" in Renegade, and at the very least there will be clan tags (as seen form the stream). According to this topic: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=71642 There will be clan ladders as well.
  4. Excellent, Gamestop is one of the largest online gaming communities. So glad to see Ren X getting the recognition it deserves.
  5. Yeah the only thing is you need a fast upload speed on your internet, or you might get some lag in game. Either way, thanks a lot for this video, I can't get enough of Ren X.
  6. Would you consider streaming on twitch.tv?
  7. Valor

    We did it!

    Hate to burst your bubble but the release date is February 26, you're off by a month.
  8. Valor

    Minimum PC Specs

    Here are the specs for Black Dawn, I believe the multiplayer version should be the same or very similar. You also need an internet connection.
  9. Valor

    Live streams?

    Just wondering if there are going to be any more streams of Renegade X on twitch? Thegunrun did some last week but doesn't seem like he's online this weekend. http://www.twitch.tv/thegunrun
  10. The way the job market is in game designing is that you pretty much don't get a job unless you have prior experience. Most people get experience by creating mods and maps, or by working on larger projects such as Renegade X. This will look extraordinary on a resume, I'm sure. As mentioned before, the developers cannot accept any money due to legal issues with EA. If you wish to support Renegade X, I suggest the following: 1. Donate to the server hosts that will host Renegade X games (e.g. Jelly server) 2. Advertise this game to your friends and on online communities. If you can spend money, rent some ad space. 3. Wait for TotemArts (the Ren X devs) to release their first game, and buy it.
  11. If this game were rated, it'd definitely be a T (teen). By contrast, Team Fortress 2 is M (mature). The lack of death animations in the original was probably due to developer laziness or time constraints. Most other C&C games did have death animations.
  12. It's not as complicated as CS, you'd never need to spend more than a few seconds at the terminal and you can just memorize the hotkeys.
  13. Even for someone who's not part of a Renegade clan, you could have just went to an online gaming community like reddit or GameFAQs and ask the people there to form a group. The reason why I didn't bother to apply is because I thought the beta was going to be very buggy, but after watching theGunrun's twitch stream, I'm really regretting my decision. And Fobby made it pretty clear that no one else is getting in until the release.
  14. Valor

    What if EA...

    It sucks that we can't donate to the devs, but I'm told they all have decent jobs in the field. Still, we can donate to the servers.
  15. Another thing I noticed is how long it takes to disarm a timed c4. Or am I possibly imagining this? Also, for the explosives blocked by walls, does that mean engies inside a building can't be hurt by arties? This is a pretty major change in my opinion and I hope there was some discussion about this. This made repairing a building being bombarded by arties a pain, so it gave GDI an incentive to actually push out rather than continuously repairing. As for things like no obelisk-walk or PT through walls, those were definitely glitches and I don't mind seeing them gone, but I'll still need some time to get used to them. And there's a death animation for headshots too, I saw a headless Sydney in the video.
  16. Valor

    We did it!

    This needs more publicity. I'm afraid there are fans out there who have no idea that Ren X exists.
  17. I'm slowly watching that video, it's awesome. Renegade X is going to be awesome. Quick question I think only someone who was playing that game could answer: How did GDI destroy the Airstrip in Walls Flying at 30 min. in the video? The guy recording was defending base when it happened.
  18. I'm sure this will get a lot of recognition on reddit.
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