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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. NodSaibot


    welcome, saw you ingame, happy to have you in renx!
  2. Guess it's a matter of creating the code to do it then. Though the programming team is running kind of dry right now, I'm sure someone will make time for it
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^ Please don't use public games as your guinea pigs. Make a patch and include the map if you're gonna do that
  4. in normal servers. @Fffreak9999 ty they kill the server and take 20 years to download. impossible for me and others to play it
  5. Havoc89 Producer and Lead Artist would be best, but Thommy made the map so you could just tag him here or make sure he read it.
  6. I might have to look around more, but auto detection of mutators would most likely not be possible. You should be able to generate a commandline to run just by inputting some basic stuff like mutator package name and file, or if its been loaded before then auto load w/e. I believe the engine doesn't load unreferenced packages, but it might be stored somewhere as static memory, not actually loading the byte code into memory or whatever. I'm not really sure how it works, but probably something like that. short version: maybe
  7. If you would like to tell us how your hacks work or show us the code, you can make a post here.
  8. Dodging bans is it's own infraction. You said you were hacking and got banned. Then you wonder why you're banned? Why should we allow you to play more if you're a known hacker?
  9. Any specific ideas you guys would want for Nod v Nod? Differences between units that don't include new models or materials. (changes like colour changes are obviously easy and can be done, but I nor Cynthia can model)
  10. The one for the news section is a post-specific issue. If you mean everything else, give it some time and try again later.
  11. I'm still surprised any hosting service offers something like that for RenX, but I would not recommend getting a gameserver like that. You would be better off renting a server directly and installing RenX yourself. Here is an example from NFOservers For hosting servers, you'll want to look for CPUs that have good per-core performance (most likely 4.0+ GHz). I don't know specifically how good or which CPUs NFO uses, this is just a company I have used in the past. I believe FPI and CT both rent from OVH currently. You will need Windows for RenX to be stable. And if you're wanting over 64 players on a single server, any server with above 64 players is automatically filtered out of the launcher. That means whenever there are 65 or more players, the server will not appear on the launcher. This is a non-issue if you are using it for a private event.
  12. Volcano, Snow, Field, Complex, Islands, Oasis, Tomb, Under, Walls are all decent or great small player count maps
  13. Our first attempt at balancing it was recuding MRLS rocket lifetime by 2 seconds if it was locked. This was removed in favour of reducing the accelrate based on lock. This results in slower turns, and thus has the same effect as reducing the rocket lifetime. I'm still not sure what we can do to help the issue, but we have discussed methods to try and make the missiles act more like the OG ren MRLS missiles.
  14. You are correct, it does need some change. There is discussion about it currently happening this minute in Totem Arts Discord, something should change, takes some time and discussion to figure out what is best.
  15. Had a very weird bug in renx that caused me to ragdoll while still alive and I couldn't control my body
  16. 300IQ, pretty much it. Shoving tanks into the water or off the map is an even bigger IQ play. All is fair in love and war (unless it breaks the rules )
  17. Might be best to just change the server config make the vehicle crates only appear after 10mins or later into the game. The default currently is 4 minutes.
  18. I know that particular game you are talking about me on Desolation. But I don't really think that's a team stacking issue. You guys had an equal amount of people fighting us, and most of the time we would win. I did die many times, sometimes to my own mistakes, sometimes to outplays. But that's just how the game works. If 2 people stick around, it will be better. It's teamwork. Not only that, but skill differences are just a thing of the game. Especially in smaller playercount games, it can become very apparent how strong some players are. I think this is more of a skill gap issue, in this particular instance. Undeniably stacking/being on same team whether on purpose or not can create some very lopsided infantry battles, but that's the state of the game. Not having many people in the game, while having many veterans in the game will create very uneven battles for new/unexperienced players. I don't think that's really a problem we can fix, unfortunately. The balance changes made recently have HELPED to fix that, but there's no one way to fix the problem. If there was matchmaking along with a skill rating, and the playerbase to support that, it would work. But there would be other problems along with that, such as complaints about ranked points, smurfs and etc, the same problems other games with ranked modes suffer. I understand the frustrations players have, I play other games and I am not as good in them. Getting killed by the same person over and over, in such a game as Call of Duty and others, it's very annoying. I can imagine it's more annoying in RenX, when you have to buy characters and etc
  19. HoverMRLS does slightly more damage, faster rocket speed but less splash damage. It also scales better with veterancy. Those are the differences I can really see.
  20. I believe you're looking for this. However I don't know if there's any additional setup besides just putting it down
  21. Gave GDI turrets on front wall, moved the GDI GT closer to the beach, pulled in the blocking volumes on the river so you can't go as far out (i would do the out of map things like others have, but i dont know how to use that volume). Lowered brightness of both tib fields. Reduced overall foginess of certain areas of the map. Rotated comm center 180degrees. Opened a path to the comm center right behind the comm center. Removed chromatic aberration; Missing any changes or any suggestions?
  22. Change is explained here. For further discussion, please use this topic. https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/77087-super-weapon-nuke-ion-poll-d/
  23. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ worked for me, but glad you got it working in the end.
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