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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. I would like reimburstment for sure, but kind of quality of life feature. Ask for auto respawn as a free class, neat idea to remember your last free class selection. I remember legacy Renegade, where the "free soldier" you spawn as actually is a different "soldier" than the one you get at the terminal. They just look REALLY similar.
  2. Denser server population is always a lofty ideal. A logging program, honestly, the other game I participate in early access on in my signature, their set to release full physical copies but right now they exclusively run server side just in order to collect all performance and crash logs to improve their bugfixing greatly. However, these devs are working on a game they can't monetize, it is an EA thing that they are making a fan work out of. Bless them for it, it is really good even now, but alas, they can't sell anything for it or sell it, and that means they can only put it on Steam if Steam agrees to add it on the grounds it can't sell anything (other f2p has microtransactions). Right now, it technically works on Stream, on the grounds that it works standalone but Steam Overlay works with that and it applies Steam name to the game and it tracks game stats progressively through Steam.
  3. So, the way it was legacy-ish. Where the weapon, was on a button no matter what class you were. It was a little different, but it was similar to this, and for this particular game considering you can have one of these, I like it.
  4. I just got on for a long time, never even played a significant amount of Beta 2. Not proud of that. I made that up as much as possible, and streamed, although nobody viewed lol. I have a list of discussed improvements, comment on them: Problem: Secondary Weapons, techs benefit from them the most, some of them are stronger than primaries, steps on the toes of Call of Duty. Solution: I think this has a chance to greatly increase the variety in-game instead of decrease it. 1) Add even more weapons to secondary, both guns already used by some classes, and unique signature guns perhaps commonly found in other games, no overlapping ones persay and possibly tiered with a cost difference. 2) Add weak repair gun to secondary at a high-ish cost, a sydney with a weak repair gun would be as viable as a hotwire with a carbine, and currently the heavy pistol is underrated, it allows an engineer to contribute damage to other vehicles if supporting vehicles himself, and is a poor man's anti tank alternative when hon/bar/wf/strip is down. 3) adjust price, where it will be viable to either go cheap class with good gun, or expensive class with weaker gun, but ultimately keep secondaries economically inferior and not too strong compared to primaries, so its not economical to get real expensive primary and secondary if you only use one, nor is it too overpowered to have both. 4) add increased armor to items, if they were 500 creds for 50, you would survive a ramjet bodyshot with it, and that is the worst part of losing a bar/hon. 1-4) The above would balance some edge cases like the tech class overusage, and increase variety in general as a very one-use class has a variety of other weapons as secondary, and increase the use of credits both with or without other structures because having cash but no bar/wf/strip/hon sucks. At the very least, a variety of weapons killing me would feel nice, there are existing weapons that need balance, mcfarland is underrated and real strong and gunner makes no sense in comparison to cost/dps of rocket soldier. Problem: Disproportionate losses when losing a structure, i'd come to terms with the loss of a ref but wouldn't know what to do if I lost a hon on nod or a wf on gdi. Solution: My last solutions solve the Bar/Hon loss. The following expands to do the same for the strip/wf/pp! 1) How the vehicles were dropped for vehicle crates, make that available on purchase at the terminals, whenever the vehicle structure is down, at 3x the cost of the vehicle and only allowing the tank/jeep for each team. 2) When pp is destroyed, every vehicle costs x2, class costs x2, ref works at half, but IN ADDITION, base defence works at half power (half damage oblesk, agt loses bullets). Because the base defences having 2 sources seems to be the end all of all games. Problem: Stealth Tanks are visible from the silo in field to either bridge very fairly clearly. Then, you steadily peck on one with a handgun to visible it. This was in fact the opposite in beta 1. Solution: If possible, decrease the range on the stealth on the tank, just a meter. If not possible, decrease the stealth effect in general by just a meter. Just the distance from the MCT to the window in the War Factory. Would rather just the tank, if not the unit too. Problem: Rocket Soldier has more damage and damage per total ammo carried than gunner, and mcfarland is best anti infantry and is less than 200, volt rifles are some of the weakest situational for 1000. Solution: 1) keep the Area Size of the flak explosion but lower the damage so you have to whail on someone with it a lot to score a kill. It would cause more retreats than kills. It is still amazing utility for a cheap unit, you can push snipers without being in a sniper's angle. 2) Increase the gunner's ammo even more, to 48. He is already well enough, this would make him worth every credit and different from the rocket soldier in his sustainable field time. 3) Give patch a larger clip and better ADS accuracy for suppression and contributable flexible damage to vehicles. Right now he does pretty bad damage to both vehicles and infantry compared to mcfarland. 4) For legacy sake and as a buff, make the chem warrior resistant to chem burn. He would be useful as a t2 flamethrower and as a utility unit like mcfarland (use chem warrior if enemy has tib ref weapons, and in maps like mesa and field with a large tib field) 5) give volt rifle a longer range, and adjust it's secondary to be shorter range and tighter shot spread. This makes it as superior to close range units and versitile to vehicles and midrange units, as the sniper is to units and light armor vehicles, and the pic/rail is to heavy armor vehicles and mid/long range infantry. I feel, the volt rifle should at least be as valuable as other 1k units at either units, vehicles, short range, long range, or versatility to several of those, as right now it loses to all those. These suggestions are in fact from a pub level, not a clan wars, but it shouldn't buff anything too much in a clan war.
  5. 1) If this isn't Red Alert 2, why would the gems in the tiberium yield profit? 2) We already know GDI is stronger with vehs, and Nod is stronger with infy. Really, GDI is stronger with each, but nod is stronger with both together. That is why most map layouts exchange the bar with the airfield instead of the hand of nod. The strip is an equivalent loss to the bar on most maps, while the HON is devastating and the WF is devastating so both are better protected. Also, the ref is less devastating. Also, the Defence is less devastating than power in general. I should make a thread right now addressing a lot of stuff I notice or suggest in this game lol.
  6. Ditto. All that is said, is that "making a game" comes first, the players should come naturally for that. I too am waiting for a less crashy version, but I just decided to start doing twitch, I am about to kick up a shitstorm in my old clan forum to get some attention as a twitch caster (yes I am an ass, but it is literally not my fault so it is what I am getting in return for it), and then I might play some dis. Be more fun than the wait for a bugfix or volcano has. I have no patience for this waiting, even knowing it can be months between patches. One cannot blame the devs given their outstanding work given their payment for it.
  7. I thought it was ok for the arcade-y feel of it. However, I also thought to balance straight up runners, leaning would be a good counter. Give cover advantage as well as running.
  8. You need "fine tuned" pc gaming hardware for fast 180 spins otherwise. The best way to space out mouse to sensitivity, is to get the biggest mouse pad you can find, and make it so a confortable space from the edges lets you access the whole desktop, then adjust game sensitivity so you can make confortably small accurate movements with large 180 movements both in the realm of the mousepad. I have a normal-smallish mousepad and no space in my cramped rig for another one, I can post pictures of my sad little rig in my 1 wall of my brother's living room it sits in, but I assure you, I would appreciate the 180 button if it were added, you could go back to ignoring it if it were added, if it weren't added I would miss it but soldier on without, if it weren't added you would chuckle like you won something and are the king of pc while I am a peon, it doesn't matter either way to me really, it is just a quality of life.
  9. Still hope this makes it into the next update, even though it really probably won't. Although, bug fixes would be welcome even if they came with no new map
  10. T'was a pretty pro button. Will be missed. I always wondered why every shooter following that didn't have one. Having 10 sensitivity and MLG and mountain dew doritos double xp weekend and quickscopez and omg is for losers.
  11. Yeah, but I meant a team limit and a player limit seperate. Again, it protects 6 you place from the limit, everyone gets that leeway, and it still allows a larger limit that is shared by the team. Also, the bonus to that, is that a tech overmining would replace just his own from his own limit. Or, a tech needing to use a few in self defence in the tunnel or whathaveyou, just use his own limit.
  12. Even though it's quiet in the community, it doesn't mean Ren-X is dead. Posts like yours will make it dead by fearmongering and discouraging new people from trying. People like you are killing Ren-X imo Too bad we don't have player moderators... Epicelite: Ren-x is ded Moderator: your forum account is ded
  13. Mesa is perfect imo and field is in fact too light but field does a better job at "legacy appeal" because old field was very light for a "night map" (I think westwood didn't want to chance unplayable dark levels) Speaking of, is Volcano night or day? Even so, the darkness of the volcano and tunnel would allow for glowy orange effects on the lava.
  14. got any way to get ahold of when you are looking for a match? Maybe you can find someone to play alongside for the teamwork value of it? If no, then at worst you could still post in this very thread when you are about to fire up ren-x and see if someone replies looking to play maybe within 5 minutes of your post. If I saw the post, I would play, but if that was the case the best way to do it would be private message my forum account here so I know when I get the message.
  15. I always thought airstrikes are area denial. Basically, their only use is to get breathing room when sieged by tanks (because yours can heal and theirs can't if theirs is being airstrike), to cover beacons (which isn't op, it is money well spent, like driving an APC through a base to park atop a beacon at it's 25 second mark), and to have SOMETHING if your base can't produce infantry or vehicles. Disabling airstrikes in-base as long as an "AA" exists sounds interesting, it doesn't break any of the above, and does sort of allow a very very mild buff. Although, I don't understand why they don't make it where it brings a tank down to half health, and infantry down to near dead in 2 hits which means they need to escape the airstrike area by the last hit. They have "armor types" to fine-tune the damage for tanks and infantry seperate. A 15 second cooldown for team use of airstrikes makes sense, since airstrikes require air support and air support can "already be tied up/in use" (and that voice message can play when one tries to even bring out binoculars while airstrike is already out)
  16. I still don't see the issue. They need to put as much stuff in updates as possible because they don't have an auto updater. Lots of games don't. People need to take personal responsibility in aquiring it if they want it. It is a lot of hoops to jump through, but first off it is beta. Second off, they are free developers so you can't expect too much. They are getting somewhere, the current game shows that, but they can't gurantee this month even. For instance, you know a fan is making a 3d port of Star Control 1 and 2 (The Ur-Quan Masters)? Real interested people like me check that progress like I used to RenX last summer, just periodically every 4 months or so. However, it is literally 1 guy making a port of a game, so it really is hard to expect much.
  17. I don't think it does. You mean your vehicle dies from full health? It in fact does an MRLS. And an arty. But, shouldn't a med tank. Imagine it would a S Tank too due to S Tank's poor health, but who is getting c4ed in one, they are fairly anti-infantry, they even swivel in a way that usually allows squishing better.
  18. Keep backup saves, helps when that sort of thing happens. Sorry to see that happen >.< I would have gotten lazy and bottlenecked the mouth of the tunnel and left the size alone, I admire you fixing it. Posting this cross-forum for discussion both on RenX and on UDK Mapmaking. Maybe I can spark a UDK pro's interest in making RenX assets.
  19. I hope many other mapmakers take note of this. For the good of the game.
  20. My suggestions: -Double the range of SBH detection, they are transparent anyway all they have to do is hug walls and try not to obviously be seen. If you ever played MNC you know how powerful a cloak that breaks map denial is, even if it doesn't let you walk up and make funny faces at the enemy. -in lack of that last one, give enemies a flashlight on their primaries? I got this idea from Planetside 2 tbh, if units had flashlights on their primaries that disabled sbh cloak at a close range, it would at least flag them for surefire death instead of they slip away randomly through terrain and distance, and a visible sbh a whole team would actually pursue and shoot at instead of 1 person seeing a flicker and losing it as nobody tries to help him. Flashlights would also kind of help out in the dark maps. -In lack of that, enemy repair guns should disable cloak? People already try to use them as that, it gives some wierd color effect if your allied, if it turned it off as enemy it might be cool. -I wouldn't mind a small nerf to artillery hitscan if the arc is barely noticable, like a mix of last build and this build. The arc was reduced but I believe shots sped up in process.
  21. Ditto. If you gave me power to delete posts, you can obviously track it, and give me the boot the first slip up. I would literally only delete spam posts, I wouldn't even delete haenous vulgur or otherwise explicative user posts as those are fewer and can sit with a report for a real moderator to delete.
  22. Lol PC gamers are so much better than the rest of the world, man I hope they are proud of themselves!
  23. That last point is the reason I argue it might be cool to have a weaker repair gun secondary purchaseable. That way there is some valid variety between getting a hotwire with tiberium auto rifle, and a laser chaingunner with a weak repairgun. Obviously the stronger primary would be 100-200 creds more expensive, make the repair gun like 300 itself as a secondary and just the weak one.
  24. I agree, 12-16 player servers are perfect, but hard to find. edit: well, didn't read the "per team"... Well the less the numbers the more personal the game is. I like a bit more numbers so you don't get absolute suprise losses in structures. Besides that, I prefer 8-16 players a team for sure. At least you can keep track of the 6 guys in field 4 guys repairing 4 guys in tunnel and 2 snipers. Any more than that and you start getting over-bulk hard-to-affect sort of things, where your tossing rocks at brick walls at best.
  25. My 200 dollar desktop could run this game. It runs it very well on low graphics, completely smooth, after adding 70 dollar GPU and 70 dollar RAM. That is 1g gpu, 8g ram, 2.8ghz cpu... That isn't asking a lot. If your computer in fact can't run this, then it probably slightly lags on medium low settings for actual Renegade, which I encourage you try Renegade on the current serial ran server connect standard with the game ATM or even a outside app like Renlist, or even one of the C&C FPS total conversions of Renegade, like RenAlert or my mind slips but the tiberian sun based one. If we made this game medium-low Renegade, wouldn't that stand the problem of... wouldn't we have just basically made Renegade by making this into Renegade? I don't mean to sound coy... but literally. It is like inventing the wheel, making it into a gear, realizing the notches make it difficult to roll a gear so you get rid of them to make a revolutionary new invention... no wait, that is literally reinventing the wheel...
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