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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. Your both right. Big brother is still a thing. IRC is still a thing. Old rene, as well as PA and RenX both use IRC, and Unreal games use Big Brother.
  2. It should be a server option by default on. Just because it is too powerful a form of teamwork rush, to be countered by anything more than a specifically defensive strategy in the very first minute countering exactly this with an equal amount of teamwork. Clanwars might still like early donations.
  3. That cliff by the harvester's collection would be perfect. Depending on "scale" i.e. height of cliff, the tunnel can have 2 new passages leading from both tunnel points, down to the base. So, you can use the tunnels to go in the bottom and out the top. A new tunnel going to tib field would also give a harvester attack point by infantry, and since both harvesters are close it would pit infantry against infantry and against vehicle.
  4. I seen a bot repeat periodically the teamspeak info, anyone can scroll ingame messages from esc menu in the match, and I seen players get stuck in "free zoom view" as spectator. So *shrug*
  5. My real ones are: -Give flamethrower "area effect" on any ground his projectile hits and enemies touch, 6 seconds of burn if touched within 6 seconds of the surface being shot touched. -Same with chem sprayer, except tone down the damage against infantry just a tiny bit, maybe just lower the rate of fire a bit but keep the damage so the "total damage of all clips" is still high. It is wierd, the chem sprayer insta-kills infy but does low veh/structure damage and chem-rushes were viable against field barracks in original Ren. -Emp grenade disrupts SBH Stealth, mines, and base defences -Emp nade and AT mine given to Items PT tab and weapon-slot, replacing spot of beacon/airstrike if selected. -Powerplant increases cost of stuff by 50% instead of 100%, and delays the first shot of base defences by 4 seconds (enough to run between cover) instead of disables, while destroyed factories increases cost of things by 100% instead of disables -More variation between patch and gunner while both remaining strong.
  6. It should get a mildly magnified damage buff to vehicle heavy-armor. Because that is it's only real purpose. Shotgun outclasses close range, rifle long range, and marksman is a whole nother situation. The flamethrower, should have medium range, steady damage like current, but do slightly better damage to vehicles so a clip does 10% a medium tank's health. Possibly increase it's rate of fire, which doesn't increase it's damage much but does increase it's damage volume against in-base enemy vehicles. Oh, here is another idea. How about, keep it's infantry damage low, keep it's vehicle damage the best of free classes... and increase it's range indefinitely with it's current napalm-like arch... AND give it legitimate splash damage. Then, it would also be a good choice against infantry-clusters, which is a real counter against most nod infantry except the chem trooper. Speaking of the chem trooper, giving it a lingering projectile would be neat, just for temporary area denial. I was thinking, any bullet impact created "tiberium surface" that damages enemies, the surface just lasts 8 seconds though, and it isn't like "tiberium surface" does "real fatal" damage because it don't. In matter of fact, maybe THAT is what the flamethrower needs, a lingering ground effect for 6-10 seconds where walking across the projectile's collision area on the ground starts "fire" damage. That gives the flamethrower a tactical use against infantry at most (albeit the more dense the infantry cluster the more the effect, and the better the kited distance the more the effect).
  7. Well, they did release offline player-side local server on the 9th. Why they didn't delay the release a month and a day just to squeeze that in is their personal business, but including the Oct. 9th build, they went the distance with Planetary Annihilation so far. Besides, Human Resources is supposed to be a "parallel build" to Planetary Annihilation, same engine using two different game mechanics, PA using macro scale thousands of units and sphere maps and streaming economy and symetrical factions, HR using micro scale unit with abilities and flat map chunks and collection economy and assymetrical factions. It is a concept of horizontal integration, building two things related opposed to a single thing in focus. Like doing local oil drilling and refining, opposed to doing global oil drilling instead of local without in-house refineries at all.
  8. Agreed
  9. -Vehicles damaging engis didn't do much. You had to be retarded to die to it, it gives the vehicles 1 free shot because it takes less than the time of 1 vehicle shot to pt-refill-exit (aim-e-r-reaim). If anything, it superficially added skill to quick-selecting refill, anyone new to the game that slowly selects refill with the mouse contributes less to repair while anyone veteran repairs full-speed. -Respawn rate of harv, that is a more game-mechanic adjustment to what old Ren servers had, harv-blocking when under siege because that harvester acted stupid and interrupted stuff often. I would be behind harv respawn delay, it adds greater benefit to early harvkill and prevents it from blocking and contributing score. I would also be behind harv not contributing score and/or credits if not delayed-spawn because it just feeds enemy bank if not harv-block. -EMP nade disabling defences just does a group tactic self-sufficiently, the "infantry tunnelrush while a vehicle distracts defence". It would be controversial but don't knock it until you try it because it likely would be balanced and would benefit GDI as well as Nod and would benefit comebacks for teams lacking factory on a base defence map (compared to very unlikely effectual gunner rushes). I personally approve as long as ATMine and EMPNade are move to Items PT tab and the Beacon's slot. That removes possibility of SBH Emp-infiltration Nuking or anyone nuking for that matter unless a team effort. And even then, EMP nade isn't as good as an airstrike on the beacon is. IF emp nades interrupted base defences, make them also interrupt player-mounted whiteout defences?
  10. I will keep this thread atop and still suggest something slightly off topic. The problem with field is it has classically always led to stalemates. I always felt, a lot of maps either ended too fast because a nuke crippled without redemption, or a double-factory loss of both teams leads to a perpetual game. Some marathon servers allowed limited double-cost vehicle drops in classic ren. Well, my suggestion is in fact a change of the "classic renegade mechanics", one some may consider radical: -HoN/Bar, destroyed causes 100% cost increase in units. -WF/Air, destroyed causes 100% cost increase in vehicles. -Ref, destroyed causes -1/sec of creds and no harvester. -AGT/Obby, destroyed causes twice the response time to lock an enemy but can still fire at 50% reduced damage. -PP, destroyed causes 50% increase in all unit/veh cost, -1/sec of creds, and 50% reduction in defense lock time and damage. This greatly reduces the effect of losing a building so a team always has a killing potential without buildings and a comeback potential one building down, while still giving a substantial effect on building loss. I recommend this because you still have building loss as permanent, but can much more reasonably play through it. Also, believe it or not, the PP is OP to take out and this also balances it to be a general-nerf without being the single biggest loss. Just imagine, Field, if you lose a factory you will have vehicles, just in scarcity due to credits. The more structures you lose, the greater that scarcity stretches, but any 1 would still mean it's access. In field, a double factory loss is a slower game without a stalemate game. In walls, a WF nuke opens for a finishing blow instead of effectively ending the game right there. Islands is already a perfect map, and still would be, mammoths would be out of the question after an early WF OR Ref snipe but conservative field armor would be possible, while Nod would still have sbh threat after an early HoN snipe.
  11. There is a bumping state that Unreal allows, the tops of vehicles should be made of that. That way, standing on it is possible, but the vehicle and passengers cannot promise it reliably as infantry can't control the direction of their slow slide and the driver has to try to balance them like a spinning plate on a stick. Btw, I don't care if bug or not, 1 single auto-rifle guy can fire randomly into the field (if not the infantry already in the field) to check for stanks. If found, fire atop it to check for sbh? If sbh atop, shoot in face until dead? None of them can fire back lest attracting attention.
  12. I think walls is the best playing map with air (remove air from other maps if anything). The only problem, is the war factory ramp and SBH. SBH are more nerfed lately, likely not as big anymore. Also, does anyone but me mine that ramp? 4 is all it takes, if your really diligent put 2 layers of 4. Besides, lastly, when I am on good GDI teams, the wf roof is a chump spot, the sbh can't defend such tight corners vs C4, it takes like literally 2 seconds to vaporize him because he is literally always in the same spot and you don't have to guess because his stealth effect is clear as day from 2 meters aka the distance from the ramp to behind the smokestack. Then, it takes longer for Nod reinforcements to come in, even in Apaches the place is tucked in enough to diffuse through it. The back corner of the WF, with a time c4 placed 3 meters out from the corner and with a 14 second delay, is generally better. A Nod APC can make an arse out itself to buy time, the SBH can rifle the diffusers from a non-c4 range, I believe plateau-top Sakura can even cover it.
  13. Idk, that is a LOT of work just for airstrikes. It makes more sense for emp nades and mines to replace airstrikes and beacons, all 4 take the same slot, even the same "items" tab in the Purchase Terminal for clarity. That would be minimal work, just do exactly what you did for the beacons and airstrikes, for the emp nades and mines.
  14. Just a thought. I was thinking, AT Mines and EMP nades both could use being in the Item slot. As well as that item slot possibly consuming the "grenade and mine" slot. That would adequately nerf planting beacons, it holds the place of c4, and would nerf emp grenades because it holds the place of c4 as well. Then again, emp nades are useful for planting c4 on a vehicle, which is where we come at difficulties. How about emp nades as well as mines take the slot of items, but c4 retains it's slot. Because right now, tank mines don't "refill" and emp nades could also not if desired, but they take the secondary slot that is supposed to refill? Idk, their "slot placement" confuse me.
  15. While I am familiar with the answer, I still insist that map has terrific synergy for RenX. Think about it. You need to expand most maps to work with RenX being the average size is no longer 8-8 to 12-12. Glacier is already big enough, and it has intricate enough design in it's tunnels and vehicle pathing, and it even has air unit balance and some stationary neutral field defences. You can of course relocate some things but the map has such a promising use in this game. It is a shame it may never be. I want to make a map too though . Glacier and City-Flying. Although, I would call city "X-City" because how cool is that. If I made a city map in UDK, would the work in changing the assets be significant enough to try and rebuild it in RenX? Because I would build it twice if I had to, it isn't like I don't have a video reference *coughvolcano*
  16. Will this one also "not" be in beta4? Who knows
  17. Like cloak disable. To be fair, it would also have to disable the mines, the natural enemy of sbh and a GDI counterpart. I mean, it would only disable 1 door at a time, and you could layer mines at doors and terminals and raise the suggested mine limit to comphensate for that. It works wonderfully already, a standstill is a lot more a death sentence to any vehicle popping out at a base defense as well as for any light armor vehicles and for APCs.
  18. Suggestions: put AT mines in Items catergory, along with beacons and airstrikes. Because refill doesn't refill them AFAIK and because balance with beacons. OR make them refillable, which would be terrific IMO as a defender, I know you can only 2 at a time but when your 2 pops you kinda want 2 more without paying. Perhaps stick a free-class repair-gun as a $250 secondary weapon. Then you have choices of engineer with tiberium secondary, or chem-trooper/mcfarland with repair-secondary, and all other sorts of variety. Hotwires still repair better which makes them competitively best choice for vehicle support compared to lets say a PIC or Laser Chaingunner with a secondary-repair. I know I pitch this a lot, but I like the newest secondary weapons and it looks good.
  19. Some legit strategies stem from it. Besides, its 1k a beacon, it fixes itself in 3-5 beacons, as that is at most what one can afford across a good part of the game.
  20. Eh, they are established developers, in rts and crowdfunding, and both simultaneously. Btw, here are better details about the idea:
  21. XMountain was pretty smart made, has a lot of bugs though, and could stand to be smaller but isn't the worst at any of those things. We definitely need more classics, but as noticed around RenX, classic maps seem small, and require a lot to update their feel anyway. City for instance, the road could use to be an X shape in the center, AND have on/off ramps, to both stretch the center of the map and create realism and interaction between the over and underpasses. No road in existance does what City-Flying does, it is so "mock-up".
  22. I would intentionally let the building get as low as possible before reacting if I was confident I alone could undo the damage. Idk, seems exploitable on the other end of the scale, but not THAT harmful as long as score for damage and repair is left alone.
  23. Yeah the flames are now volumetric projectiles, and no longer require the unrealistic pinpoint hits like they did before. Oh good, so if you hit the center of the flame all the hits around the center all still hit the center because they have a large hitbox. If you hit the edge, more hits still overlap and hit the enemy, but not all of them since the right side don't overlap the left. As long as it has the arching napalm look to it still, I am happy with it. Good job Totem Arts!
  24. Just pitching this, but in Renegade's servers that have veterancy, it usually applied a mild health regen and mild health/armor boost. Now, a mild health/armor boost completely thwarts noobjetting free classes, and a mild health regen can increase chances of surviving a second encounter on way back to base or even surviving an escape encounter. And if the mild regen applied to vehicles entered, that also would be a great effect over time, it would eventually mean one shot a few seconds ago went away, so you survive one shot more over a lengthy time trading shots. Damage would be tricker to modify unlike health.
  25. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/65 ... c-rts-game This is a Kickstarter, for a C&C style RTS, by Uber Entertainment. Costs $20 kickstarter for a release copy. Apparently it is a collection economy RTS with less units and more unit-abilities. It is based on a stereotypical apocolypse, where machines grow sentient and enslave humanity but summoned ancient magical monsters crash their party. Both fight against each other to collect the same resource: Humans. They collect humans as an economy, and wage war to out-apocolypse each other and their side to be the dominant destroyers of the world. This is RTS news, similar to Grey Goo. I would hope everyone with similar interests to end up here are also interested in these new projects. There is a large amount of people who love Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/Super Monday Night Combat... and a large amount of people dedicated to expansively boycott Uber/PA/SMNC. Nonetheless, I thought it was closely enough related to spread the news here. A lot closer than Kitchenware (I am looking at you SpamBots...). NEWS BTW: Planetary Annihilation Releases player serverside offline-mode on Oct. 9. One day after Renegade X releases Beta 3 with a new map and big changes, Oct. 8th. Best of wishes to you gamers, Merry Early Christmas.
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