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Everything posted by RoundShades
Because the regular pistol does like 30 to infantry, and like 5 to light armor and 1 to heavy armor. A pistol that does 30 across all armors is still well worth it's utility.
I think it might be best to make the ideas conjoined. How about, make the player have a personal c4 limit of 3, a personal timer c4 limit of 3, and then... ...a personal mine limit of 6, with a team shared mine limit of 18. This way, 2 techs could still mine the whole base, and even use mines slightly more generous, but some of the mines are linked to you and can't be screwed with while others are linked to the team. At least you have some mines that are failsafe. ADDITIONAL BALANCE SUGGESTION: Make mines have half their diffuse time. Just more interesting if it were possible to get by mines without having a spare corpse to donate themselves or hoping for the best. They still hold enemies, but nobody has time to currently disarm, by time you disarm 2 you are shot even if in the middle of the tunnels.
It "magically" does more damage because it's a single fire rocket. It's balanced compared to the 6 shot gunner that can spam smaller shots. It's only the reload time that makes the gunner's rockets weaker overall. They shouldn't be more powerful than a single rocket. It makes no sense for the gunner to have the ability to fire 6 rockets quickly and for them to be stronger than the Rocket Soldier's single rocket. They should do the same damage they do now at the same rate, but the Gunner needs to be able to reload slightly faster to bring his DPS up. You are so wrong it's hard for me to choose where to start... Gunner is a more expensive unit. Gunner is supposed to be more powerful than the Rocket Soldier. In Renegade they do exactly the same damage per shot and Gunner fired far faster than the Rocket Soldier. This is the point of Gunner. He is GDI's specialized unit for killing buildings. If he is not doing far more damage against buildings than any other infantry in the game then he is not fulfilling his role. Please learn how the game works before posting. A $0 unit should not be dealing DPS comparable to the unit that is designed to be the ultimate building killer. If you don't realize this then again, you have no idea how the game works. There are plenty of instances in which Gunner's range is completely irrelevant, and he should not be outclassed in killing buildings by a free character in these instances. The weapons don't do the same thing in this game. Renegade is dead, it's not coming back, get over it. Joking, but seriously, in the way the game works, the missiles should maybe do more damage against buildings or reload time be faster. Really, it is in GDI's balance favor for grenadiers be as strong as they are on buildings, I mean it doesn't hurt anything and it's limited range. I do not think Gunner missiles should be exact same damage or higher than Rocket Soldier's, possibly make his about half just so his DPS is higher but his individual missiles aren't. They use entirely different launchers in this game, soldiers should keep his one shot damage while gunner gets the dps with slightly weaker rockets.
It isn't that it is disbelief. This is a free game and the unreal engine has hacks though usually background programs. It is just, first off, details include names, and a smart hacker would just use a name generated by microsoft gamertag generator each server he plays in. Nothing stops him. Second off, there has to be ways to stop them basically. Devs are free game devs, they do not have a responisibility to be antihacker superheroes. If they can think of some tools to use or put in, I am sure they will. For the time being, go somewhere moderated. Kick them like you are Duke Nukem and there is NO bubblegum.
That's why I prefer marathon. That server can keep their "let wf die" baloney.
Hacks now pervasive; no longer just speed hacks
RoundShades replied to MobiusOne's topic in Renegade X
Anyone know what the rest of Unreal games do? I beleive most the others do moderation, then again most the others have a persistent name lock or an under-engine id associated with their build. Also, if IP ban was available, that would help too. I am not sure if Unreal has any programs to run with server and do checks for line of sight or speed or weapon damage or unnatural aim speeds. -
Might I solicit "marathon" to you good sir? Be thou interested? Jelly had one up. I met the forum celebrity, _ERROR_, there. Pretty cool games.
And the reason they come back, is because you can repair for points constant damage, but you recieve no comphensation when you cant repair because they outright killed it, so the counter to that is just outright kill something, a building or a group of tanks, all score you cannot reclaim.
Actually, I thought it would be neat to repair just armor on infantry instead of health. That breaks original renegade unfortunately, at least mostly, but it does make sense that welding onto an infantry repairs armor not health. Another balance idea on repair, is that vehicles close to death repair at the current rate, and vehicles near full health repair at half rate. That way, it is slower to get a vehicle all the way back to full health, and faster to survive-repair a vehicle. Another balance idea is a really-weak repair gun being available as a secondary weapon. Then more classes will have access to repair, at the cost of better stronger secondary weapons, as well as their primary. A last balance idea, is to increase the cost of high-end secondary weapons. Make carbines 400 and tiberian weapons 600. This will make more of a difference when you stop getting "free secondaries forever" when you buy one and remain in that server. Consider these. They all actually make things interesting for "engi class overuse".
So how are Nod players handling Mammoth rushes?
RoundShades replied to m3chladon's topic in Renegade X
You wouldn't want teamwork, you would want airstrikes, if your team wasn't a capable bunch. You can argue you can run with a clan 24/7, but that is what we like to call stomping, yes it is don't argue it, and stomping makes the game to where very soon it is just 40 players playing it and the other stompers stomp harder than you and on you, so when you and your clan leaves it makes it 32 which is less than a full game and a pity. Airstrikes are cool to actually suppress a bad scenario with a lack of teamwork, and airstrikes serve a function to functionally spend income without a live HoN/Bar/WF/Air. I would settle for HoN and Air working with 3x cost if destroyed, and removing airstrikes, I guess. I would generally prefer some kind of limited use on airstrikes, there are only so many times you want to spend 700 at once besides misuse. -
That's only for the GDI side though (meaning NOD has the advantage), and GDI are unable to do it on the NOD side. Is there any reason that only NOD are able to take advantage of this? Or was it an accident to begin with? Personally I don't mind if it's kept in, provided the map is fixed to allow GDI this same advantage. I like the idea that infantry can do it. I hate how it isn't obvious, how Nod can do it only to GDI's base, and how it seems like the devs somehow didn't find it out. So either make it an obvious rock outcrop which can be transversed and is somewhat obvious, or make the flat invisible wall vertically block it. Right now, the invisible wall forms an obvious and smooth ramp on the sides of the GDI Walls Base, even when the rock looks nothing like the invisible wall.
So how are Nod players handling Mammoth rushes?
RoundShades replied to m3chladon's topic in Renegade X
Eh, I personally wouldn't call an airstrike a counter to a mammoth tank, as much as a counter to sieges. It works harder as a counter to GDI in general since they are so into sieges, and mammoth tanks don't move fast enough to dodge one called on them if they were moving to begin with. However, stanks can hit and retreat at them, flamers can trade higher damage against them, artillery can peck at them, and raves could use a buff but are good too. So they aren't OP if that is the suggestion. They are stronger than Renegade, but alas so are the flamer and stank, as well as several other Nod units. -
Really, the engineer is only as good as where they are. If around vehicles, their own buildings, a group APC attempt, and the tunnels with NOT-ENGI classes. Really, can the engi long-range-kill apaches, mrls, and arty? Can engi's really kill certain classes better, like a good shotgunner, a sniper, or a grenadier? Besides that, if an engi uses their c4 on a person, they can no longer slap it on an mct. If you have just 2 engis going to blow a building, you can't spare very much, and if you have 3-4 all going in, you would rather use grenades instead of timer and just stick all the remote on the terminal instead, more instant that way. And any class + beacon > c4 + apc. Then imagine the apc defending the beacon. Most people say the FACTION with the stealth class is BETTER at nuking, and that both c4 and stealth are BETTER at MAPS BALANCED without base defences, so MAYBE ITS A FACTION OR MAP BALANCE ISSUE. But seriously, couldn't it just be that, like planetside2 and medics, where you can't get a true kill unless there aren't any medics and if a team of 20 are all medics they are immortal, that medics are just a superior team player? The medic, and engineer in this game, is a utility, which is repair and reheal. The other classes are utilities, which are damage dealing. The healer's damage dealing is like Charlotte's from CastlevaniaHD, high yet it's cone and dps is poor, while the utility combat characters like Soma can make 20 second's work out of Dracula. Seriously, all the characters are all pieces. It doesn't make you better playing engineer instead of another character unless you are using engineer properly and not using other class properly. I don't get an engineer when I see a rush, I get a ramjet/PIC depending on armor type, and low on creds I still get a laser chaingunner or chem sprayer. You act like all the other classes didn't get buffs. Did you even play Renegade? Did you try to use the old chem sprayer and flamethrower and patch and sydney?
On larger games, GDI should consider mining the tunnel entrance rather than the buildings. Then, station a single guy to check up on the mines. Makes it twice as hard for sbh to get in. Anyway, I think my favorite map is City Flying
Yeah. Unfortunately, thats how players will be with betas. "this isn't as good as EA's beta". "this beta was released so as far as I am concerned it is released" "why are there bugs in a beta". Like they have been taught wrong about what a beta is, just because they only participated in AAA title's not-beta-but-called-beta, and not an actual beta. I have participated in some betas. Another beta I play in has partially fallen apart last patch, some features break other features. ALSO, hacks are in no way the dev's fault. Besides, this is an open moderated game. In my opinion, they should add commands to reset score and revive buildings for server moderators, so they can just banhammer hackers and fix any problems they caused. A lot of the problems are fix able with moderating and with small self fixes, like renaming the movie files inside the movie folder to skip intro, and not clicking a sort tab on the server list to prevent random server joining.
I would say that a forward spawn would breake the game! How could you ever break through a sige? Actually, such a concept is "planetside2", except with strict long-tested balance to it. Sunder's are vehicles that act as forward spawn, although with the HUGE distance between one base to another, it gives the attackers some form of anchor. Then the bases themselves, there aren't just 2, there are 40, so capturing one acts like a forward base one step closer to their next one, and if they cap it back they inch up closer to yours. Generally, it is balanceable, however right now spawns are random, so if it was in one wouldn't control spawning there, unless the PT could "send" you there at 500 creds a teleport. I THINK IT WOULD BE OK FOR SURE THOUGH if it acted as a PT with just "refill" on it. Or if they added neutral mid-field crates or caches, which either faction could walk up to, hold "R", and it refills their ammo.
BunkerTS had a repair pad. Just engis also repaired vehicles. I mean, it does change the game. My arguement is, whether more or less fair, that when done that game no longer remains Renegade, it might be the Tiberian Dawn version of Reborn, but it PLAYS more like Reborn and LESS like Renegade. That is a pretty big change of gameplay from what Renegade was. I don't remember any actual Renegade games I played without repairable vehicles. Ask for recon bikes, that is... bad ass. I didn't think about it, but GDI COULD get a Quadbike, and NOD COULD get the recon bike, and they both can be used for some sort of very light field-deployment vehicle.
If a chopper getting into your base was an instant lose, why not make it that way? Why not make a place on top of the tiberium refinery, where if you land a vehicle there, the refinery instantly was destroyed? In matter of fact, why not it kill every enemy on that team if you landed it there too? They are stupid or something for letting it happen, so if it ever happens they deserve it... ...NO. No seriously, that should not be the case. There is no way it will always be that a heli can never make it there, and it isn't always the team's fault. AND GENERALLY, it isn't very legacy Renegade to allow people to place on extreme heights atop buildings. Roofs okay. But the tallest part of the ref and the smokestack on PP, they HAD invisible cones and wedges of walls atop in a slope that prevented too much hard collision but if an infantry landed on it they did slide off and rightfully so.
The way it is reflects legacy Renegade. The olde Jelly servers played with most the features chosen. I think Reborn is the only Renegade thing that used non-repairable vehicles at all, APB made a special unit that can only repair vehicles and another to only heal infantry and another to repair buildings. Civilians were mainly only used in Single Player, if not for that the models for the Pickup Truck and Civilians or the White Faction wouldn't even be in the game files (which they need to be for players to load them). They would add fun to this game but they still are a stretch. The Recon Bike was used in fan maps, it worked mostly, it could totally be added to this game for some maps or a tech building to make them, but they need tweaked heavily in balance. Renegade made them useless and lacking of purpose. This game can give them either an easy way to get around, possibly drivable through tunnels, or some form of scout tools.
It is one of the few very distracting or one hit kills in the game. If it lands, it's a kill. If it bugs inside of a place you cant reach, which some players do intentionally, it's a kill. If tanks come rolling in while you search for one, then it and/or the tanks are a kill. Good players can in fact diffuse 20 in one game. Bad players can place them inside the pegs by the base of the Ref's Silo, and then nobody can diffuse it. So there is your issue.
I played me some bastardized Unreal games in my day. SMNC. The solution isn't killzones, they randomly punish people who accidentally them. The solution is "zones without proper flooring", which means if landed on the player shows falling animation and slowly slides. Then, obviously make beacons only placeable if you are standing. For instance, the very top of smokestack, shouldnt let you stand, should just slippy-slide you off. The top of ref chunks. The top of a turret. Maybe other places should do what C&C Renegade did, and just put invisible walls, invisible flooring, and invisible roof-needles, where the beacon can't be placed in recessed areas because the invisible flooring will be where it lands (no placing it tucked into things or down into smokestacks), and players cant stand on roofs because the invisible walls on the roof form a sloped roof that is too steep to remain on so you slide off. That was what C&C Renegade did. EDIT: I think the "beacon" can also be a floating entity as double-insurance. Meaning it plants it by your feet, and is not effected by gravity. If it isn't effected by gravity, you have to be standing, where it is. Coupled with not allowing standing where it shouldnt be allowed, it will keep beacons where they can be seen.
yes, they should probably either drop at the center of your feet again, or they should now allow you to place within a foot of mesh meaning you have to put it a foot away from any walls or obstructions. Yes, this would mean out in the open, even on the roofs of buildings, but they are beacons so they are a bit powerful and they can be defended by straight up gunfire too. At this point, I think people are intentionally exploiting beacon placement. I wish moderators would enforce better on this one. I would regularly join any server that would moderate it. You would think Jelly Marathon would, I was suprised when there was an IRC admin on and everyone accepted the game was broken on it but didn't blame the person obviously exploiting it.
Yeah, hate to say they are right, but "freebirds who love their mobility" are ironically limited in where they can freely roam as far as computer programs. Get a desktop, and you can play this game for less than 500 bucks. Then, you could upgrade that desktop with a graphics card, I suggest the NVidia 9500GT, and extra/bigger ram, and it will continue to play good games on low graphics for years to come. I know, I did it. I am just glad I was smart enough not to buy into the "must be laptop" thing. I never have any comfort at all with a laptop, I need a desk, and I would honestly rather get one of these:
He is right. There are no stalemates, only what you have in your head. You see, there is a problem trying to argue huge balance changes to this game: it has been tested to work for 12 years. In 12 years, most people who stuck with this game loved the balance between defence and offence, and while there have been some changes they all encourage the attacker if anything, such as vehicle buffs. There never was a stalemate problem. Some games ended without base destruction, in my opinion most did end in base destruction, that is proven in marathon servers eventually ending. They sometimes took hours, just because of vehicle stealing tactics and two factions losing a very crippling building (and two cripple factions playing against each other can take a long time, imagine two teams without either vehicle factory in Field) Unfortunately, your ideas seem nice for a sudden death mode, but not for the main game, because this game is heavily Renegade legacy and that definitely changes too much, more than any change to this game.
[Feedback] Healing Infantry with the repair gun.
RoundShades replied to Potatomcwhiskey's topic in Renegade X
To make it as authentic as Renegade as possible, no locking. It is possible to do though. However, it is also a balance thing, it should require double player attention. That way, it can't be a dump heal, instead it is a trickle heal or a heal hidden out of combat. If the teammate isn't cooperating with the heal, he isn't doing his part for the heal. It requires him being hit-able and you firing you healgun BOTH to make a heal happen. When one of those things doesn't happen, it isn't your fault and they get what they deserve. I mean, if you are climbing a tall wall, and you are ready to vault the other guy up but he doesn't try to jump into your hands, then you are doing your part and no amount of help will fix it. IDEA: This is totally not very "Renegade", but I was thinking it would actually be more balanced/realistic if the repair gun only repaired infantry "armor" and not health. That way, it isn't a heal but armor replacement, and the "welding" effect makes sense because it is armor and not a person which you are welding. Just a thought. That would be cool.