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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. It has gotten better since flamers were given volume-damage (all the projectiles of the flame can reach the center and all hit a character at once, instead of just some). It could use a damage increase, like literally 1 or 2 points per shot. But, it already has great range, great damage on infantry, effective damage on heavyarmor. Also, it is good in group fights. It causes confusion in any more than 1v1s, and can damage a lot of people at once. Cover helps with all of this ofc, can't fire from open. Tunnels have walls to hide behind and the flame has long range, so just use the edge to spray them from a good 25 meters.
  2. That too. I find "credit management" to be an important task. Don't suicide with something too expensive, try to get the most and longest use out of something in order to get the most profit off it. I usually use a variety of chars, just depending on how abundant the creds are, and what I can use right then and there. Besides that, if it cost something I can't afford to replace again next life, I don't take chances. Death crates are good. They give hope to losers, as losers have no bar/hon/wf/air and are willing to risk the free-char they have for a chance at a game-turning vehicle, while winners have a 1k class and/or beacon/airstrike so they won't pick up a crate just to die or get a 250 class. Death crates especially pair well with supercrates. Like, a crate to turn off enemy base defences for 60 seconds. It is a really random way to end a game, be camping their front door, then base defence goes down and gdi just pours in anyway. Or, sbh with beacons just swarming in and waiting to plant multi-structure. However, even if crates kill you, it is worth that.
  3. I wouldn't mind if buildings loss had a half-effect. By which I mean: -AGT and OBBY death reduces their rof by 1/2 and increased the delay of beam/missile by x2 -pp increased prices by 1.5 and reduced ref by 1/2 but left base defence 1/2 on (1/2 the rof of AGT, 2x longer to fire missile on AGT, 2x longer to fire obby beam). Stacked with agt/obby death, either stack both reductions or turn off -bar death increases price 1.5 -wf death increases price 1.5 -ref death reduces ref income by 1/2 -low-tier defences respawn after a long delay, like "whiteout" does but longer delay ofc
  4. I like this.
  5. It would make it easier to be a mutator, if mines were seperated from their class. To be honest, it would be amazing if all item like weapons occupied the item slot. Including proxy c4, beacons, at mines, emp nades, airstrikes... ...the only problem would be refills on mines. Compared to not wanting refills on airstrikes or beacons or emp nades (at mines are alright as long as they are limited 2 a person)
  6. That's the point. Oh, forgot to mention to the original poster, you can have 2-3 guys walk into mines to clear them. Suicide them is one idea, soak damage and get healed up is another, both are faster. But, to repair mines faster makes it an option. And, to make it possible for every unit also makes it an option. Because, if 3 varieties of tunnel unit, can carry repair guns, then they can fight AND disarm once done fighting, however can't disarm and fight at same time, so as long as you watch the mines and only fight once enemies start disarm, you can actually carry out a tactical and lengthy battle around it, as well as just continue to remine. Now, hotwire can both disarm faster, and actually lay mines, and carry a carbine, sure. However, the carbine is the best weapon of it's class, which is single engagement mid range open-area tight-shot-placement autorifle. It lacks clip, range, spreadfire, and fires so fast that missing partially waste a lot of damage. Hotwires aren't actually that great against a variety of infantry. Engineers are even more limited given their health. Basically, it is actually a really good idea, given you could nerf the carbine a bit and/or increase cost a bit because secondaries should be a t2 while free weps are t1 and class-based should be t3... ...but the main point of the post, is because the "repair" ability is locked to the engineer/tech/hotwire, and you can almost never have too much repair, so 50% of all a team is hotwire. Trust me, if a secondary repairgun existed, tank users would use rail/pic with repgun, tunnel infy would use chems and mcfarland (mcfarland needs slight buff) and ramjets with them, and base repaieres would use techs/hotwires. Tank support and not drivers could choose anti-infy ramjet/500, anti-armor laser-chain/patch/pic/rail, or straight up dedicated hotwire repair. Then, secondaries could be more diverse. Heavy pistol contributes to anti-armor if they are low health and you want to snag the kill instead of repair your own teammates tank. Carbine is derp already. A marksman-like rifle as a secondary would be neat, maybe a rifle with half sniper rifle damage and 5 rounds fired sort of quick but not as quick as marksman and low reserve ammo like all secondaries. All secondaries having low reserve ammo to warrant their use 3 times max with only 1 backup clip would be nice. (not the starting pistol, it can be infinite) It breaks legacy, but also, hotwires/techs don't HAVE to carry mines. Mines could easily be a "beacon-slot" item along with emp nades and AT mines and all other items. Then those can be maintained through that.
  7. Eh, I would both be okay with mines having less health, and there being a weak repair gun as a secondary for 350, so you could choose hotwire with powerful secondary (which carbine should also cost 350), or rocket officer with repair gun. This also means other units can diffuse mines. Tbh, this adds even more power and complexity to SBH, but tbh, if you are patrolling, this makes them even more dead. And to clarify on health decrease on mines, I mean make a weak repair gun diffuse them as fast as a strong, and a strong diffuse it that much faster to give hotwires with infantry that much more a use. I gurantee you, you would see so much damn variety in the gameplay from this.
  8. Can I make 1 more suggestion? Is there a way to lock/empty a player's weapon slot for mines, via command or mutator or such? Or give them an equal character without mines? Better than kicking what little playerbase we have in a free game. Make people feel half-arsed welcome...
  9. This isn't a problem with the armors. This is a problem with the sheer numbers of the game. Someone didn't do math when balancing characters and some ended up with unuseable dps.
  10. Idk, you do good damage because of the difference in light armor and heavy armor. Light armor takes full damage from weapons, its literally like skin with higher numbers. Anything "special" doesnt do more damage to light armor, but doesn't do reduced damage to heavy armor. Regular weapons do near-nonexistant damage to heavy armor. Autorifles, do no damage to heavy armor, equal damage to light as infantry except light armor is 800 compared to skin. Laser and volt, do damage to infantry and equal damage to heavy and light (again, with higher numbers). Really, snipers are the big difference. Light armor takes huge sniper damage, heavy armor takes plinks of single digit damage.
  11. You should get a larger score for a building death, and slightly less for damage compared to repair. That would marginalize the gap by a few thousand less. To be honest, that then worries the trouble of excessive beacon disarm feeding points. Which should also be adjusted. Base premise is though, that a building kill should be rewarded a few thousand point gap so it equals the score of 10 minutes of tank siege. Tank siege should give you a few thousand score advantage. Killing a building should give you the same amount all at once. That way, a total siege compared to a building kill would be a close score which could evenly be decided the rest of the match.
  12. Meh, I know it is possible, but having seen it, it isn't "that possible". Meaning, I could see it taking 2-3 tries, and I don't think you have 2-3 tries to gamble with 1k credits, you fall then you're dirt-napping. It would be nice if it had a metal sheet going across to the damn thing, possibly with that section of arm-rail missing, but I would settle for anything than having to gamble with a jump through the window. I remember it was doable in Classic Ren. It is harder to do here, you don't do it in the same way, and the angle jutting out from the top is steeper so it goes farther out. Eh, it is actually better than you think strategically if you think about it, if you have to disarm mines then you can disarm them peeking through the hole because the repgun will reach. Even if they are right on the MCT you can try to throw the C4 overtop of them. Even if you had to disarm them, there is no PT in the back of the air, you could easily repair them while people minding their own business are none the wiser.I just like the strategy behind this opening.
  13. I think the ramp should come closer to the windows on the top of the Airstrip in flying maps, so you can enter the Airstrip from atop and fall through the roof inside. Bonus points for making it 2 way (Nod can climb ladder/spiralstairs from inside and hop out). And yes, balancewise it makes sense, the Air is a good hotwire target in a transport (or an APC to the ramp) if it had another entrance, while it seems Nod has so many entrances to choose from when infiltrating. If the inside is climbable, then on non-flying maps, leave it climbable. It would benefit Nod and would benefit GDI if they were able to infiltrate they could beacon upstairs with more likely defence while that situation being very seldom.
  14. I agree I liked it too. Then again, if you think about it, the inside of the mesa does look like an arena shooter. Also, this will make Mesa the first map with two ends of the base open for vehicles, no? Like City Flying. Not like whiteout where there are 2 openings but they both funnel into one, or Volcano which had a narrow tiberium tunnel like Mesa originally had (which is why mesa could use the change TBH) I just think the map could use for the infantry tunnels to actually get into the bases whereas the death-towers literally gaze right at them. If base defences were moved back in the base a bit and/or blocked view of the cave, they could also have a better view of the base openings.
  15. I too considered this, but I noticed severe pros and cons: 1) As mines, they would always be placed front of base. Since it is easy to plant and leave, any class can place it and rushes would be useless all game. 2) As grenades, they can be tossed in panic. While it requires a presence of a person instead of a mine automatically guarding while people ignore it, it also makes it more powerful for a person to use on any vehicle since it is point and click and hit. 3) C4 requires manual attention, but it is mostly over-useless as it requires you to get so close to the vehicle that you already could plant regular c4, why would you need it if already that close? Generally, the problem is with the severity and singularity of their use. Reduce effect on vehicle speed, and give a few other bonus debuffs like repair gun disabled and stealth disabled and c4 disabled, then it would be more useful in more situations, but less a promise for a stalemate game.
  16. It is supposed to get better next patch, the SBH effect visual noticing. Also, no, players do play dumb sometimes. Some videos I even see are of SBH walking right by. Matter of fact, in one of my videos, I see a SBH easily passing by me in the water bridge on islands, like he knew I wouldn't see him or something. I also see a hotwire NEARLY hide behind a steel beam on Walls when I play Nod, and I almost just let them walk right by into my base like I was blind, I had to double take. People aren't too sharp.
  17. Stability was the only thing that really took a toll on playerbase. Honestly, it is still growing since beta 3. Give people time. As far as a big push like from a download site, maybe Totem Arts should start looking for other platform databases like GOG or Amazon or something? As many sites that are publishing games for download, this game could try to get in through them. If it did well on GOG or Amazon, Steam might waive all difficulties and fast-track the game onto their services...
  18. I actually sadly think this is a better design only if base defences are removed (or downgraded or moved around) -guard towers and turrets inside base but not on paths? -AGT and OBBY moved out of sight of infantry entrances but in sight of vehicle entrances? Here is a wierd harvester idea too: -What if harvesters harvested from blue tiberium again, and there was a deep chasm dividing the blue tiberium. That way, vehicles can enter center, and can shoot each other's harvester and maybe through opening on either side, but cannot cross in vehicle to enter the enemy base through the center?
  19. My opinion is the exact opposite. I agree the carbine is t2, and I feel it is broken right now, but that is because the variation is lacking and the price doesn't match the power. My solution always was, make secondary weapons as various and customizable as primary weapons. Primary weapons are attached to classes, and that is legacy and what the foundation of matchups is based on. Leave that pretty much as is. Items are not secondary weapons and should be in the items slot. This includes beacons, airstrikes, emp nades, at mines, and these should even replace proxy c4 on a hotwire as currently, or timed c4 on all other classes. (from what I understand, proxy c4 replace timed c4 on a hotwire, and their special character slot contains 2 timed c4 unchangeable) Secondary weapons should practically give you the option to make any customizable and hybrid character. Here are my ideas for possible secondaries, and can be used with any primary, possibly making a character's primary weapon a backup to the secondary: -Carbine rifle, 250 creds, slightly less rate of fire but honestly is okay as is. -Sharpshooter rifle, modeled after an m14 or m1garand, 300 credits, 30 damage a shot and 5 shots a clip and 20 ammo total carried and no bolt action but half the fire rate of marksman rifle. Has an accurate dot scope but no zoom. -Heavy Pistol, 150 creds, has 7 rounds, 35 spare rounds, does 25 damage to inf., light armor, and heavy armor. Is pretty accurate, flexible, and good for anti-armor when bar/hon is down. -Basic Repair Gun, 400 creds, is the engineer's repair gun as a secondary, because engineers can get carbines and heavy pistols and be better grenadiers and rifle infantry, so PICs should be able to spend even more cash and get a repair gun. That way, any primary class, can have a complimentary secondary. A single fire class can have a carbine, an auto fire class can have a sharpshooter rifle, engineers can have anti-armor weapons in case their tank gets derelict, and PICs can have repair guns for their tanks. The trick is, having a utility secondary to compliment every primary, and balance it by cost. It makes credits even more competitive to obtain and spend wisely so you never have spare lying around and can use it to fund the war effort. The best part of setting it up like this, is that it benefits the 1000s classes with complimentary powerful secondaries, as well as the free infantry when the bar/hon is gone so they can spend hard earned credits on a variety of powerful weaponry to stay in the game. Lastly, the suppressed pistol is a decent secondary already. In an infantry fight where you are low health is where it is used, and that is where everyone uses it, especially rifle classes. "Switch to your sidearm, it is faster than reloading". True even for silenced pistol to finish off 10% enemies when you are at a reload.
  20. Maybe an EMP Nade should be an area debuff in case of above. Maybe, the smoke effect as well as some ion effect shows a round area, and the following happens inside of it: -Grenade costs 400 and is found in the items next to airstrikes and beacons. -the effect is about the diameter of 2 artys end on end, and lasts about 10 seconds -remote c4 cannot receive detonation trigger until effect is over -proxy c4 cannot be triggered -timed c4 cannot be detonated until the effect is over, but any c4 including this can be thrown and work after the effect -repair guns cannot fire -stealth effects are disabled -radar and player hud is disabled -anything that can lock on, vehicle and infantry, can not lock on -this is a maybe, but maybe a list of advanced weaponry no longer functions like ramjet, volt, pic, railgun. -vehicles touching the effect move at half speed Now, imagine this, this would break front door camping in Field (the vehicles can be suffocated back off the front door via repair denial), and allow teams to flip the field more often. As well as be used for infiltration but not with a beacon, and be used for tunnel fights. It also costs as much as a SBH itself, so it is a good dump of credits.
  21. Isn't there many limiting factors in this? I think it is an honest use of a buggy, considering you can only stick 4 c4 per man on a buggy. The only OP thing, is other people sticking c4 to your veh. That being addressed, would be nice, while leaving the personal usage thing alone. Because the personal usage just serverely damages a single enemy vehicle, it can kill a mrls or arty but not a tank of any kind nor an apc all the way.
  22. I can see the woods one being exploitable with the stealth tank. That would be excellent, getting a stealth tank and parking it and when people cross the woods run them over out of nowhere. The look on their face when you do it...
  23. Nope, the tunnel that is on the side closest to the HON, is also the side closest to the WF front door. The other tunnel is directly in front of the bar, but the bar is a bit farther out, especially considering the bar has 1 opening and the MCT is on the far side. You can also argue that the HON isn't as shellable as the WF. But, the distance of the HON to the base entrance is shorter, a lot of empty space in GDI's base to allow GDI to react to flame tank rushes. At the same time, the HON can be shelled from over the infantry rock-ramp albeit a limited window of attack. Thinking of it that way, it would be OP if GDI had flame tanks in that map. They could get to the Air or the HON before Nod could react. However, the distance is shorter, because mammies don't cover as much space as fast.
  24. Besides being loud, which many games are guilty of, the startup is short and cool looking. I don't see the problem with them. This was, at most, a problem when you needed to reload the game each match back in beta 2. Hearing that and losing 15 seconds every 20 minutes, was a viable reason to delete movies folder. Skipping with the ESC key is a nice feature to add. It isn't a requirement of functionality, don't get entitled with a free game or they will be glad to issue you a refund (lol) Why making the loading screens skippable is necesary is wierd. I already see the bug reports for loading screen freezes incoming, in mass. If possible, don't make the loading screen skippable or make some other non-movie element that says loading somewhere in text on it so people know better.
  25. Use airstrikes. Gets me everytime. That's not the point. NOD doesn't have to airstrike at all..even if it's sometimes nice to have. GDI also have the stronger vehicles, as well as ramjets to overwhelm light armor (even arties behind a bunker have some hitbox). How many ramjets does it take to fire at once and 1 hit an arty? Like 6-8? GDI have stronger vehicles, which is why they need to enter the Nod front door. Nod does not have vehicle superiority so they get a bit more cover. For that matter, most maps and the game itself, balance based off gdi/nod differences. Nod's tall structure is HON, GDI's is WF, both are their key gameplay utility, infantry being Nod and vehicles being GDI. Bases usually place HON in equal danger with WF. In field, WF and HON are shellable, Air and Bar as well as refs are tunnel-beaconable. In Islands, HON are right outside tunnel, and WF is right outside tunnel (as a wildcard, bar and air are also reachable), Both have WF and HON shellable as well as ref, and since SBH are more effective with nukes on Islands the Air is also vunerable at Nod entrance. Let's speculate. City Flying baby. There is a blind spot to transfer from behind cover to behind a base structure. For Nod, its HON backdoor, for GDI, it is WF backdoor. The ref and hon and pp are all in a wide radius of attack from overpass side, and the ref and wf and pp on gdi overpass. The underpass is less a "narrow death drap" and a flexible approach being able to take cover from air under the pass and use either narrow cracks, and that entrance attacks the air and bar as well as the powerplant. WELL, if the map structure doesn't fix the finnicky crack allowing some vehs through but not others, it makes sense that, by map design, they switch the ref and PP around. That way, the PP is on the "safer" side of the base. Then again, you don't want 2 vital structures on same side of a base, but the overpass has range of all 3 so that don't matter much. There is a method to most map design madness.
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