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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. Complicated to program but great idea. So you buy a vehicle but don't spawn it, and anyone else that goes into the PT can see that icon as FreeX1 or however many tolkens there are for it. That way, with a lucrative credit supply, you can purchase meds, mrls, mammies, and hotwires. Anyone broke could buy those free. That way you limit what they can blow their money on to constructive uses, guide their play if you will, but it doesn't sit out in the open.
  2. Hourglass didn't work right. I don't doubt they could have fixed it though. Adjust the hill, Adjust the tunnel pathing, Adjust the harvester pathing. To be specific, some vehicles worked some didn't, some teams won points sheerly from akward vehicle function, some direct conflicts were easy to win because of the terrain.
  3. I actually decide whether to buy something from steam or not on a case by case basis. Planetary Annihilation has it's own infrastructure, you can use steams with it but I find the steam overlay slows the game down. On the opposite side, Super Monday Night Combat, same company, worse ingame social features, Steam makes it better. Terraria and stuff tends to be well kept on Steam. Big titles that I can get standalone I prefer because patching isn't an issue. Player Content games are good on steam, unless they have their own workshop (mod managers, nexus).Overall, I have like 50 games on my PC, and the most indie and most bigtitle ones aren't steam, while the middle ground ones are. Planetside2, Slenderman games, PA, RPGXV, Little Fighter 2, GTA4, C&C games and OpenRA, Minecraft, all non-steam. AVGN, SMNC, Terraria, Kerbal, Starbound, Outlast, Gary's Mod, Vector, Fallout series, all steam.
  4. Haven't been able to play a whole lot of RenX lately, 1mbps network, but I'll join your stream! This is in fact live atm. But I can't see the video. BTW Happy Easter Y'all!
  5. If it makes you feel better, I too prefer 12-16 players per team.
  6. RoundShades

    New Update?

    as usual times between updates get pretty long, being such a small dev team and only part-time development of the game. However, when that other update does come out, like another week at least and 2 months id expect at most... ...perhaps it will have new ported maps, Volcano and Complex? Oh, and more stable.
  7. I might be offering monopoly money here, but I would spend 20 dollars in the current state, I would say 15 of that is function and 5 of that is spirit which still counts because they did good by the herritage of the game. Were it polished, I would spend 30 maybe 40 dollars. If they could promise to expand hugely into map production and total conversions, I would kickstart it for 120 dollars. No joke. Really, EA has enough money, they should just back them and not be douches about it for a change, just let them work and collect the resulting sales from it. Then they could port it to console and everything. That would be amazing. Don't mind me, just... lamenting on my crushed dreams... Imagine it though, this game could have been Battlefield and Battlefield could have been cancelled or coexist. Why must the good die young?
  8. It really should be in all fairness. That is like if one day consoles actually did succeed somehow to monopolize AAA games like anything from EA and Activision, and dumped DRM into them to keep them consolized for a long time. You would be complaining it is retarded they won't put them on PC. They could quote ease of piracy on PC compared to console. You would still feel alienated, yet you would really want to play those games. Everyone would downtalk PC Gaming as they don't have call of duty or titanfall or anything interesting, just indie games made by people who if they got big would just be on console anyway. That would be unfair and I never understood why people can't play on the medium of their choice without getting hassled by a fanboy like some sort of thug gangsta. In all seriousness, if I ever won the lottery or obtained a large sum of money, I would start a game production company, and I would port this game to consoles. Eventually. When done enough. Would pay to open any door to do so as well. EA, Totem Arts, Microsoft, whomever. In all seriousness though, it probably won't get ported, and that is a shame, but I won't feel bad when the software ages and gets cracked a lot in ten years or so, and it gets jerryrigged together A LA homebrew nintendo cartridges.
  9. I don't get this post. Why do you want to remove the skill based gunplay (recoil which requires proper mouse control), keep the random gunplay (spread), and then not make use of something that's in the game and currently useless? How does spread have nothing to do with luck? Are you serious? Pick an auto rifle infantry and try to get 100 headshots on a target FROM the bottom of walls flying middle TO the top without letting go of your mouse button. Can you do it? He pretty much described Renegade, how didn't it work there? Theoretically, by comparison, you describe Call of Duty? Besides sales, that gets so much actual praise in discussion about it... Being unbiased, spread needs less, range needs longer slightly in general, ads might should add range even atop of that as well as reduce recoil but still continue to slow speed. I say that because the spread is wider than it really needs be and reduces a lot of damage on some guns that don't make sense, that ads is only useable at low damage at extreme ranges on any gun accurate or not because of it's kick so it should at least land bullets farther away, and that a lot of the ranges feel just short of useful given a lot of the terrain distances in islands and hourglass. Honestly, I would accept any fix in that direction. Whether reduce spread or preferably increase weapon default range, and preferably increase ADS range bonus or just decrease recoil. Doesn't have to be all 4 I suppose. Agreed on the first part but... No! Buff flamethrower instead! Also, do both, meet in the middle. Flamethrower should do more dps, grenadier should do less splash radius and infantry damage, and mcfarland secondary should lose some damage vs infantry but keep its ridiculous range to punish tunnel snipers. Really, both flamethrower and grenadier should be decent against vehicles and infantry given it's limited range, and both are, but grenadier is too good vs infantry, and flamethrower could be better but is always used wrong, if people notice it arc'd then they'd fire it slightly above enemies and score decent damage but it needs more dps vs vehicles. I like both honestly, they just need some adjustment love.
  10. Grenadier could use a nerf. McFarland could actually use it's range on it's secondary and a drop of damage, 30 damage max. Maybe make it's shotgun the stronger damage shot as it's harder to use. Nod Chaingunner could use a maintained spinup on secondary, it's new laser rifle is kind of strong when it lands and good players can make it land, and flame tank is in fact fairly stronger while its sad stealth tank isn't as strong but mildly useful.
  11. Actually, the right click is meant for tunnel sniper corner jerking kills. It just does too much damage. It should be good against sakuras as long as it does little damage easily, thus being used to chip away health and force retreat. The other tiers, some of them are roles (SBH) and don't need tiers, the sharpshooters didn't even have a basic tier but not having any sniper to speak of is nothing but a k/d dump and almost is even with current class but much worse without so it was added, but overall a lot of things are fine since it is based off Renegade classes.
  12. Oh snap son! That would be even better than Glacier! Even though it isn't as unique as glacier, at least we have the hourglass wannabe map has snow. So this would be bawss, getting Metro. You would have my undying appreciation!
  13. There are still at least 20 empty servers in old time renegade, right now, that are empty. Most of them 24/7. I can only imagine someone accidentally left a computer running *somewhere* for the last 7 years...
  14. This is definitely one to watch out for. I stole 2 APC's, 1 Mammy and a Medium tank in one game. I stole some as normal infantry as well but mostly I do that as an SBH. Sometimes my stolen tank is destroyed before I get away though. I don't think people can resist getting out to repair and I'm glad lol. Stealing Tanks is one of my favourite pastimes but I will steal anything if you leave the vehicle for even 1 second. I stole a stealth tank by parachuting from atop walls flying as a gdi marksman. Don't get out your vehicle unless your nod AND have plateau control.
  15. That's a pretty impressive point. If it was a concrete lit structure outside (think old "beacon pedestal") between buildings marking a "vunerable point" to plant, it would be a gameplay mechanic. As it stands, yeah, that is a pretty serious issue.
  16. Or uses refill at purchase terminal.
  17. Get a friend to join GDI with a throwaway account. Join Nod. Place c4 on them repeatedly. They repeatedly run over to their teammate's vehicles to clear them for you. Profit via Teamtrolling. Being able to bomb-deliver and get teammates killed completely intentionally if desired, shouldn't be allowed. If it is, it will quickly become a rule in Jelly and people not knowing they were attached would be accused and kicked from game.
  18. What an awful suggestion... It's sort of a bug not to die with c4 attached to you. Either disarmed legit or explode, don't jypse the game by getting in a tank and, because the game isn't real life, the c4 doesn't explode inside the vehicle and liquidize everything within. It's sort of exploiting the fact the video game doesn't let the c4 just follow you inside. If they could script it, more difficultly, they should make it where it somehow clings to your character model even inside of the vehicle, lets it kill you inside the vehicle while vehicle takes no damage, and your death vacants that seat in vehicle. Sort of more like real life, blended with the fact friendly fire don't work here.
  19. I got a headshot today with a hand grenade on a Sakura, in Jelly Marathon. Valor was there, he wasn't involved but he was present in the server. Full health sakura too. I admit, sometimes I even impress myself. No, literally. I didn't know what to say about that, I couldn't believe I bashed his face with a nade and instakilled him, it was ridiculous, I don't think either of us knew how to even address that. I couldn't even claim responsibility, that was as much an accident as accidentally shooting a SBH when aiming at an enemy nod sniper (happened before too, then he calls aimhax and the enemy nod sniper even said it was a sheer coincidence I shot at him and hit the sbh instead).
  20. That update is nice to know. Wasn't saying it wasn't, just saying it's nice. Quality of life. However, you never had games where new players couldn't tell or wouldn't bother with them? It is hard to tell if new players entirely comprehend what a tech building even is. I swear sometimes I see teammates shooting an enemy owned silo in the field, meaning the red outline on the hud actually confuses MORE than before since it makes players shoot it thinking it can be killed. Also, have you never been siege camped hard enough that walking around outside your base structures gets you sniped from tunnels the ground standing on shelled and airstrikes rained upon thou? You can't just peak to see if the silo is yours or not, you can't even see what color the grass is outside without it costing you the value of the class you purchased as well as your k/d ratio. Between all the other things, a hud is the easiest way to make the silo actually worked on. Otherwise, and even afterwards, new players are going to ignore it like they don't know better.
  21. I think there should be some sort of script added, where you cannot enter a vehicle when attached with c4. Thus, your enter button doesn't work and you die.
  22. Server owners can't set it by default or force-select next map? I thought I seen it happen before via someone on IRC? Anyway, I like Razor's suggestion about recent maps getting negative votes, although I would say -4 for last map and -2 for one before that. It really should be an overwhelming majority to get it done. I however don't see the problem with good maps being chosen. Did anyone have a problem with 1-2 years straight of 2fort? I played 2fort and dustbowl for the better part of a year without complaint, I even played it on vanilla xbox teamfort2.
  23. voip is difficult to do, results in a buggy voip most the time, and is easily furnishable with teamspeak, which most good servers have and their address is displayed in their frontpage linked in the server list and is displayed in chat ingame. That being said, they are also an indie non-monetized dev team. Does Minecraft still even have voip? It is 2014, minecraft must be a bad game
  24. ProTip- To use a stolen enemy APC to rush, drive backwards into the enemy base with it and try to act casual. Chances are, they will think you just need repairs. If you are lucky, they might actually repair at you while you pass them on the way to the PP/Ref.
  25. Submitted this as a bug because I believed it was big enough to deserve the attention. Generally, this is an easy add to add a icon to see if a building is alive or dead (obv. silo would show up dead to one team or another or both) amongst the other many building icons on bottom of ingame user interface. Hope its noticed and implemented, easy beneficial add imo. EDIT: Razor, sometimes under siege you can't even get to the silo to see. The only surefire way to check, is the secondary weapons tab of the purchase terminal. That is AWEFULLY ambiguous place to look, an actual UI icon amongst other base structures would be better, instead of only smart and/or veteran players knowing via an obscure trick. (also, the hover-over targetting was added this patch, before only engineers aiming at the silo MCT could see the targetting hud while anyone else aiming at any part of it just saw it like it was inert ground)
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