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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. So is Super Monday Night Combat. But it is a moba too. Despite that, I recommend it. It is a challenging multi-facet 5v5 shooter. I say 5v5, as a moba you have to constantly kill bot waves against an enemy doing the same, while killing enemies and avoiding death, and then there is turrets to push against at the enemy's front door. So, despite that it is small player teams, moba, and dead, I still recommend it. It has 16 characters, and to unlock them... let me do maths.... 120 on average a game... 6000 average cost... 40 games per character isn't asking for a lot, some games make you grind. And... you get tf2 hats if that is your thing? But... you gotta be good. That game will chew you up and spit you out into an elegantly shaped forged urn, if you don't know how to play it like a shooter and a tournament fighter as well as a moba, kill bots and keep yourself alive while showing excellent brawling and flank-ambush skill and fluent active heat-of-battle aim.
  2. I don't understand what you're trying to say. Also, the cloak shimmering when getting healed was like that in Renegade as well. It's important because otherwise it would just look like someone randomly firing a repair gun. The SBH should need to be in cover to receive a heal efficiently without the enemy seeing. Just because it was in Renegade, doesn't mean I haven't been standing around, a teammate engi runs up and heals me while I am at full health, and my head instantly explodes from a ramjet round passing through the direct center of it. It literally happened. I was slow to react because I was stunned the idiot would do it, by time I freaked out I was already shot. I quit right then and there (ref was out and I was broke). I am not sure I would have a good solution to it, but being seen because a teammate repairs you is a real dick move. I would suggest when health changes make stealth shimmer (that way false hits won't client-side reveal, and healing at full doesn't reveal).
  3. It isn't the worse, not to have sprint would be obvious leaving the building as usually infantry sprints to the field anyway. Or, give them sprint, and adjust their total speed where their sprint is slightly faster but almost as fast as a normal infantry run, and their run is slightly slower to a normal infantry run. I also see heal disable cloak being a "troll a teammate" tactic.
  4. The better balance would come from SBH being less visible but fluctuating in visibility. I know this would be a ton more programming, so considering this is very good news reguardless of how soon it would come. I am grateful for your feedback. And to specify what I mean, I mean much less visible when crouched, fairly less visible when standing and walking, visible from a fair range if moving full speed non sprinting, and completely visible but with the effect even across map if sprinting. But, crouching, you would have to be within 3 person's distance to start to become visible, and regular standing and walking and crouch walking within 2 vehicles length to start being visible. A regular run would probably make you visible across the distance of neighboring structures in a base. A sprint would keep the stealth effect but that effect would be visible across the map. Make being shot raise your level by 1 for like 5 seconds, so non-sprint running is fully visible but walking and crouching is more invisible yet shows up more moderate distance. I would be okay with shooting turning stealth off entirely if for short time after being shot.
  5. This was amusing enough for me to approve. If only the forum had a like button...
  6. RoundShades


    The game has updates and with larger loads will fill 4-5 servers. If it got near 40 players and split into 2 20 servers, it leaves room for both to grow. If 2 servers dropped below 10 with a total of 35 or less players, it could connect those players into the fuller game upon game end. It would be better for less or more people, as long as people could opt to get into specific games with each other. Ask for the engine, it isn't a engine rework, it is still the unreal engine and still within capability of the unreal engine, it is just making servers know how to manage players, whether to keep them in-game or pass them to another and how to determine it. It is still a lot of work.
  7. Mine would be reloading a gun constantly out of boredom. It is self-entertaining how you can reload a full gun for no real reason.
  8. I never understand how people can want to restrict a game. It isn't fun if it is overrestrictive. It has to encourage the "right" things, and playing "extra conservatively in the most skillful ruleset" should not be an enforcement beyond "default settings".
  9. Just saying, this game really could get greenlit anytime it wanted. However, it maybe should wait for the most stable version it can get. Also, maybe get volcano and such into the game first?
  10. RoundShades


    I wouldn't mind, if servers could have linked servers, where a server shows up as one listing and if it nears it's population it will start filling 2 seperate games with half the population going to each. Still much too much work to accomplish reasonably.
  11. It is confirmed to work on Wine. Old unreal that the game uses in fact does support OSX and is easily ran from it, but does not support native linux. I still see people run it nonetheless.
  12. Yes, standalone. Amongst your requirements is a computer. To be specific, 4g ram and 2.8ghz works, but more and/or a dedicated graphics card always helps.
  13. That is in fact wierd. What odd behavior you have to troubleshoot for. @ signs crashing server listings of all things.
  14. We did provide info on how to make your own launchers (http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic. ... on#p124535) and someone already did: http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic. ... t=launcher About the old launcher: since when does it not work for you ? Also, you can't see a server list in-game on ren-x? You might just have to launch ren-x's udk launcher or whatever, and from actually ingame go multiplayer.
  15. This is hilarious and most likely would never happen in an actual game. Just saying. Probably wouldn't even benefit unless you got an mrls which is almost impossible even in a sandbox environment. I just think it's hilarious, heck, keep it, ain't hurting nobody....
  16. IIRC, both launchers work. Except, when you download beta3, you will download the new launcher. If you keep beta 2, beta 2 won't be supported on browser list possibly. If you download beta 3, then replace the launcher folder with beta 2's, it should technically work. Therefore, the launcher itself technically still works. The devil in the situation is unavoidable, and that is a manual patch. People who are lazy, will not manually patch when the game randomly stops working. It is simple as hell. It is just a necesary evil, the game has patches and you have to download each one like a brand new game each time, until an auto updater is implemented. Too bad Playfab wouldn't lend a launcher backend to RenX TotemArts. Uber Entertainment developed a backend during MNC Classic to file-check, patch, and load games, and then made it a platform that any game can use. You have seen it if you ever loaded MNC, SMNC, Loadout, or Toy Rush. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/cros ... ost-926777 http://playfab.com/ EDIT: Technically, I just read as I haven't followed playfab since it's independence, but it technically will run free for sizes of 1000 DAU (Daily Active Users). Anything over that is like .0025 per DAU. They also claim to be willing to haggle on startup deals for people around 1k DAU so who knows. The only problem really, is that it limits the game, as a non-profit game wouldn't be able to use this once it got a larger than 1k DAU playerbase... EDIT EDIT: Technically, both these launchers, the old and new, remind me a lot of the playfab one formerly known as ubernet, especially back in the day (RenX has a server listing in-game so it's redundant). So really, if someone in Totem Arts figured out how to check file similarities and differences, and patch files from the download sources, some old school AOL shtuff really, then Totem Arts could eventually do this themselves. I personally don't mind downloading a new game every patch...
  17. It was mentioned elsewhere, but I wanted to ask again. What tech was this made with again? Atomshell or coherent or something, my memory is all bleeding together...
  18. When the beacon is entirely inside of another object or is in a difficult spot to obtain on foot, like the roof of a non-flying building. Sometimes, people will complain and use terms that sound like something that should ban you, knowing you did nothing of the sort. Get a few one hit kills, get called an aimbotter?
  19. Oh, here is an idea. How about, if vote spam persists after a 1 minute player cooldown, make it a 1 minute global cooldown per vote type. That way, nobody in a game can vote end map, if a vote end map was purposed at all. Then, if that doesn't work, increase it to 2 minutes globally. A lot of space between updates, but I think it's best not to overreact.
  20. I was about to slap you, but actually I want to hug you. No being a default vote isn't so bad, but you do need to ADD abstain to an option.
  21. Death crates? Some servers disable them. Actually, there is a form of metagame tactic to them. If you are winning, don't get them, they will screw you over, if you have a 1k characer, odds are worse agaisnt you than for you. If you are losing, or missing a veh/infy structure, get them always, worse case scenario is you die, so pretty much exactly what happens when a ramjet bullet hits you anyway, who cares, but getting 20 deaths from crates just contributes nothing that wouldn't already happen while you aren't losing any cash on classes. The boost is that, since you have nothing to lose and nothing to live for, you can waste your life checking, and if you are losing and get a mammoth tank or a spy crate or a crazy ass character, then you get something game-changing. Basically, it stands better chance to benefit those who need it, not those doing alright already. That is how I play too, unless I notice crates have no deathcrates and I collect them like pokemon. If there are deathcrates, I will only get crates if I am low on credits and wandering around as a more ineffectual class or without much a purpose. If I die oh well. If I score a mammoth tank, I can carry my team without a defense structure for many more minutes into the game.
  22. Nobody but me reported it? I assume so because it didn't stop me and usually one person only can report. Also, why didn't you even link the post? I found it on my own...
  23. Beta 3 speculates they will be able to limit players on votes each 60 seconds per player. If player A starts a vote, player A cannot start a vote until 60 seconds after (the end of?) the last vote. So this is addressed luckily...
  24. Not to be a brony, but this is pretty much me right now at the news of upcoming beta 3...
  25. *shrug* 1 marathon and 1 non marathon is okay for now. Besides, we just got preliminary notes on a new version *fingers crossed*
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