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Everything posted by Demigan

  1. There's only one argument that votes in favour of increasing the FPS count: Subliminal messages. While we can't see it on television, one screen of a coca-cola bottle between the 59 others will still be picked up by the subconcious. So if you play more on your subconcious then concious ('hey I just turned a corner and shot someone before I even realised he was there' you will benefit from it. But after 120 FPS, I think it's neglegible. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  2. Allright: You watched any movies on Youtube? an ordinary homevideo shoots 25 frames per second, 25 FPS. Most of them look ugly because of it, but not all if you got a quality camera. For just a short period of time they've been upgrading the standard FPS for those camera's to higher, it's around 30-40 if you get a high quality camera. Ofcourse, if you go looking for it you can easily find 6000 FPS camera's for high-speed capturing. TV's have had an FPS of 50 for years, I think that around 2002 the FPS was raised to 60. and only when I'm playing Super smash brothers melee I can notice the difference between the 50 FPS setting and the 60 FPS setting. Now if I go to 70 I might be able to get so used to that that I can see that 60 FPS lags a little behind, but beyond that, you have to rely on lightning fast eyes for a living to get good enough to see it. Sure, I would say that higher FPS's should be available, but there is no use to making it mandatory or something so that lower-end computers would have more trouble due to the higher refresh rate. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  3. I like the idea of having people show up when they are targeted. Preferably not immidiately but if for instance 0,5 seconds of having the targeting reticle on someone, before the silouette dissapears on someone. I don't like the idea of having people show up on the radar when they shoot. Many people have died simply because they couldn't figure out where the enemy was exactly shooting from, shoot, jump behind a wall and have them try and find you. What's the use of sneaking up on some snipers and them immediately knowing where you are after you shoot the first one? They should listen, even renegade itself had a great sound, with just my 2 speakers I could figure out the general direction from where someone was shooting. If you aren't paying attention to that, then it's bad luck to you and see you at the respawn. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  4. I've got to go to sleep so I'll keep it short: First a little help for the people who were asking for it: go to option, input, and down at the bottom right corner you can select 'keys', here you can change your keyboard settings. As for the 'I'm not hitting things properly'. You are probably used to the Renegade 3rd person view, which gives you an INCREDIBLE large area where you aim behind a person, meaning your weapon will still hit. Thus increasing your area where you can aim and hit someone. UT3 has a lot smaller area for that, meaning it's more equal with 1rst person view, but still marginally better. Which how I prefer it. On top of that, the aimpoint in the middle of your crosshair doesn't jump towards any objects in front of the thing you are actually aiming at, giving you a lot vaguer idea of where you will hit in 3rd person mode. My first impression, after I figured out you had to place a space between the target line, was that I couln't log in, more about the problems about that and connecting to multiplayer in the technical problems forum, which I'll do tomorrow So I played a multiplayer practice. One of the first things I noted was the beautifull look of it all (who wouldn't), the sounds are super b, when you are firing a weapon, you get a sound that just tells you that, YES, you just fired a weapon, and when that weapon hits, it's going to HURT, no matter how weak the weapon actually is. What I noticed then, and I hope it will be fixed in later releases, are the following: Infantry weapons are as they are supposed too, except for the C4. As someone said, you cannot reselect weapons that are empty, so if you are out of C4, you cannot reselect it to blow up some previously set remote C4. On top of that, in multiplayer practice at least, remote C4 has no 'reload time'. Meanig you throw away all of them as fast as you can. I've thrown remotes twice in one game, as a technician the first time around, I threw 3 remote C4rs, later on it didn't but I haven't tested it out. It's a bit weird around those remotes. Then I bought a tank, tanks seem to need a lot of tweeking yet. Some fire too fast, some seem too weak. The flame tank could barely kill a harvester before it returned to the refinery! This is in field and whilst keeping out of the AGT vision. Then I got myself a mobile artillery, it looks great, But I was shocked about the d*mn astronomy dome build on top of the thing! I would like to see that one worked on once the mod is finished, get that turret back to the more flat design of for instance the Turret's dome. And it fires faster then it should. Then the AGT kept on fireing even when i was against the thing with my flamer. which was rather annoying as the machine guns underneath seem to deal a tiny bit too much damage each shot vs tanks. Both harvesters got a designation as 'player', along with the possibility of gaining points. I didn't try this out by being crushed. Fun though to see how many points a harvester can scrounge And last but not least: if your vehicle get's destroyed, there's a radius of where you get out. But is there a ejection chair in vehicles? The radius seems WAY to large. When my flamer was destroyed against the AGT, I got spawned outside it just about halfway to the WF! Yours sincerely, Demigan
  5. Demigan


    QUOTE (DrummerX @ Oct 1 2009, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or you could make it a strong tide that sweeps you out to sea, so you will die if you start swimming at the wrong places. Or a tide that pulls you under, so you will drown. That would erase the possibility of swimming and keep the game more original, it would definitely be a problem if any rush can be hidden by the water. Or simply the fact that there would be too many ways to get into a base to defend it any longer. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  6. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Sep 30 2009, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What kind of bugs? I haven't seen any and I played it quite a bit. I had all settings around 'high', that might have helped.
  7. QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Sep 30 2009, 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My computer is on my room and the sound installation and energy systems are very old, which means that the sound installation makes a lot of noise even if it's off but there's power on the cable, and the elecric system zooms a lot no matter what I do, which isn't something I want to sleep with. Besides, I would rather download it at comming home from school tomorrow then download it while I sleep. It will make the chance on mistakes installing later on smaller. @ the dev team: perhaps it would be good to have a 'whine thread'. Just for people who need to whine about the unbalances they find, things they don't agree with etc. Then you have both a good excuse to delete any whine threads that are made besides that one, and you know what they are whining about inside. And you'll probably know better then me: They will whine about just about anything. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  8. QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Sep 30 2009, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You know, I'm going to go to a party at 8 pm my time here, which means that I'll come home late, then have to go to bed, wake up and go to school early, and be back by 4 PM tomorrow! One bright side: People will then be finished downloading it en-mass and the servers will be available so I at least CAN download something by that time Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  9. argh, I can see on moddb 'released at september the 30th: status: released' I take the fact that some of the modders themselves are currently watchin this forum as a sign that they are in the progress of uploading it or something. @Blazor: ARGH that means I have to wait for another 6 and a half hour! I think? I'm from Holland, +1 GMT
  10. what difficulty are those bots on? they look adept or lower
  11. QUOTE (Masterofnones @ Sep 29 2009, 09:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What kind of noobs are you playing against if you can get 2/6 missles locked on always? Any good flyer would give you 1 salvo maximum, then they would hover in a place that forces you to turn or you can't shoot (above you). Besides that, I can dodge the missles with an artillery, in an apache, you won't hit a single one ever, I've only ever been hit by those missles if a straight line would be safer then trying to dodge them, in case of snipers. As for increasing their manouverablility or speed, no no no, they are too damn powerfull as it is. Especially with the ramjet going to fire slower, only the PIC/railgun would stand a chance as they are going to be a lot harder hitting vs low armour targets like MRLS and air units (air units I'm not certain though, should look in the FAQ for that). Besides, if the MRLS is going to be the cause of the increase in power for the orca/apache, what is Nod going to have? They don't have an apache. True, the artillery is much more powerfull then the MRLS (unless in a building-hard hitting contest, but that's the only exception), but it doesn't justify making the orca so much more powerfull then the apache should the MRLS become great anti-air. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  12. QUOTE (dirtycopgangsta @ Sep 29 2009, 09:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You (partially) colour blind?
  13. QUOTE (BLaZor @ Sep 28 2009, 09:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> how about it stands for the biblical 'land of Nod'? I'm not sure what the hell it means for holy christian things but there are lots and lots of references to the bible in the C&C universe. Pictures of Kane and Abel and other simbols. Kane himself actually has a great resemblance to the biblical Kane figure, who was described almost the same as the Kane we see in the game. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  14. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Sep 27 2009, 11:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OOh, so you lied to us and you HAVE finished the game so we can play the full version the 30th?
  15. QUOTE (WNxTilly @ Sep 27 2009, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There's something called a 'faq'. Check it and you'll see for how many.
  16. Demigan


    QUOTE (ErroR @ Sep 27 2009, 12:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Read the faq, I ain't even gonna answer it, find out for yourself
  17. First of all, Damn nice update, especially with the 'how to play' already in for the new people to read up on. I noticed a few things though: The timed C4 deals 2/5 damage against a building. There are only 2 timed and 1 remote neccesary to blow up a building. It's nice to see that the health of the vehicle are all displayed as a total (the mammoth tank has 1200 health instead of 600 health and 600 armor) and that the health of your character is displayed below that even when you are inside the vehicle. But what is that armor sign doing there when you are out of your vehicle? As far as I can see health and armor are both compressed into one just like with the vehicles. Which would also imbalance the game as armor didn't save you from a fall, only health did. Am I wrong or is that something you still have to set right? The Nod engineer must have been force feeding or something, he looks like he weighs 150 kilo's or more! Edit: it's fobby! you've been gaining weigth? As for retracting a vote for drivable harvs, do you really think you will MAKE it that far? It's the slowest vehicle in the game! It's not as if you can use it as a stealthy infiltrator. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  18. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Sep 27 2009, 04:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ooh, good point. How about an invisible bungee rope then?
  19. QUOTE (thrash300 @ Sep 27 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Trash, please sit down for one moment, I have to tell you some bad news. They are going to remake renegade, not the blackcell servers. I'm sure that there will be enough servers with mutators to satisfy your needs though.
  20. QUOTE (HunterXc @ Sep 26 2009, 12:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've seen you as Hunter and K1llZ0ne I think, but you were Dutchhunter? If you are still practicing that I'll see if I can put you out of that business Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  21. Have you ever tried fighting people in orca's/apaches? Most people are dumb as hell, but there are enough who know how to fly those things. They can stay alive and kill one sniper, return to repair, repeat all game long. Faster then they get money for new snipers. Thus dominating the game as snipers are the best AA around. Now they are making the ramjet fire a little slower, making it harder to kill one. Now you want to add a feature which enables those pilots to SURVIVE after all that trouble to shoot them down? A bit unfair. As for having parachutes specifically in transport heli's, No, no, NO. I can easily reach an enemy base in any flying map with a coffin, but it's putting them down somewhere they don't get crushed or outnumbered instantly that's the problem. Having an option to keep on flying on terminal heights but greater speeds would be too usefull, and completely change te game. Think of walls where you could drop off entire squadrons of SBH in the base, but WHERE they end up is a guess for GDI, I can pass the wall and the WF before getting shot down, where will they have touched down, on the wall or the WF? with 3 or more SBH it's already too much to keep check off. Coördinated nuke and you've got a building destroyed. Without but also tech/hottie rushes, sniper drops, PIC/Rav drops to take out vehicles once the WF/Air is down would probably dominate the game.
  22. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Sep 23 2009, 03:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How about a crate which gives you the most memorable character of all time: The dopefish
  23. QUOTE (BLaZor @ Sep 22 2009, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's the small yellow boxes (black stripes on the lid I think) that turned around in mid-air. They were so useless in the game as it only gave you either money or refilled your ammo, that practically no-one knew what they were for or where they were. Only when money was an issue people tried to find a crate. So on most servers they now have incredibly big gray boxes which give a shitload of various things, example: Random weapon crate: you'll receive a random weapon, from sniper, flamethrower to railgun it's all possible. Beacon crate: you'll get the beacon of your team in your inventory, no extra charge. Unlike in the first crate editions it doesn't go off in 10 seconds Money crate: get a random amount of money up to 1500 I believe. I usually get a ton of money on maps I don't need it and then 8 credits on maps that you do Death crate: sucks to be you, your dead. If you are in a vehicle, your vehicle is dead Nuke crate: big badaboom a nuke explosion where you stand, killing friend and foe alike. Random character crate: gives you a random character, usually from your own team, basic infantry excluded. Spy crate: the crate everyone hopes to get, you'll get a SBH trooper but with the added ability that the base defences don't fire at you untill you specifically have destroyed a building. There's lots of paranoid tactics (justified paranoia, but paranoia all the same) to keep one of those out. Vehicle crate: damn handy at the beginning of a game, you'll get a random GDI or Nod vehicle, this vehicle doesn't count to the limit and it's so usefull to have a flame tank checking for SBH in islands Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  24. QUOTE (epicelite @ Sep 21 2009, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ooooh, sorry, I already asked that several times. But I hope that the bigger blast radius vs vehicles and infantry is so big that anyone who would die on 0 in renegade right now, will surely die in Renegade-x if they start running on zero. Edit: it doesn't have to kill EVERYONE who is in the current 'death zone' on zero as there will also be kills of people accidently being in the blast radius, especially if that radius is larger. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  25. QUOTE (epicelite @ Sep 21 2009, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> after the timer hits zero the beacon simply can't be disarmed anymore. That was the whole point: if the animation starts after zero, then you won't have missles dissapearing 10 metres above the ground. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
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