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Everything posted by Demigan

  1. I think the problem is that people have had their taste of the game. Renegade is wonderfull, almost unique. Renegade-x is going to surpass that with the promise of erasing all the bugs and mistakes, and adding a graphic overhaul that is equal to updating an abandoned warehouse to the Tai Mahal. But the mod so far contains lots of bugs. Ofcourse they will be taken out later on, but both the low playercount, and the fact that it's not finished yet, are a reason for me to just sit down and wait untill it's finished, and I think I'm not the only one like that. I'm not psyched about this mod anymore, I know it's comming, but untill then, I'll keep myself entertained with other stuff. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  2. Just watched all cutscenes. I don't know if I'm missing anything due to the minimapcutscenes, but it doesn't explain lots of things. Kane was trapped on earth for thousands of years, why? how? was he a fugitive, banished or simply crashed? How DID Kane survive the ion cannon and everything else thrown at him? He does say 'you are so fragile' but even the scrin drone ships themselves get beaten up by the ion cannon, so how can Kane survive even with Scrin technology? What is the reason for the optical implants, why are there only 5? Why doesn't Kane get one for himself? It's his technology, why make himself dependend on someone else? What of the other aliens that build the tacitus? what of the scrin on the other end of the tower? What happens to the forgotten? What happens to the tiberium? is it transported through the portal towards the scrin? or crushed by soundwaves (with disastrous effects on all of the planet)? 'answers questions' indeed.
  3. I've got a much better idea: If your entire team is pounding a building and you can't destroy it, SWITCH TARGETS! People are too afraid to get into the base defences range, but just sacreficing a few people can give you a win. Should you fail, then the game returns to it's dynamic nature: make sure you don't lose the field completely, drive them back and try again. Instead of just pounding a building for hours on end with never a chance to destroy it. If you want the stalemates go away, then take a risk! Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  4. QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Jan 4 2010, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What about the forgotten? They are going to make a huge comeback in this game (trying to survive while all tib recources are not under their control). But are they going to be playable? If so, how will they be playable? And yes, the scrin. It would be incredibly stupid to have an entire campaign, end the tiberium saga without ever explaining how the scrin are going to invade. It would be even more stupid to have them find a solution through the game to seal off the treshhold tower even before the scrin attack. And I hope they will give the scrin a different approach to the MCV's. 'we have a flying tower for MCV, but when we return to earth, oh deary me the MCV's we use in our attack forces are almost exactly like the MCV's now deployed by our opponents, what a coincidence'. While I'm all for making a balance in a game, giving everyone the same choices and only slightly different construction options isn't going to cut it. My suggestion for them would be to check up on an old game: earth 2150. 3 races, all with a different way to build, mine, create energy, with a bunch of basic weapons everyone has and a bunch of special weapons which are unique for each race. And still, it has a GREAT balance throughout the game. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  5. QUOTE (epicelite @ Jan 2 2010, 05:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The harvester gives still his 300 credits (or however much it gives each run) but takes twice as long to unload. The credits you get each second get halved though, so instead of 2 credits a second you get 1 credit a second. meaning your cash flow is halved Don't worry, all points you score still earn you 100% money for each point. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  6. QUOTE (kenz3001 @ Dec 25 2009, 04:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In my country all shops have to give a minimal guarantee of a year for ordinary use mechanical parts. In the shop I bought it in I even got a 2 year guarantee that it shouldn't give out under normal circumstances. So I think I'm safe on this one.
  7. I'm going to get a guarantee on the 3d card, as they were supposed to have informed me that the power supply I had bought along with it wasn't enough for the card. They will try to test it, if it's still working I can pick it up monday, if it's broken it will be replaced with a new one OR with a card that is about the same price as when I bought it, but then a card that is worth that much NOW. So all I need to be concerned of is to buy a big enough power supply I thank you people for all the advice I've gotten, I'll be sure to get myself a good power supply now.
  8. QUOTE (cubera @ Dec 23 2009, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or you give it a 50% chance that you die if you place a beacon on the pedestal and there are below ... players in the server, would make people think between a possible express ticket back to base and losing time as your enemy is happily destroying your base, victory through beacon ped or simply trying to blow up another building.
  9. QUOTE (Killa @ Dec 22 2009, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It does help. Today I've got some time to go past the stores and see what happens if I plug the old 3d card in. But with a list of proper powersupply's it will be a lot easier. Thanks!
  10. QUOTE (kenz3001 @ Dec 20 2009, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As he said, good enough to mention it to us
  11. I hadn't seen it untill today and I don't know if congratulations are in order. But Renegade-x is nominated for the phase 4 make it unreal test in Best non-fps (NOT an FPS?), Best machinima and best vehicle set. I hadn't seen any topics about it so I guess I'm just asking, is this good news or not?
  12. QUOTE (Jamnub @ Dec 16 2009, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats a damn good screenshot I think. Looks very nice. It might be almost impossible to defeat a flamer with a grenadier, but if you forget that, it looks like that grenadier is doing it's best. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  13. I especially like the first part of the video, the bit afterwards is cool but worked like an anticlimax for me.
  14. QUOTE (thrash300 @ Dec 13 2009, 12:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The leviathan can drive over any tank, even the goliath, and instantly kill it if it is driving and moving fast enough. So yes, they could make the mammoth instant kill anything it hits. But I doubt that in reality a mammoth tank would be able to. It moves more like a wall, heavy, almost impossible to stop once it's moving, but unless you manage to get a tread on you it will push you like a wall, never crush you. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  15. QUOTE (thrash300 @ Dec 11 2009, 11:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What's a surge protector? Does a power supply surge if it can't give enough power? That would seem a bit in reverse. Or is it the power supply that is BEING surged and gets broken? @Kenz: What would the problem be then? It worked for quite a long time on too little power. The only thing I really know for sure is that it's the video card at this very moment that's broken. Anyways, thanks for the advice so far.
  16. QUOTE (thrash300 @ Dec 9 2009, 07:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you look around, you'll find several places where they mention that they are going to make it a standalone. You should ask this question in the FAQ, it's especially for it.
  17. QUOTE (AsgarothXc @ Dec 9 2009, 05:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Allright, thanks. I'll see what it can do. Should it not work, then you people won't be seeing me on renegade-x untill I get myself a new computer. Which I don't see happening anytime soon. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  18. Good to know about the server-side hit detection. The thing about the shotgun is I think that the spread goes out way too fast. If you are at near point blank range, there will still be bullets that go past the target. Where in renegade it acted more as a short range sniper. I had in fact once shot someone who was at the limit of my shotgun range and enough bullets hit him to get a one hit kill (it was a patch). So while I am completely thrilled with the fact that we now have a real shotgun, I am also a bit irritated as the bullets spread out too fast. However, it might have to do with the players, we might just not be used to the new shotgun, my brother, who frequents many different types of FPS's, asked if he could go a turn or two. And he managed 5 kills in a row before they got him, making headshots at short ranges, but way too far away to be called point blank. Other then that, I think the game would be helped tremendously with more visual and audio input as someone already implied. As mentioned, I also died quite a lot 'suddenly' because I just didn't have any way to see how much I was hit. In normal renegade, all I had to do was check the colour of the bar, along with the giant health numbers which would appear more centered on the screen should my health drop in red. In renegade-x I just can't see how much health I have at the flash I deem it worthy to check up on it. I think it's mostly the fact that the colours around it are nearly the same, and the lack of change to the colours on the whole, screaming attention when it goes bad. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  19. QUOTE (Iroquois Pliskin @ Dec 5 2009, 08:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ok, tnx, good to know.
  20. QUOTE (PermaGrin @ Dec 3 2009, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Keep current teams after map loads: Yes/No If 'Yes': Teams will be kept as they were If 'No': Teams will be shuffled after each new map that is loaded. 'Yes' would be preferable for clan games ofcourse.
  21. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Dec 3 2009, 04:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ok
  22. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Dec 2 2009, 07:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So if a different points system was introduced that would counter the fact that being on the losing team will automatically mean you lose your ladder points would solve this?
  23. Hello, I know there are several people on these fora that like messing about with computers, so I got a little question for them: First in short my question: If a 3d card has been running for 1 and a half year with too little power and suddenly stops, is it broken, or will it work if you buy a new power feed with enough power output? I've bought a new 3d card about a year and a half ago, along with a new power feed for the computer. The original power feed was intended to power the computer plus the new 3d card, which it would have done splendidly if the 3d card had worked. The 3d card didn't work, so I got myself a Geforce 9800GTX+ instead. Foolishly, I asked them about the powerrequirements of the new 3d card, and didn't think any further when they said that it was 'about the same power requirement'. Some weeks ago, my computer froze for no reason at all several times, at large intervals. Untill last week, when it stopped entirely. It's defenitely the video card, without it, I can start up my computer and work with it as long as the video card isn't in it, but with the video card, it doesn't start at all. I checked the power feed, and if I read the terrible mess of words and numbers on it right then it should give an power output of 401,5W. The box of my Geforce tells me that my 3d card needs 450W minimum to work. So for a year and a half I've been running it with far too little power, and now it stopped working. My question is: If I buy a 450+W power feed, will this 3d card work on it, or have I broken the card? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  24. QUOTE (omega79 @ Nov 30 2009, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A beacon is always 1000 creds, even if the pp is destroyed If an unbalance occurs, then people should be forced to switch. But if there's 15 people in team one and 12 in team two, then I would suggest some kind of pre unbalance switch. Then everybody can switch to the team that might get too few people, but without repercussions. That way you can prevent unbalances and people getting switched unwillingly after a death. Besides, there are enough pro people who see a challenge in fighting with the losing team, having one of them switch over and rebalance wouldn't hurt would it? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  25. QUOTE (frish @ Nov 30 2009, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The best auto-teamchanges I've seen were where you were switched when you died. It saved getting killed instantly without warning. If you add an option that everyone get's a personal message saying that the teams are unbalanced and need to be changed, and everyone can use a command to change teams right there and then without repercussions (such as reimbursment of the money you put into the tank/character you currently own). And perhaps an option to switch to the character/tank that your new team has available should the production facility for those characters/tanks already be destroyed. That would help, especially if you are switched to a team that has had the wf and inf destroyed which caused a lot of people to leave in the first place. No sense in being punished by a switch especially if you were the one destroying the buildings. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
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