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Everything posted by Demigan

  1. Dead AND alive! As far as I'm concerned, there are tons of people just sitting it out untill the game has progressed or even finished. But behind the screens the mod/standalone is being put together. While at the moment we don't get to hear much, the irregular updates show that they have been working steadily from nearly the beginning. There is absolutely no reason why they would have stopped working as steadily. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  2. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Jun 19 2010, 12:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nah, when I was a kid (and still am in many ways ) I had strict rules about computer use from my parents. But when we played outside we always played our own games, in which we were invisioning violent things (playing to be soldiers and that kind of thing). But where don't children do that? The difference is the line between reality and game again. However, a computer will drag you a lot less towards actually hitting someone, as we did have fights occasionally when things got out of hand because someone cheated or thought that hitting with sticks near the hands of your opponent was allowed. That way, Computers actually act as a deterrent to violence. You don't take the actual actions. However, should I walk into a martial arts club, even a defencive one, you can bet your life on it that they are more violent. I know for certain, as I do the most peacefull martial arts in existence (Aikido) and we still got that one guy that doesn't think the rules apply to him and he thinks he can teach you by beating the crap out of you. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  3. QUOTE (maty @ Jun 18 2010, 09:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, ok, true that. But I do think parents in Amerika take things a bit too far. We have a newspaper here that has a column of a journalist that migrated to the America's. And when she let's her 3 year old son play outside naked, she get's concerned parents because their own 2-4 year old children 'might get the wrong idea'. A child of 6 isn't even busy with sex! Oh well
  4. QUOTE (Qbert @ Jun 17 2010, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He didn't say it was an incredible change from a cute boy to a violent maniak. Just that you got a tiny bit more violent that you would have been. Still, I don't agree with him. But I first have to prove to myself I was right before I burn him down
  5. QUOTE (AlonTavor @ Jun 17 2010, 01:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I played it, and if you are looking for improvement of your brains, then Renegade is probably the best game out there. While it has a bit of a slower pace in changes then other games, when the changes do occur they are fast and sudden. Other shooters are simply shooting people up, getting the highest kill-count. There are simply very few actions you can switch to: moving and searching, shooting someone, choosing which weapon is best in the current situation. Renegade is bigger then that, you have to pick a goal, based on what your enemy has and what your teammates have as goals and equipment. You have to plan ahead, pretty far ahead in fact. And alter your plan again and again after each engagement you had. Where other shooters simply have the plan of shoot, move, shoot, try to get that juicy big gun, shoot... The advantage of Renegade-x is that with the recreation of unreal gameplay (you can survive 10 bullets to the chest or a tank shell closeby etc) they enforce the line between reality and the unreality of games. making it near impossible to think that violence as propageted in the game is the same as in real life. As for Ban4life's reaction. I'll have to prove you wrong now, I'll try to find those artikles. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  6. QUOTE (maty @ Jun 15 2010, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wrong, there is no reason why parents should be concerned about violent video games. Every research conducted so far about video games making people violent were inconclusive, and only showed that people who are violent to begin with prefered the more gruesome video games. What's more interesting, is that unrelated research about brain-train programs concluded that the brain-train programs didn't do anything to enhance the intellect. They did find, however, that every first person shooter gamer found among their test subjects DID improve. The reason behind this was because the brain continuously has to switch at rapid succesion between what it is doing and what it wants to do next. Effectively making the brains create more synaps connections and with that improving brain function for thinking out problems (not specific things like math or language will improve, just the way the brain handles information will be dealt with quicker). The only thing his parents have to worry about is that any already present violent tendency's don't pop out, but they should have seen signs of that already. So otherwise, if he keeps doing just as much homework as he did before he got the game, then he should even improve at school. Just make sure he balances his social life too If you want, I can find the scientific articles for your parents to read. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  7. QUOTE (dirtycopgangsta @ Jun 14 2010, 07:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Towers, snipers, a damn big coastal cannon to disable and teleports (?) to get around. Would have to sort that out, defenders could move quickly to defend something due to the teleports, but the CNC universe is a little ill suited for that... And having an easily accesible network wouldn't work either, one attacker getting into that network and it's quickly game over. Keycards would be an option? and perhaps an automated transport system (small underground trains that continuously travel between 2 stations, with one central station where every killed defender spawns). I dunno, should have to be worked out a lot more.
  8. QUOTE (ALTEREGO @ Jun 7 2010, 05:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It serves 2 reasons: one is just getting more word out. A single player shows their skills in programming and modding. The second reason is that everything they are going to put into the single player is going to be used in the multiplayer as well. Every wall, stone, unit and missle is going to be used somewhere. Thus they aren't slowing down or sidetracking, they are still working on the mod Renegade-x as hard as they were before, if not harder. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  9. QUOTE (Sukhoi @ May 25 2010, 11:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I play mostly marathon servers, and defence is a lot tighter there then in timed servers where within 45 minutes usually at least one building falls. In marathon servers, a lot of important things happen due to infantry. That single timed c4 on a tank can break the offencive a team that's been pounding buildings for hours. What's more, in any other game with 'tactical' gamestyles like CTF or UT's onslaught/whatever they renamed it, a good player can assault a well guarded flag, and with a few well aimed shots kill several people before they get him, and shoot anyone who comes into his path quickly enough to reach the base. I know this because I did it lots of times when the real die-hard people weren't online. That's impossible in renegade, one of the reasons is base defences, vehicles and mines. But more importantly, it's the fact that running around a base and searching for the unmined entrance is a lot more hazardous as you can't gun and run anyone down quicly enough to survive for very long. Eventually, even the worst will damage you enough to make you flee, let alone if more people fight you. So, stealth is key for anyone, especially a hotwire who has a relatively strong pistol but not enough bullets in a clip to dispatch of people quickly enough. Should health drop however, then a tech/hotwire would be able to kill 2 people with one clip if not more, enough to keep people away from you long enough to blow something up. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  10. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ May 21 2010, 11:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I had expected at least someone to react. I don't have the motivation or the skill (I do have the will) to code anything. Otherwise I would have volunteerd
  11. QUOTE (Sukhoi @ May 25 2010, 07:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was really C&C. How can you do a proper tank rush or similiar if one artillery on field can destroy 7 tanks before they get into range? The game mechenics are build rather good, one of the best things about renegade is the fact that health is so abnormally high. It makes it harder to kill someone without damage, making getting into an enemy base hard as every fight you have, no matter how good you are, you will probably get damage. This forces people to be more stealthy, quick witted and you require in-depth knowledge of the layout of a map and the intelligence to avoid unneccecary fights. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  12. QUOTE (epicelite @ May 19 2010, 11:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Renegade is a good game, it's a great game. No matter what happens, you still keep comming back for more. But there are so many games which I have had so much more intense and submerging experiences. Renegade scores good on one thing: multiplayer. But all the bugs and all the other things make it not the perfect game it should have been. So, yes, Renegade isn't the greatest game ever on my list. In terms of replay value, it is. But if Renegade-x can make it true on all aspects they claim to be able to improve it, and manage to achieve a steady players online on every hour of the day, they will probably make it to my number one spot. I have great hopes for it, but I've never reverred anything for their claims or my hopes, but on what they made true. So far, I'm only dissapointed in the fact that I've not really been able to play the beta's. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  13. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ May 17 2010, 06:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you do add assault then Renegade-x is probably going to reach my top 3 most favourite games of all times. Depending on how well it's executed. One thing of note: I hope that your skills with these new type of trailers will soon be on par with your previous trailer skills. It's visible that it's been more difficult to create smooth and action packed trailers with the UDK engine and all the porting still going on. And I think that the worshipping of Ren-x can go to far Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  14. QUOTE (a000clown @ May 17 2010, 05:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It also brings assault missions a step closer. Having a certain amount of time to breach the enemies defences using whatever recources you can scrounge up during the battle, the enemy team having to beat your time after you beat them. That kind of thing
  15. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ May 16 2010, 05:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Would be fun if it's an internal thing we are waiting for, like 'we finally finished our trailer for the upcomming update which is going to be in juli!'
  16. QUOTE (Kilroy @ May 15 2010, 08:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So what if we are wrong and it ISN'T a release date for anyting? Anybody dared consider that you are waiting for something that isn't comming today? The team never mentioned anything about that date, we just guessed.
  17. QUOTE (epicelite @ May 14 2010, 09:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm working on a time machine, it will be finished in 2047, and hey! It worked!
  18. QUOTE (HunterXc @ May 11 2010, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You watch how much fun I get from shooting down aircraft!
  19. Happy Birthday, may you live till 2047
  20. QUOTE (maty @ May 10 2010, 06:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just checked, it does say that. So either that's the date you are living in, or it's the date hopefully something more is going to happen
  21. QUOTE (EternalEquinox @ May 9 2010, 11:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You were complimented Killa . And it does look good, it's just that the beauty is a bit thrown to the background with the rise of activity here.
  22. QUOTE (EternalEquinox @ May 9 2010, 11:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True that, and so much more interesting. GDI has all the powerfull tools with the big tanks and advanced aircraft. Nod has on one side the cheap rebuild weapons (buggy for instance) and on the other hand all the unconventional weapons some of which are top of the bill research (the railgun for instance, although if it WAS a railgun, then a bullet of that size would have the impact of something a whole lot more fierce). So having a go at GDI's arsenal will require a lot of tact and subtlety. And, if not too much asked, a lot of firepower on the side.
  23. QUOTE (zeth @ May 9 2010, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Argh, so operation black dawn is correct. Nice one EternalEquinox, you had the right guess. And that C130 got shot down by a missle! Nod must have cut down on expenses and didn't buy some flares . Nice animation sequence Havoc. Ooh, and nice work Mighty bob, is there going to be deathmatch in the next release? That reactor didn't seem connected to CNC somewhere.
  24. QUOTE (cubera @ May 9 2010, 06:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But he hasn't got it right you know. It hasn't got an equal chance to be later then that date. It has an infinite minus the time before that date chance of being released later, as there is an infinity of time on the other side of that date (I hope). I think EternalEquinox has the right idea.
  25. About your quote Sevyn: That's why they also have rockets which aren't guided.
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