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Everything posted by Demigan

  1. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Sep 20 2009, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Those bots are quite well designed. seperately, they are a dumb bunch that does whatever they like. But if you actually look at what happens in the whole picture: Some are automatically defending, critical things like nodes first, less critical things like chokepoints later. They don't always stand on the same place when defending a particular point, which is an improvement on the previous AI's as it makes it less predictable where they will be when you enter. Others will be attacking, or semi-attacking by going into the field and keeping incomming enemies in check. Others will try and get nodes/flags. In the meanwhile, they will team-up doing their objectives. You will usually find that if you are attacked by one AI, the other one is right around the corner. Sound familiar with human behavior? pretty much, there are enough people that simply sit there whole game sniping people that are actually only sniping at people from somewhere. Ending in a stale match where there's rarely any good attacks organised. At least the AI also picks up a few anti-vehicle weapons and is ready to die a hundred times over just to reach their objective and score 5 points. What humans aren't prepared to do, they will rather have a million points and no objectives accomplished, then -20 points and have finished several. On the internet, I usually pay attention to good players: what do they do? how do they act? where do they stand if they stab me in the back? I try to learn from what happened before, and use the knowledge of where someone killed me to develop my next action. The AI can't do that really. It will run up the same ramp a million times while you have a position where you can shoot them no matter how good they are, just like people on the internet you can observe them, discover how they work and then they are so predictable. That makes them stale, and that is the main reason people think an AI is dumb. You can learn how they work once and you will never be surprised again. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  2. QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Sep 17 2009, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree with everything you say, but you can kill faster with a pistol then a laser rifle...? A laser rifle deals just as much damage+fire damage (10 usually), has a longer range, about the same ROF and farther range. It's only flaw is that people tend to want to stay hidden/far away from people, which is rather hard with this loud and above all rather attracting rifle. Everyone knows, an SBH will run whenever possible and rarely attack full hp people. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  3. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Sep 17 2009, 06:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Most times you just get pushed out of the way, but if the vehicle is still going pretty fast, you are screwed. In case of Renegade, the ground vehicles won't go fast enough to kill you should they get destroyed and the wreck glide against you, and the aircraft will have to fall straight on top of you and crush you, otherwise you won't be able to die by the wrecks I think. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  4. QUOTE (Killa71 @ Sep 16 2009, 01:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, it has it's other uses. I killed a havoc with one yesterday (from full health), as an engineer on early rushes it's very usefull if you can get a headon attack i.e. you run in a straight line forwards and so does your opponent. You can kill him faster with your pistol then he can with an auto-rifle. I use it loads of other times, when I want to get close while damaging him without him turning around immidiately to shoot me, to kill people who are already nicely damaged when I have weapons with a low RPM like snipers, every time I run out of ammo which I incidently live long enough to accomplish. Besides, the whole point of the gun is that it's a backup weapon, NOT your main weapon. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  5. Lemme see, what did I actually start with? Before tatwayplz which I'm using on renegade right now, I had a shared name with my brother, oneshot12. Up untill we could play both at the same time. But before that I used Vuilwater. A damn lame name that means in my language 'dirty water'. But the dutch seem to be stars in picking lame names, usually more racist or sexual names like 'h*tlers beard' or 'g*yd*ck' And when I'm looking at the future, I'm using in every game since the last 3 or 4 years the name 'Demigan', which I'll continue to do for a long time I expect. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  6. I like the idea, but as said, the fact that it might change the gameplay too much is always there. We shouldn't ask ourselves 'will it change the gameplay' but 'will it change the gameplay negatively'. On the other hand, you could try and learn how to use the pistol. It's quite silent, and perfect in Under for instance when used by the SBH. You sneak up on someone, and use the pistol. They don't hear it, they usually don't get a damage indicator when shot by a pistol and when you shoot someone in the head you deal a good 50 damage. Don't expect to kill them in just one fight, you shoot 3 bullets, more if you are confident, then hide away before they see you untill you are either stealth or you see they aren't paying attention to their health at all. Then move in for the kill with either your pistol or go frenzy with the laser gun. if you are lucky, you will attract some stupid Deadeyes and havocs, will they be surprised if you actually shoot at them with a laser rifle Yours sincerly, Demigan.
  7. About the AI, I think that most people are even dumber then the AI's. The AI's just pick the wrong priorities, but people don't pick priorities at all! They start sniping somewhere and don't contribute anything to the game, same for most people in a tank: If you don't have any hope of destroying it, what are you shooting it for? (I'm talking about marathon) Now if you are low on money, your pp and/or ref are gone or neither team is low on money, I can see why you are shooting, it gives you more credits (and points) But most people also start shooting mindlessly at a building all game if the enemy team has lost their refinery! Why the hell would you be funding them that way? You already have enough money, so there is no real reason to shoot a building you can't destroy that way. Think of Islands, where there's always some stupid buggers shooting at the HON with an MRLS. I've actually only seen that succeed when there was a simultaneous infiltration of the HON to kill off the engi's and techs, which rarely happens. And at the end of the game they are proud for stalling the game and 'having most points, which proves they are the best'. There are precious few that would be able to do better then a moderate UT3 AI that knows to pick priorities reasonably well. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  8. QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Sep 14 2009, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If so, I wanna shoot his head of first! Just to leave a good impression, preferably in a large area around where his head had been. Edit: In the video he only uses old video's and screenshots of the new video's, shouldn't he have used some new MOVING footage? Now it looks like the details of this beta are still under par. I would almost say 'I'll wait till it's complete' if I hadn't know how it looks now (and if I hadn't known renegade as the still leading FPS-strategy game).
  9. QUOTE (omega79 @ Sep 11 2009, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, it must be a pain to create a harvester AI that is as dumb as all the harvesters in any other C&C game. But I think the team can manage this incredibly hard feat nonetheless!
  10. And how do you intend to create masses? or any real teamwork requiring lots of money? I think this isn't such a good idea, if you managed to hoard so much money, then you should just keep it even if it was gotten by simply shooting a building with no hope of destroying it. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  11. QUOTE (korninja45 @ Sep 7 2009, 11:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As said in the FAQ (which says quite clearly 'read before asking questions' you will need the latest version of UT (that's the titan pack I think) to play.
  12. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Sep 7 2009, 04:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Simple: give infantry the ability through tunnels to reach everything quickly, from the enemy base to key choke points. Then make several ways for vehicles to reach a chokepoint, have 4 chokepoints (for example), one at each base and 2 in between. That way it won't be that they are either camping at either base but more dynamic with infantry battles mattering throughout the game, but not dominating it. For instance by making sure that only vehicles can destroy buildings. That way, infantry will be key to break a chokehold by taking the fast ways through tunnels towards them/behind them, but vehicles must be key to base destruction. In that case, vehicle production facilities must be build most back from harm to prevent one team winning due to destruction of air/wf. Otherwise, one building like the pp can be destroyed by infantry, but easily defended so that infantry can still win a map but does not guarantee victory. But who's nuts enough to make something like that?
  13. While I'm all for a special button to kick someone out of the driver seat instantly, I would prefer not to have a similiar button for passengers. Otherwise, people would be able to fuck around by kicking you out of an APC in the middle of the AGT vision, and drive back to safety himself. Or even worse: in a trans heli. I think that there should be some restrictions as to when and how you can kick someone to prevent such things. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  14. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Sep 5 2009, 06:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ehm, I've been banned from several servers for cheating but I never cheated on any game, ever (except in single player). So how do you prevent that from happening? I don't want to be banned forever just because I got a lucky day. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  15. QUOTE (Gasolin3 @ Sep 1 2009, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That happened to me too, but after 2 and a half month they retracted it for no apparent reason. Shame they stopped though.
  16. Is the pre-release going to include teamspeak already? If so, What software and hardware do I need to get a good sound (unlike all the garbles I hear in practically every other teamspeak game) and how do I get it/install it? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  17. Renegade is just about the only game with a fair award system for the better player: it's point system. The more points you get, the more credits you get. The more expencive the thing you destroy, the more money and points it will earn you. If you aren't a better player but just score lots of points, you will also lose a lot of expencive equipment along the way. Balancing it out if you don't play that well but are a destructive monster. So what you say is already in, but not as progressively as you mentioned.
  18. Someone said something about fans skinning for rene-x. But as the developers keep telling, they won't allow people to add their own skins. As the mod will be in development for sometime, would you consider having a space open where people can post their (completed) skins? That would allow you to do the choosing of what skins would be added and which not. Just a thought. It all looks great. Just the obelisk looks a bit more cartooney and less grimy then everything else (apart from the crystal and it's laser, which were just AWESOME). I would love to see some comparison video's between old renegade and the new once it's completely finished . If people don't change then, I don't know what does. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  19. You got 45 minutes anyways and in some maps (I don't name names mr Under) it's hard enough without shaving off 5-10 minutes (in case certain crates are on) While it's true that in non-marathon servers buildings get destroyed a lot quicker and often. But the amount of wins by timeout is when I last played timed matches more then 60% of the games the way to win. Think of the quick APC rushes after destroying the enemy harvester, should that be made impossible? Destroying the harvester and going for a quick rush is just about the only smart thing you can do when a game just begins. If you can't do that kind of thing, what use is there for the entire starting 10 minutes, except for k.d ration untill that time is expired?
  20. They just about said for 20 times, they won't. Unlike renegade, it's not simply making a new skin, it's making a new character from the ground up. Right now that comes on a lot of characters already, adding double characters will be a great waste of time. Do you want the mod to come out this year or somewhere halfway the next?
  21. Demigan


    QUOTE (Dehumanization @ Aug 27 2009, 01:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I saw that episode, it did shake the bridge but it never got anywhere near dangerous enough to actually break it down. Still, it did prove that a large portion of his theory is true and what you can accomplish with small things if you just know how to apply it correctly. And I honestly doubt that even if Tesla managed to get his vision that we would have free power now. Economics will always intervene untill we abolish it for true equal rights (which would either be boring or unfair for the people who work a lot harder then others, motivation to do difficult jobs would drop etc.) Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  22. Demigan


    QUOTE (Ballstein @ Aug 26 2009, 10:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There's your problem!
  23. Demigan


    QUOTE (Dehumanization @ Aug 26 2009, 08:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's only america that has that kind of thing happening in the jails. There's always lunatics in the world, but you can't know about them all. one out of 10 people has a personal disorder, which is usually not a real problem except on a personal level. It's a weird thing though, belief in god didn't reap rewards in that short time they believed, but satan did reap rewards (apperently) rather quickly. It just didn't last very long for them. As for that video, I've watched 2 minutes and I can tell you this: 1: If you look hard enough, you can see consiracy's everywhere. This video is becomming more far-fetched the longer it goes on, there's no actual evidence except some newspapers. I'm from holland and believe me, in this country there would probably be riots just for the principle of things if Tony Blair had a say in anything at all in the country. 2: that man begins about starvation, dictatorship and great wars. There are already lots of wars going on, there are dozens of country's where hunger kills thousands every day. Interested despite myself, I'm now watching the rest of the video, I'll just comment as it goes along: After WW2, it was the entire of what was then europe that made the descision to help the jews to a country, their promised lands. Which was a wrong thing to do as they never considered the palastinians themselves. England, being the country that stayed longest out of Germany's grasp, had been the chosen spot as it had been a most central point for the attacks on europe by the Americans. They say that India, China and Russia are opposing America on US military intervention in Iran. This is simply propaganda. Yes, it is a fact. But most people are inclined to see their own country as the 'good' country, even more so in America. Opposing America is assumed 'bad', as opposing America means opposing 'good'. While I do agree that Iran shouldn't build nuclear weapons, I don't think it should warrant invasion simply because they are building a bomb that can incidently harm America, where other weapons of war build or bought by Iran can hardly do that at all. There is a foodcrysis he says. And there are production facilities that produce biofuel, which is a waste because there is less food produced. Currently we produce I don't know how much, but it was more then 2 times then the entire human worldpopulation needs. All that we lack is proper distibution methods. The foodcrysis has existed long before bio-fuel was becomming a real option to replace fuel, this makes this pure stating facts after eachother to make it a misleading fact on it's own. Then he shows a little newspaper saying one type of biofuel, which I believe is like most bio fuels still experimental, is bad for the environemt. This way he implies ALL bio-fuel is bad for the environment, which is not so, and he never dares face the fact that the American car industry is one of the most polluting, and the most unwilling to coöperate with cleaner cars. Whether cleaner cars is, as said here, more profitable then less clean cars in the long run I can't tell (I might be under a different propaganda at that point). The whole thing is a fluke, they show monty pithon at the ponit they tell about the british empire. Which isn't something any serious man would do (or the music at the beginning of the whole video). He continues about the bad conditions of workers in lands such as China, and fails to mention again the fact that America ships, sells and uses hundreds if not millions of artikles build by leading industries in such countries. What's bad about everyone wanting the Euro? Suppose the dollar would fail, and America would revert to the Euro, what then? The economy will change do to this fact, yes, but not neccecarily for the worse. Which he is, ofcourse, implying. Again with the fact that your own country represents good, and America has always been proud for some reason about their dollar. So removing the American dollar from the world would once again be 'bad'. Then he comes up with something about oil and gas that China and india try to obtain. What's wrong with that? America does this, Russia does this, the entire of Europe is trying to find new ways to get more oil and gas and even power just to be less dependant of other countries. So why would China and India, and probably other countries too, suddenly be 'bad' simply because they are trying to get oil and gas that America wants too? Pardon? They show a piece of Terminator? How many more hints do you need that this is absolutely nothing to do with 'knowing the world'? The only thing I can say he's right about, the only thing, is the fact that at the current groth of the human population, that there will be a foodshortage all across the world. But at the moment, there is only the unwillingness of all countries to work to gether, pay up and make a fair destribution of food. Is that discussed enough for you? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  24. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Aug 24 2009, 12:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> isn't that 'x'? Dehumanisation, you could just start up the game normally and go to multiplayer from there, that's what I always do, that way you can always see Jelly servers.
  25. Dehumanisation, perhaps you could join me on Jelly-Marathon and follow me around for a while. I'm not one of those pro-snipers but I do manage to kick their asses a lot, and You'll find me in vehicles a lot, which can be a whole new world upon itself inside renegade. I'll show you some of the layout (It's marathon, all the time you want to look around) and the best ways to travel from and to a base. If you want, we could make a small thread on off-topic and arrange a time and some commands to easier communicate.
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