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Everything posted by Demigan

  1. Ofcourse, in the beginning of the mod we asked the question 'will Renegade-x have day-night cycles'. Upon which they found out that UT3 did not support those. With UDK they might be able to create it. Let's see how it fits: Sentences contain these, for they are what they require And the phrase you are about to acquire Will incorporate 2 of these: A sentence has to have a beginning and an end. A beginning as in a day, and an end as in night. I will first be frank and handy: The first is as crepuscular as liquorish candy Dim as the night sky of space Dark like the ants crawling on earth's face Dim as the night sky of space. Litteraly the sky during night. Also it could be that they are talking about the new nuke: it turns the sky a liquorish red, and it casts a dark shadow on humanity and the earth. The second is the beginning of all days The start of all times It is the end of all nights and circle of life As darkness meets its sunrise The second is litteraly the beginning of all days. It could also mean that they reworked the Ion cannon and are going to show it off next update. As this wasn't mentioned before I'm thinking its wrong . And together this phrase Will bring you a dangerous happiness in a new place A new adventure, only if you can keep up the pace This seems time related. So either it's day-night cycle again, or it's the dangerous advanture of placing a superweapon and defending it long enough to go off. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  2. Hello people, I'm planning to make another trailer, this time with my own music and movie material. As I've got so many problems with recording material, I would like to ask people to post links here to places where I can download movies from both original renegade and renegade-x, preferably made by yourself. If you want you can also post your ideas of a trailer or how the material you give me is to be used, and I'll see what I can do about it. I'll also make a credits list Currently, here's the script in simplest terms: Old renegade material with a soft and somewhat erratic beat behind it, shows all viable methods of gameplay from simply all the ways to destroy a building to various rush tactics, and most of the bugs. One moment of silence. Renegade-x starts with a music theme that was brought to you by westwood studio's , which will simply show off with graphix and will show which bugs are removed from the old one. I would like lots of material of infantry rushes, as they rarely featured in the official trailers so far. Hope you guys are willing to help! Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  3. It isn't a bomber, it's one of the last ground assault aircraft. It misses any advanced bombing equipment. All it has is this MASSIVE gatlling cannon, a relative great deal of tiny missles and some big ones for ground targets. And a few air to air missles for self defence. Although like Mighty BOB! said, a C130 is such a massive and relatively slow aircraft, that even air to ground missles shouldn't have trouble hitting it. A10 wiki Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  4. QUOTE (kenz3001 @ May 4 2010, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wartog, A10, it's the same one.
  5. I didn't get the poem, but the picture made me wonder: Why does nod have a barracks? Is the cargoplane shot down by that A10? Are we going to be able to use an A10?!?!? (oooooh yeah!) or are you going to have an A10 strike as a secondary substitute for the ion cannon strike? Why the hell is it a teaser and not an explainer!?!?!?!?!? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  6. Not as high quality as I would have liked, but better then the last one: I hope that tomorrow I can come up with an idea to get it in the same quality as the original trailers. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  7. Movie: Thanks Kenz for the format idea, it really helped. I'm going to try and get a higher defenition later on, but right now this will do. Yours sincerely, Demigan. QUOTE (Demigan @ May 2 2010, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> After watching it on internet, it won't do at all. But I'll try and fix it tomorrow.
  8. QUOTE (kenz3001 @ May 2 2010, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Avi, but now that I've checked a few things I found that the low detail movie is already 1.3 GB. It's going to take 780 minutes to upload! I think I'll just upload it tommorow then. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  9. QUOTE (kenz3001 @ May 2 2010, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can't seem to do it. I think there's an error somewhere in the video as it sometimes seems to lag at a different place every time. I'll render it again on lower graphix, those seemed to work just fine. Thanks for the help.
  10. Hello, I've finished the trailer, but I can't upload it to Youtube for some reason. Does anyone know a way to upload movies somewhere?
  11. I've overcome all the problems with rendering, codex and a lot more. I hope that tomorrow you can watch the small trailer. It will be a remake of the second renegade-x trailer in which they had at the time only humvee's, APC's and stealth tanks at the ready. As I always found it a shame. I'm using material from the other trailers to give it a more complete image of Renegade-x. One problem I haven't overcome is the level of detail. It isn't shockingly low, but a lot less detailed then in the trailers themselves. Hope you guys won't mind. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  12. wouldn't the news about the next update be... the update? Or do you want to know in advance when the next update comes? and then, do you want to know in advance when you will hear when the next update comes? We have the live WIP to keep us posted about their ongoings. But my guess is there is little to live WIP as long as they are porting it over. Which is good, right?
  13. Got a good program to work with, only need to find a way to install it properly. Hope that by the end of next week I'll have a small trailer ready for you guys.
  14. -when you figure out that it's not the 100 times you die that count, it's the one life you manage to destroy that building that matters. -when you actually dare refill instead of staying put and getting shot. You gotta know when to cut your losses -When you are always front row of any rush, then pray the base defence picks the second tank to shoot at! -when you devise completely rediculous rushes and tactics to finally break the tie that has been keeping the game from progressing, and making them work. -when the most satisfying thing to do is start out without a refinery, and earn enough money to finance a mass, time and time again. -when teamwork usually consists of one or two people aiding you in a directed action. Everyone else who is helping is collateral. -when you think an shiny electric beam can repair vehicles and heal injuries (ey, I got shot in the head by a pistol, gimme some healing please!)
  15. QUOTE (PermaGrin @ Apr 13 2010, 12:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll try it out, thanks!
  16. Hi there, I've been trying to get the music from tiberian sun for some time now, so I can listen to it without playing the game. But I don't know how I can rip it off the cd, and it's nowhere to be downloaded. Does anyone have an idea how I can download it or rip it off the cd? I've got the first decade. Thanks, Demigan.
  17. Demigan

    C&C and EA

    QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Apr 9 2010, 12:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah, but all it has to do is build units and put them to use stragetically vs other units. which is a lot easier to create then an AI that also has to build structures, which is a relatively easy addon as far as I know, but also an AI that is capable to attack other bases, which seems a lot harder to do. Units is micromanaging to keep damaged units alive so they can be repaired, simply retreating does that, making sure the tankers take the first damage is done by moving them close, artillery should stay way back and shoot towards their maximum range. And you've nearly got your units AI ready. If you add the option that the AI can apply the secondary abilities of every unit a tiny bit stragetically, it's already an incredible advantage towards a human player, who can use it more stragetically but not as fast as an AI (and I always get bored by having to constantly watch which abilities I should activate when, just nail the suckers with firepower and some movement). A human player is more likely to miss the oppertunity, especially in multi-area combats. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  18. Demigan

    C&C and EA

    QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Apr 6 2010, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree that C&C3 was pretty good, Kane's Wrath actually added the units it should have had from the start. The campaign offered only just too little variation, but especially the last mission of Nod has a difficulty level that I would love to see in more C&C games, along with the absense of a timer, and yet fighting against the clock, that mission really shows what I like in RTS missions. Kane's Wrath also seemed to add a better AI, as it really tried to attack from multiple sides, instead of the usual 'let's go straight for him even if there's base defences here and clear space not 4 spaces to the sides. The Kane's Wrath campaign was a dissapointment all over, although it did answer to the promise that they would explain what happend in the skipped parts of the storyline. Which is more then I can say of what I've seen from C&C4 Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  19. QUOTE (kenz3001 @ Apr 6 2010, 07:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That reminds me, I can probably get the data transformer (or whatever you call it) from school. We need to digitalise and visualise lots of data from movement and multi-camera setups, so using it for this shouldn't be a problem. My brother got wind of the fact that I wanted to do things like this, and offered me a course so that I could make a promotional movie for his student association AEGEE. Along with programs to do it. So I'll wait and see, and post a movie here later. Thanks for your help Kenz. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  20. Demigan

    C&C and EA

    The thing about RA3 was that in the second game, they had a not very serious storyline that liked to make fun of itself and a few weird units thrown in. But those units at least had some plausibility within a world where timetravel is possible. In RA3 itself, they just threw in a million weird things, mixed them together and said 'here's a game!'. Again, the idea was actually great, innovative and one of the many ways they could alter the franchise to keep ahead of the industry. For me though, with a perpetual problem with internet connection with any C&C game with the exception of Renegade, it bores quickly with only single player. Hell, I've played more RA2 then 3 when I finally got the first decade, if only because the music was better in RA2. So far, I've even come to enjoy Generals as it contains many of the points I prefer in RTS's. Unlimited recources (but you do need to gather them), no 'hard or soft counters', the relative weakness of the buildings allow for better use of stealth stragegy's, and the pace of the game is relatively quick. Getting your big badass army wiped out and having the enemy stampede towards your base isn't neccecarely the end if you are quick enough. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  21. QUOTE (kenz3001 @ Apr 6 2010, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That answers a question I wanted to ask when I succeeded in the trailer. But what I meant was that I have the renegade-x trailers they made on my computer, and the tool I wanted to use to combine and alter them can't read the visual scenes, only the sounds. In a way a good thing as I don't have to search for a way to rip the music out of the video's. But I don't have an alternate program, so I hoped you guys new a good one. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  22. Hi guys, I learned to make simple alterations and edits to movies at school. I wanted to try it out on the trailers of renegade-x to see if I could get something pleasing out of it. However, the movietool I'm using doesn't have the codex to work with it. Can anyone tell me what tool (not codex) I have to download to be able to work with these movies? If I succeed in making somthing good, I'll post it here and I might want to try some more. Tnx!
  23. QUOTE (kenz3001 @ Mar 22 2010, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No offence taken. Like I said, the game (yes, game, not mod ) is going to rock, but untill it starts doing so, I'll enjoy myself elsewhere. No harm in that is there? with 'bugs' I meant more the fact that I've been able to play only a couple of times when both players were in servers and my renegade-x actually managed to start-up without crashing. Before the actual release, you'll probably find me on one of the servers (trying) to kick ass! Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  24. Like a lot of games EA makes, the idea's behind it are great, sometimes even near the purity of genius. Changing the old gameplay was a step in the right direction, but they changed it by deleting too much and adding too little. If done slowly, game by game, the entire concept could probably have given the entire franchise a kickstart that would make people stop whining about 'the good ol days with westwood' (who were about to screw the storyline up anyways). But they failed at all fronts, it seems. Economy and basebuilding were the VERY core of the game, as it stands now, even Generals is more entitled to wear the C&C at the front then this game. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  25. QUOTE (PermaGrin @ Mar 21 2010, 10:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You think it will last a few years?
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