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Everything posted by Demigan

  1. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Aug 23 2009, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Read a little more and you'll find that the dev team is trying to add realism to the game, especially on the superweapons.
  2. 2 things: 1: the repair gun. Right now it will lock on to people if you are repairing an MCT. This is no problem if they are walking past. But if they stick around, say they start repairing the MCT too but do to lack of space they start hanging in front of your nose, they will defenitely become a problem. Could this be fixed by making the alt-fire always fire a straigth beam that never locks on? 2: Volt auto-rifle. I think this one is a winner for an overhaul. In renegade this weapon simply shoots one beam at a time. I think this weapon could be changed: keep the damage output per second the same, but make it shoot a continous beam. This will make it easier to hit someone but also more important to keep the beam locked on to someone. The only unbalancing factor I would see is that it would become much easier to find SBH with it. What are your plans for this weapon? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  3. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Aug 13 2009, 09:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They did it with WOW. They took all the good parts from every damn RPG out there and made it in there own RPG, with astounding success. Now everybody is saying 'a new RPG? this looks like a WOW ripoff'. Which is weird as WOW is the ripoff . You never know, perhaps EA is going to hit jackpot with this one and actually set down a blockbuster game. Who cares if it's ripped off, if it's a good game, it's a good game.
  4. It always seemed to me that the obelisk had a AOE that extents only to a small area where it hits. But it can't hit infantry directly. Normally it hits the ground and deals the damage, but on Hourglass it can shoot over hill, not hitting anything at all or hitting something behind you, so you are out of the blast radius.
  5. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Aug 17 2009, 10:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Always looked more like teleportation to me Which incidently might explain why tanks can blow up when they are in there/next to the bay
  6. perhaps a kind of compromise, which would enlargen realism but would not greatly affect gammeplay: whenn your vehicle dies it doesn't just explode like in the real worldd, it's simply incapable of functioning and you need to get out. It's probably burning so you get some damage when the vhicle you are in is destroyed. You might want to or want not to allow this to damage passengers as health is so important when you are APC rushing and you have to go through a minefield and several soldiers to get to that MCT with just 4 people. Yours sincerely, Demigan
  7. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Aug 17 2009, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Timed C4 never beeped on my CP untill I got a mod to do it for me. But if you say it will beep, it will beep.
  8. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Aug 17 2009, 06:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So there will be no sound but only the display on the C4 itself?
  9. This is a question for Fobby I imagine: What kind of sounds will C4 and beacons have? There are countdown mods for both C4 and beacons. For beacons I got no objection, but C4 that is literally counted down in numbers is a bit too unfair. a series of beeps that increases speed as it get's closer to detonation is my favourite. What are you planning yourself? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  10. If you look a little down in general there's already a thread about the Hud. It's 2 pages long atm, otherwise you should ask in the FAQ I think. I think the Hud they made is quite good, nostalgia might be great when you have the old hud but I actually see no reason not to update the graphix and overall look of the hud. After all, I'm interested in this mod for everything they are improving on the old thing. Why not the hud? Having airstrikes would be fun. But thinking of the time and sweat it will take to configure that I suspect it's better to add it in later versions, if at all. Anyone smart would have lots of those voice commands to aid them. Structures are about to die and intruder alert (which in some servers were enabled, but only hearable for anyone inside/close to the building) would give people a much faster reaction time to that kind of thing. It's hard enough right now to destroy a building in a good filled server. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  11. Congrats on your birthday, how old are you now? As for your present: I'll suffer your annoying habits for another year, hows that?
  12. There are several glitches and bugs in the game that I defenitely want out. But Harvy walking is just about the only stragetic that uses a rather indirect bug (as long as the AGT can't see you directly it will not fire) but is very easily to counter. It requires some amount of skill and patience to pull it off and even then you can easily be shot down after you plant your beacon do to having no backup. Whereas other stragetics, like refhopping, is almost impossible to counter once an enemy places his beacon, and it was defenitely never, ever intended for anyone to get up there. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  13. Well, I often place C4 on snipers and have to stick close to their backs to avoid detection. It would seriously impair me if any sniper would hear me recloak and shooting me before that bomb goes of (or simply sticking close to me...) Ah well, suit yourself on this.
  14. QUOTE (havoc9826 @ Aug 15 2009, 07:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've played my share of UT3 and while there are servers with lag there is no such thing as what you are describing there. It is always a problem with connection (or hardware for some low-end computer players) but not the netcoding. Just think of this: Renegade is a very old engine with lots of errors in the coding itself, the game was the first FPS build by a company that was focused on RTS. UT3 engine was build by people who were focused on FPS to start with, and UT3 was build almost exclusively to be played on the internet from the way I see it. The R-X team isn't stupid, they won't be taking old faults out of Renegade and actually change the UT3 engine to allow those faults to come back. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  15. Looking at all your video's and all the pictures you would say that the mod is just about finished. But I would love to see some pictures or even video's of all the bugs you are dealing with right now, could be fun to watch someone abuse it or go totally wacko because of a bug. I think that the fact that you guys are making additional features and even changing existing ones is a good thing. If people know that you are changing it from the start, there will be less people who start complaining 'this isn't like the original', cos it says on the package 'better then the original'
  16. QUOTE (epicelite @ Aug 12 2009, 05:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And in not every map there's room for the airstrip where the WF normally stands.
  17. Parachutes? What happened to the good old 'pray your pilot doesn't think that the opposite of "shot down" is "up"' strategy? I'm not sure if I would like parachutes, they would open a whole new range of possibilities to attack an enemy base, but with the ramjets getting weaker vs aircraft it's already going to be very hard to get that aircraft down on your own even with powered up railguns/pics. If you even get a chance to get away alive with a parachute if you fly as high as you can, it makes orca's and apaches a little too good to be true in renegade. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  18. QUOTE (Techno @ Jul 26 2009, 02:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes, only the ramjet (and PIC/railgun) fires through multiple persons. Which made me think of a question: is there something like a neck-shot in game? I've seen it before that someone deals 1,5 times the damage of a normal shot (against me) but I've never actually done it myself as far as I know. -When you got a good day and you notice someone was around a corner after you shot him through the head -when you notice at the endscore that your nuke just bought you most kills in game after your speakers blew up
  19. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Jul 12 2009, 11:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm okay. The point about the 'My tanks are level 96 and yours are 26' is invalid if I read my information right. I haven't read alot, but as far as I know the units will still have the ordinary veterancy system we've seen in practically every C&C game, 3 levels, that's it. The player can level up, those levels wouldn't improve your units as far as I understand it, it will give you access to different units, structures and abilities. I defenitely agree with a greater asymetry to all factions, with what I read you will have a general complement which they will certainly botch upon and make almost similiar in every faction, and several other units, structures and abilities which will make each time you play a unique faction. For a given amount of 'unique'. My guess is that within weeks there will be guides on the internet similiar to Diablo II characters: You want to build a steamroller/turtler/lightning rush/whatever faction? First do this, take this ability, take this unit, apply it this way and you got one. I think that Diablo II will still have a much more refined system to evolve unique characters at that. The thing about the crawler you might be right. So far it seems more like a ripoff from total annihilation with C&C mechenics behind it rather then a unique idea, especially with the feature to upgrade the crawler itself, which makes it a PERFECT ripoff of the commander of the sequel to total annihilation. But having a moving MCV that can build on the run isn't such a bad idea, I think that the most effective base will still be one build all on one area, so you can easily mount a defence instead of having to defend 30 buildings all spread out over an enourmous area. But with the added bonus that you can much easier start expanding, making the 'sit in your base, get funds, attack' idea much less appealing as by the time you actually get to your enemies starting location, you might find out he's only build a startup-base for funds and units there, and has the real base ready and waiting somewhere else. At which point he'll know you have an incredible force at your starting location and an empty base. More about the levels. I don't know, but I just hope that since they are having consistent XP, they will balance it out at the beginning. A level 40 vs a beginner might be an almost equal battle if they do it right. The level 40 just has a lot more options available to attack, not simply more firepower. That would be a great start. Think of Nod, GDI is all about firepower, but Nod would be a great faction to get a miriad of powers and units that can be used to throw the enemy in dissaray, from creating false information on his/her radar, to shutting down power to certain structures, to booby-trapping a tiberium shard so the harvester or the refinery get damaged, decoys, incursions, surprise attacks. You name it. It wouldn't just give the higher level the firepower to kill someone lower then him, it would simply give him far more options to test his skills. The more elaborate the things you have to do to succeed in your plan, the more effect it would have on the enemy. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  20. QUOTE (Havoc89 @ Jul 14 2009, 08:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Headshot!
  21. Demigan

    Nod is close!

    What is that weird thing on the right of the sign? I tried enlarging it and zooming in, but I can't make heads or tails of it, including the text below...
  22. Ok, Even if he did play lots of videogames, I never expected him to have played this backward game. Tnx for the answer, you can remove the thread now
  23. It's been buggering me for a long time: the song 'Death awaits' sounded so damn familiar! Now I think I know what I recognize it from. It sounds almost exactly the same as the menu music of the Starship troopers game. It's almost identical! Is this just some strange coïncidence or did you get inspired by it?
  24. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Aug 2 2009, 06:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you saying that the map's are coördinated by one server, and all servers that agreed to be part of that WDM will simply be servers that can be joined like regular servers?
  25. We could also give each team a certain amount of moves. Let's say that every time we get to the worldscreen, each team get's 4 or more action points. Each action point represents the use of a commander ability, which is up to the commander himself, an upgrade to area's (making them a designated supply base for another base for instance, changing the abilities on another map), or a troop movement. The troop movements and upgrades can be voted for. This will take a set amount of time before the vote is finished. Say 20 seconds each action point or different depending on server specifications. After all action points have been used, the world screen will change accordingly, and only then the movements of your enemy will become visible. At which point all battles that spring forth of the troop movements will be fought out one by one (or all at the same time in the multi-server mode) and afterwards you will return to the worldscreen. If no battles are fougth because only neutral zones were attacked or only upgrades and abilities were used, the next 4 action points will be spendable. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
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