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Everything posted by Demigan

  1. Demigan

    Picture game

    I break that wall down with a fire
  2. Looking at the Hijacker game-mode, I noticed something missing. GDI has an AI controlling the transport. But how do you deal with Nod stealing the transport? -If you shoot the transport below 40%, any occupant will automatically kicked out. GDI can get into the transport and pilot it too. To prevent griefing, if 2 people use a command you can be dissallowed to enter the transport and are kicked out. -SBH's would have it too easy, run up to the transport and just enter, drive away till it's shot to 40% (while GDI risks shooting it to it's death), then deal with GDI as the transport doesn't move any further untill it's repaired. So instead, you have to keep up with the transport, and it takes a short time for you to open the door of the transport (loading bar). While the bar loads, you need to stay close and aimed at the transport. Making it more important to kill off most of GDI's escort firsts. -If the transport is occupied by a GDI trooper or a Nod trooper, then you will pull that person out of it. Then you can enter. However, the person who was driving will surely need some shooting first before it's safe to enter. This can be used as a deterrent to SBH's who simply walk up and steal the thing right under the nose of a heavy GDI escort, halting their process as they surely will open fire before he get's too far away. -The transport does NOT show who's in control. You can check by trying to enter who's in control. So theoretically someone could steal the transport, and wait untill his backup arrives and make off with it, while the team who was escorting it thinks it's trying to get to safety. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  3. Seeing that the game Orion (an indie game) finally had almost the same template as Renegade multiplayer. I was thinking of what kind of game modes Renegade-x could have, and most intriguingly, what completely new and original game-modes we could come up with, or a completely different take on original game-modes. Hide 'n backstab: This would be a Free-for-all gametype. A map, with layouts comparable more to UT3 then the open-spaced Renegade maps, and one SBH in it. The SBH has to run and hide from his opponents, and everyone else has to look for him and kill him. Features: -To prevent it to be boring, you can kill your competitors -Killing your competitors straight up with a weapon will earn you negative points (traitor points) -killing your competitors with a silenced pistol, without being seen (1 hit kills when you shoot in the back of someone's head with a silenced pistol), earns you points. If you are spotted by anyone (SBH not included) then you earn traitor points again. -If the SBH survives for 10 minutes then he earns a shitload of points and the game ends. For each kill he makes he earns points regardless of how he kills someone. the time limit should be short to prevent too long waiting times. -Everone can respawn just once (perhaps set it to 0 if you want really hectic games), except for the SBH who dies final the first time. -Killing the SBH earns you a shitload of points and ends the game -The person who has the most points after the SBH is killed or time limit is over, wins. So being the one to kill the SBH earns you a good chance to win the game. The SBH has a good chance to win the game if he survives the time limit. This game mode would force people to be wary at all times. You don't want to be caught in the back, so you might end up watching your competitors more then looking out for the SBH. Hijacker: GDI has to guard a transport through an area. It's up to Nod to steal the transport. This is a teamwork game through and through. GDI has to stick around the transport as it painstakingly drives from checkpoint to checkpoint. Nod has to coördinate an attack so someone, probably an SBH, has the time to hijack the transport and drive it to a destination on the map. Features: -The transport can be shot till it's dead. The team doing so loses. It's got harvester health. Movement speed could be higher. Speed could be adjusted by commands to allow infantry to keep up, or to force the transport to make a run for it. -If the transport reaches 40% health, it will stop dead and need to be repaired before it can move on. -GDI spawns at the last checkpoint the transport reached. If the transport reaches a checkpoint, it will stay there until anyone on GDI commands it to move forwards again. -Optional routes for the transport to take could be thrown in to make the transport harder to find for Nod. -Nod's spawnpoint changes along with the progress of the transport. Whenever it reaches a checkpoint, Nod get's a new spawnpoint. -Spawnpoints can be used to buy new equipment. -Some checkpoints are guarded. Some checkpoints do not offer only a limited amount of vehicles (only Hummers and APC's for instance) -If the transport reaches it's destination, that team will win. No winning by points. AI trouble: More based on the Tiberium FPS. It could either be a mod, or a different take on team deathmatch. It's free for all, only everyone get's 3 AI's that cover you. You can earn points and buy extra bodyguards up to (whatever the engine would allow and the host set), either with hotkeys or with PT's if they are available in the map. You can give weapons and ammo to your bodyguards. How well they play depends on you. They shoot as well as your accuracy from the last 500 shots you shot while you had something in your sights (or just as good as the AI is set). As a mod, this would allow people to run around with bodyguards. Allowing for team tactics with AI's. These AI's would be completely under your control, from commands to stay and defend while you do something else, to covering you, to walking the exact path you do so they can sneak in a base right behind you without giving you away. But it wouldn't impair the team as you cannot command the AI's from others. The Debt: The debt is either team deathmatch or FFA deathmatch. Instead of a maximum amount of kills or points, you have to earn a maximum of money. So buying higher level characters will actually be throwing your way to win away. What's worse is that someone who is better with lower class characters, will earn more points from you, while you earn less from him! -Each kill, no matter what kind of character it was, should earn you a small bounty. Otherwise the difference between killing a basic soldier (3 points) and a 1000 credit character (around a 100 points depending on the weapon used) would be too great. -Instead of using the old points system, an altered points system should be available for this gamemode. For instance, you earn 25% of what your enemy payed for his character as a bounty if you kill him. For free soldiers you earn 20 credits as a bounty. Hitting someone will earn you, if you deal 100% damage (without the 25% kill bounty with it) 25% of what he payed for it. So you can earn a total of 50% of what your enemy payed for his character. And a total of 30 points for a basic soldier. As PT's might be hard to implement in a deathmatch (would have lots of oppertunist killers/refillers waiting around it), you can hit a hotkey which will bring you straight into the character buy screen. Armour, health and ammo have to be collected from dead enemy's and spawnpoints. Give 'em your flag: Instead of the old capture the flag system, why not have a flag in your base, and bring it to your enemies base? Give em your flag works with bases like normal Renegade multiplayer, so you can blow up buildings and destroy the base. But the game is only won if you bring your flag a certain amount of times to a pedestal in the middle of your enemies base. An APC rush has never been so important as you rush in front of the base defences, place your APC in front of the pedestal, and defend the flag carrier within as he jumps out and hopes he's not hit as he jumps at the pedestal. SBH's are ofcourse visible when they carry the flag. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  4. Demigan

    Picture game

    that's why we invented the
  5. Demigan

    Picture game

    somebody cut a hole in it with a
  6. Generals did what they should have done long ago: change the concepts. It was shot down for exactly that reason. Even though it DOES have radically different units and still a good balance. CNC3 was good, not incredible, not super, storylinewise they did something good. The Scrin did indeed have references to them, by another race similar to the scrin during tiberium sun. You even dig up and find the tacitus in a ship that resembles the scrin, but is of this scrin-opposing alien force. Red alert was indeed known for it's incredibly wacked storyline, and this allowed them to use surreal units as if they were actually real, this enhanced the game a lot. But red alert 3 didn't just have a wacked storyline, it had wacked units too. A bit too wacked for my taste. And the recource system sucked and the places to place a base are too stuck to the mines, you can't build a usefull fantom base anywhere. Kane's wrath was too short, while it did offer a good unit pack. Some bits were just weird or didn't seem to fit entirely. (Alexaaaaaaaaah) Tiberium was well under way was what they said. I don't know, but I followed those forums from almost day one. And I saw a lot of concepts that they hadn't explained and were still figuring out (the actual spokesman of the game on the forum said to me after I asked that they had worked out the entire system of the weapon you had, except how and where you got ammo! Also, ways to make your squad not just so much cannon fodder that you sacrefice once you need different units wasn't worked out either) CNC4, which they will hopefully shoot down in the next one, was released too quickly, and I think most of the people on the streets ccould have done better on the storyline... No scrin, no adversaries of the scrin, no explanation as to how Kane actually came there (I would have figured a human transformed convict of either Scrin or their adversaries as Kane lives so long and had knowledge of tiberium even before it came to earth), he ascends, but no explanation as to what that means to him is given (is he finally free from the planet, what is he capable off and where will he arrive?). And one of the best things from CNC3: the squads. The infantry squads were one of the few innovative things they added, and they dumped it away. The overall look of the units is more a mix between the wacky Red alert (and I first thought the avatar with 4 cannons was a bad fan-made hickup) and the graphix of CNC3. They DID do a good job at trying to innovate the gameplay. And failed miserably. The overall idea of it was incredible, when I first read it I thought they had hit the jackpot, but they just missed too many oppertunities with it. Text wall! Yours sincerely, Demigan
  7. Hope this means there's a shrewd and capable AI controlling both forces! I also hope that those GDI troopers aren't just cannon fodder, I always like trying to end with as many good soldiers as I can. I suppose the hovercraft is 'shot down' by the shore defence turrets causing it's flip. Congrats on 4 years of this mod. You are recreating a game that withstood 2 things: time, and a massive cheat period that made it either impossible to play, or make a few people near invincible. Most games haven't survived either one for this long. Renegade managed, with a relatively small community to start with! Hope you guys make it to the finish line, and I hope you are crossing that finish at such hi-speeds that game producers have a hard time to keep up. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  8. Demigan

    Picture game

    @ Lance: No problem man, no-one seemed to have an answer. I thought myself that a protest would be the answer, with all the protests in Egypt en the middle east where governments are falling this minute. Cancer kills Sarah Conner:
  9. Demigan

    Picture game

    Supreme court is disbanded by disgruntled government
  10. Demigan

    Picture game

    a chemist makes the arsenic harmless.
  11. Demigan

    Picture game

    You've all played this game before I think. Post a picture that will defeat the previous one. To prevent people from posting a nuklear missle to defeat a tank, try to keep it a logical step: a helicopter should be shot down with AA, AA could be destroyed by a bomb, a bomb is dismantled by a bomb squad etc. I hit you with my fist wrench-1.jpg[/attachment] The next person could come up with a pistol, a group of hells angels or whatever. Have fun!
  12. Isn't Renegade the most played multiplayer game they made in comparison to it's age? I don't think other games they have are played as much online...
  13. *sneak, sneak, oh **** a big orange ! above his head, he spotted me!* Nah, I know what you mean. Would indeed be handy. Renguard made it possible to see several different icons for different acts. Vehicle related, a small blue tank would be visible above the one talking ('get in the vehilce! ) building related and things like 'enemy spotted' or 'I'm in position' had the big exclamation mark. Don't recall if any other icons were present. But it would be handier if you had a way to SEE what somebody was saying. 'get in the vehicle' would be a blue tank, 'get out of the vehicle' a red one. 'I need repairs' a green tank etc. So if several people are spamming commands, you can quickly discern which one might be talking to you as you can see which one is near. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  14. You should add something more: You have Armour and then the amount of health the tank has. Perhaps you should change it to: Armour: light/heavy health: blabla You could also state the damage a vehicle does with a full hit: Light tank: 30 Medium tank: 40 Mammoth tank: 40 (twice the rate though) MRLS: etc The light tank is NOT a light vehicle, it is the best vehicle to be described as 'medium'. But because of that it serves a little role in the game. It could be used as an artillery killer, but any additional defence (medium tank) will completely crush it due to more damage and more firepower. Also, all GDI vehicles except the MRLS can either beat it or are fast enough to get to the base before they are destroyed. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  15. Demigan


    Why does it look like Kane is wearing a bodybag in the very last fotograph?
  16. There wasn't a good engine in renegade, so why should there be a good engine in Renegade-x? It hasn't really bothered me so far. But I haven't playing for very long times on Renegade-x. It's mainly the balance shifts that bothered me. the intentional shifts were mostly for the good, but having more space to kill buildings, strange engine torques compared to the original and so on.
  17. Jam, the video I'm trying to make has to wait. my youtube downloader is giving me hickups. My program to make video's stops when I'm loading one of your video's. At first I thought it must be the type of file you saved them in, but all programs I download since I updated my downloader are corrupted somehow. So I'll have to figure it out on my end. I can't be with the devnight, I'll be on the other side of my country. Yours sincerely, Demigan
  18. hear hear Only visible for teammates, like they had in original renegade, works quite good. this function would help well with spotting who is coördinating an attack, perhaps asking you something. Typekilling is something that should be allowed. You should pick a safe spot to type, you get killed during, then it's your own fault for choosing such a spot. Some people actually say 'you typekiller, you are a noob and unsportive to kill me like that'. I say it's even more shamefull if you get caught with your pants down because you are typing then if you simply get overwhelmed and killed. Think of it like this: you are on a battlefield, and you try to set your radio to a specific frequency (PM'ing someone) and during that an enemy soldier comes up and says 'oh, you are busy with your radio, I'll wait untill you are done'. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  19. Hehe, it's good you didn't name the person who's responsible for delaying the missle. Havoc isn't to blame, he's a sniper, he's supposed to never miss!
  20. You do realise that it was not a problem (for me that is) of having to download the maps, but the hassle of downloading, unpacking, placing them in the right map on your computer for every single map they wanted you to download. I've done it 3 times or so, but after the 7th time reïnstalling Renegade and all extra components, it gets a bit too much to ALSO download the extra maps... I don't think many people will have problems with extra maps in Renegade-x. You can download by simply connecting. Although it's advisable to add new maps in one's and two's, if you have to download every single time a new game starts, then you will want to get back to the maps you know and don't have to wait on. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  21. You've outdone yourself this time. So far I've never had the game crash!
  22. Hey, it worked. Yesterday it just sorted it on the alphabetical order of who posted last on that topic, not date. Thanks!
  23. Hello again, While I quite like the forums as they are now, I haven't figured out how to sort the forums on the date they were replied on last. This makes it quite hard to find out which posts have had a reply, and I quite liked keeping myself a bit up to date on what was discussed and not in the forums. Any idea's on how to solve this? Doesn't the new forums support such a thing like the last one did? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  24. Oh noes! It's dead! Gimme the the pads, 150 volts of Update, CLEAR! It didn't work, again, 500 volts of Update, CLEAR! We got a pulse! It's spiking! It's going down to normal levels. It'll live for another month, maybe two. Next patiënt.
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