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Everything posted by Demigan

  1. That guy used a 'mathematical analysis of the bible' and all he proved was that it was exactly so many days after Jezus was ressurected or something, and that number was the exact same as multiplying several 'holy' numbers. Don't you think that if God wanted us to know exactly when it was all going to end, that he wouldn't be so obscure about it? Besides, at 6 PM, we wouldn't really be able to see a blood moon would we? We have 80% visibility of the moon tomorrow. And the fact that homo parades are 'a sign of the end of the world' is simply his own opinion, there is nowhere in the bible any reference to it. What would be more fun, is that if it IS the end of the world, and since just about 99% is a sinner (including him for severe misinterpretation) he will feel real cheated once he goes to 'eternal death' as he mentioned it. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  2. It is called 'steering of the players' where they can get to some points, but can't get to some others. The whole point of the first mission is to get you going with speed. Instead of the well known 'let's introduce one enemy first before we shock the player too much'. The tunnels are just there to explain how those soldiers got there, nothing more. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  3. Hey Raker, I do have to mention that #2 would mean that 90+% of the players is both noob and unexperienced. As a rule, I never shoot at enemies when I steal a vehicle until I'm safe behind friendly lines, or until I'm discovered by something threatening. And it works like a charm most times. People who have a different target in sight usually concentrate on that. If you are the only target, then people do check if you are a danger or not. #4, the 'oh the mammoths dead everybody seen it' does apply. You steal a vehicle because someone is repairing it, and deems it safe enough to repair. So you steal a damaged vehicle, probably with lots of enemy backup around. If there's 2 meds and an APC around, they are fully capable of destroying the mammoth and still keeping their camp-position (mostly because there isn't a big enough force that can move up the field right away). Keeping people unawares of the fact that you stole it, simply by staying behind your enemy works better. Several times I've stolen a (mammoth)tank, killed the engi's, then stayed behind all the GDI tanks and started killing them. They think that you are a teammate that isn't paying attention until it's too late if you manage to seem like you are one of them, even if they do turn around and look at you for a second. Also, there are lots of times you are actually at the edge of vision, just glimpsed for a second. Like in under when you move up the hill and the enemy is just past the tib field. If they see a red Med going up, they will surely trap it and kill it. If it's still the original colour I can usually go up and they won't notice I'm a bad guy (although it should be apparent by where my barrel is going, but most people don't check that kind of thing). Although I would love to see a red striped mammoth tank, it would give too much trouble. However, when a vehicle has been stolen it usually becomes known rather quickly, so having an option to repaint it at the airstrip/warfactory would be rather pleasing, as you can choose to go fearsome in your own colours or keep trying to blend in for a few seconds longer on the field. #5, I think the stealth effect they had and will have in Renegade was good, it was visible when you got close and you were sure it was there, changing it would only make the gameplay different. As for the sydney suit, they have a perfect explanation for it. In renegade it was simply changing the outward look of the character. For Renegade-x they need to make a completely new character for each new outlook. If it was simply a change of palette it would be easier I think. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  4. I'm using Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Edition 90. It can use ANY mp4 with the exception of Renegade player movies. The Developer movies work fine, it's just the ones from others that don't work like shit. Just to give you an idea of what it would look like: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDemigan?blend=1&ob=5 Ik ben nogsteeds bezig met jou filmpjes @Woandre: Thanks going to try it now. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  5. Hello, I'm trying to convert some video files, only every time I convert them with the tools I've tried so far (youtube downloader and any video converter) made the quality abominable. Does anyone know what kind of conversion program I need to use? and what is the best format to convert them to? The program I want to use on the files cannot read some mp4 files. Don't know why it can read some others. Yours sincerely, Demigan
  6. I'll shut up about aircraft then
  7. Someone complained about the orca's and apache's, they are rather annoying and in capable hands they are overpowered. Making the machine gun less effective vs vehicles, and the rockets even more effective will give them a more realistic appearance of the real world and that of the C&C universe itself. alternatively, adding specialised AA equipment other then snipers, like a mobile SAM, would also remedy the situation. Should aircraft become the norm in certain games, the team can always resort to mobile SAM's to ward them off. SAM's would ofcourse be terrible vs other tanks so a good balance in vehicles would be preferable, which will help teamplay. You could use something like the mobile SAM from the original Renegade. Or perhaps change the MRLS to fire a different, faster type of rocket that locks onto aircraft, with high damage vs light armour and extra low damage vs medium and heavy armour. And Nod could utilize the buggy as AA and light assault unit. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  8. My condolences to the family and friends
  9. It was the worst multiplayer because I think almost everyone's first experience is hell. Bad graphix, bad net-coding, slow game-play (and gameplay even now has to be fastfastfast in any FPS), and your first fight with anyone will probably end up with you screaming 'WHY CAN'T I HIT ANYTHING AND THEY CAN?!?!?!?!?' and then them quitting due to 'all the cheaters' and 'bad game-play'. There has always been a relatively small playerbase for Renegade, but it has been a PERSISTENT playerbase, unlike other games. Yours sincerely, Dmeigan.
  10. Ooops, sorry, I'll check my internet connection then . It does have a tendency to drop occasionally. Still, I think that the UDK version will get most 'feelings' from the old Ren more in to place then the current version when you'll use your own animations for everything.
  11. Although I haven't played Renegade-x since it's last update, I think that what he means is the fact that the characters don't really move straight. While the path they move is straight, the head, shoulders etc move side-to-side incredibly, making any firefight loads different then the original Renegade. In the original, if 2 basic soldiers ran in a straight line towards eachother and shot at the head, you had a ton of headshots. In the last installment of Renegade-X I played, if you did the exact same, you would have almost all misses because that head bobs so far to the side. Same for just shooting at the torso, although that one is harder to miss because of it. This is just an example of how it's different. As I see it, that gives an incredible change in the way you both play ánd perceive the game as a footsoldier. If you go with tanks, I see improvements (and all the bugs any public beta has), but it will take time untill you accept it as the Renegade drivingstyle. Since you will be building the game from the ground up with your UDK version, I expect that most of these things will be right the first way around. I'll be sure to play Black Dawn! Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  12. Hey Fred, First off, I think it's refreshing to see someone not idolising the game. And you are right for a part that the game currently doesn't show the old renegade that well. But the Totem Arts team is working hard, and I'm just sitting it out until the game is so close to completion that those things you mentioned of a lack of familiarity with movements with the old renegade, will be solved. The Unreal engine is a good choice I think, especially if you actually skip some of the ultra-graphix and just go for gameplay instead they could make the game both look better ánd with the netcode and 'low' graphix it would give them the oppertunity to make large, innovative levels that allow for large playercounts and even larger scale battles then we ever had on the original Renegade. The Unreal engine was BUILD to be used for both mods and game developers, there are a million different games made on it, from FPS to RTS to RPG and mixtures. With relatively fast loading times, a relatively good graphix engine and fast coding. Fred, I think you should just sit back, look for different things for a while, and in half a year or so come back and see how far this game has come. I think you won't be dissapointed if you check it out later, don't drop it as a 'no-go' because of a half finished game you tried once! Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  13. it ís a weird finding... it looks like a mixture of a lot of games made in the last decade or 2. The Aperture science department story has been mentioned in Half-life 1 in some news articles and such. They are continuing on the canon of Halo, but somewhere they also mentioned ORION, a mod still in the making which looks quite good, where one of the fictional characters within ORION goes into stasis and wakes up in the Halo Universe to fight as a spartan. I would have found it weird hadn't there been all the other chips and bits of games around . Damn, even a picture of Russell Crowe or however you spell it out of the gladiator is used!
  14. the CIA? we just got ourselves a bigger fanbase boys!
  15. How 'bout we hire us some somalian pirates who hijack an empty ULCC tanker so we can set up a megaserver in it's 320.000 tonnage hold?
  16. When are you finally going to set up that server in the middle of the atlantic ocean?!?!?!?!?
  17. I think one organised game each week will keep it special enough for people to show up. but instead of putting it on one dsy on one time only, which will have some people never being able to play (my girlfriend lives on the other side of my country, so we see eachother every weekend, and I can't play then). So, perhaps have 2 weeks a set date and time (saterday at 3.00 EST or whatever) and a 3rd week at a different time and date, which is stated on this site somewhere (next to the player number?) Or just alternate every week should the playerbase have a too variant time they can play. From friday to sunday or something. That would allow more people to play every now and then. I could play at friday, dunno what time that is in EST (after 18:00, I'm in GMT+1) Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  18. A mammoth tank has a maximum range, and commandeering a tank has lots more difficulty then most people realise. I'm good at most things, not pro but good, but if there is one thing I excel at compared to even the best players, it's tank fighting. The range, aiming and position of your tank can mean so much, both for how good you are, and how well you can be repaired. People are more likely to stick around and repair you if you manage to keep them safe, as well as quickly kill your opponents. I think you should hang around someone who's good at GDI tanks for a while, be an engineer and GET IN his tank, so you can see how exactly he moves and what he aims for during combat. Then repair him when you've seen what you need to see. Keep an eye especially on the slow bullet travel, you need to aim rather in front of someone moving on long ranges. And people tend to have the exact same manoeuvres time and time again, making aiming BEHIND his tank even before he starts going backwards a possibility. If you don't want the owner of the tank to think you are a noob (you aren't repairing him well) take a basic soldier and get in. He won't bother too much about you then, you'll be just someone who wants to get to the fight quickly. You can also take an SBH and quietly watch from the sidelines, that works too. Don't go trying to accomplish something, just get to a safe area where you can watch how they do it. But the best thing to do to learn is either to be a passenger in a tank, or to fight yourself. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  19. They are getting a lot: depending on the succes of this mod it will give them attention from game-company's who might want to hire them for other games. They do this for their own fun, the fun of the Renegade-players out there and they are making one big interactive commercial for their own skills. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  20. Ehm, I'm a student, I live in a student house, and it's not that easy to pay 50 euro's extra a month and keep a low loan with the government I currently have to share a 100 M/bit with several people (or so my connection tells me), and I don't really have a real choice in the matter. Even if I had, it would cost too much to have one completely for myself. As for western people, it's usually easy to get 500 MB harddrives, in other country's it's harder, as they are behind on technology (it takes a while before it's distributed there) and the overall income is lower, so they might have a problem with the space it takes up to download extra things from several servers. as for Beavis, they won't have extra characters so radically different. As they have to construct a completely new character each time, which takes a lot of time and effort. On to my own question: Will you have manned gun-emplacements in the game? I think I saw one in one of the movies. If you do have them, which gameplay modes will they be in? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  21. When you discuss the possibilities of character changing, you mention that it's part of the game that you can see what kind of weapons are heading towards you just by looking at the recognisable shape. I completely agree, but would it be possible to take one of the characters you have now, and change just one thing (skin colour), and have those as extra options to choose from? That way, people who want to play with a different skincolour can do so, but the recognisability of the characters stays the same. The thing about sea battles would work really well i think. If not in C&C mode multiplayer, then it would work teriffic as part of assault mode (if you are still planning one). Perhaps with target lasers to aim the gunboats fire. If you do make it in C&C mode after the vanilla version, you could not just remake the game with tweaks, but upgrade the entire concept. Add shipyards, swimming area's (in case shipyard is destroyed they still need a way to attack the other team), mine layer boats, AA boats (such maps would be exceptional for airbattles, perhaps even extra types of aircraft, bombers, machinegun only orca and apache as cheap first-strike craft etc), perhaps one team with an aircraft carrier as base assaulting an inland base, needing one team to set tanks on the field to win. paratrooper beacon (you place it and people can use it to spawn there and buy new characters (with delay time) untill it's disarmed. ... Or just 3 types of hovercraft (attack, infantry and heavy carrier), which allow assaults across waterpaths and can be build in the warfactory. That would be easier then adding almost a new game to the vanilla version one other question, in the video I saw someone shooting something that looked like a gunemplacement. Will those be featured? perhaps as an extra, manned defence? Yours sincerely, Demigan
  22. Donation: a game type where both teams have to compete to earn points. You can, at any point during the game, donate points to your team. However, each point you donate to the team, will also take one credit away from the money you have left. If you do not have the money, you cannot donate the points. The team that wins, is the team that reaches both a minimum amount of points (say 10.000) AND has a certain amount MORE points then their opponent (5000 points more for example). So if team 1 has had donations worth of 12.000, then team 2 needs 17.000 points donated to win. Where it gets interesting is your expenditure of money. If you donate every point you earn immidiately to your team, then your only income will be from the refinery and harvester. So a careful planning of when to donate will be necessary. The endscreen will not show the person who earned most points on top, but the one who donated most points, as they have been most beneficial to the team. Techtree: Techtree is the same as normal C&C, only with 2 new variants. The first one is simply a lower techtree. Depending on the servers choice, certain weapons and vehicles might not be available during the course of the game. The second variant is more complex. Each team starts off on the lowest techtree, which is either only with basic infantry, or with the addition of the first vehicle (hummer+buggy) and the first row of infantry available to buy. The game will progress slower, as more effective troops will be available later on in the game, forcing players to make a different choice then their normal favourite characters, and creating a more fluent game. Tech could either be aquired by buying it (although it should be expencive, if you can buy it at all) or by gathering special crates on the field. Once every now and then a crate will arrive, either in a vehicle section, or in an infantry section. Picking up the crate will give you a flag, which you will need to carry to the pedestal in your own base. If you succeed, you will go up one techtree, allowing more vehicles and infantry. Personally I would favour buying the tech by donating it to a teamfund. This way, teamplay will be promoted again, as well as careful choices of where you'll put your money. Going up a tech will leave your team with a load less money, which might be abused by your lower tech opponents who bought equipment that might bring victory to them.
  23. Demigan

    Picture game

    I'm sorry, but the big creosote is by the chain of events supposed to stop ME from punching YOU. So distracting him with a fried chicken is valid even though he actually didn't even want to eat the mint in the first place. (stills his hunger before he eats wafer if you will) chicken is rotting:
  24. Demigan

    Picture game

    we can track people who get away with a
  25. Demigan

    Picture game

    We got something for people who get away:
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