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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. Did you try to copy over the tree to your own package, then save the package and after saving try to modify the material in the static mesh editor? (be sure to have a unique name and not overwrite existing copies) should be working just fine then I think..
  2. You know you can also make a poll in the forum itself
  3. I do agree on this, honestly I think it'd be better to start a new thread on this and just leave the original sand as is, the map is way out of its original proportion. Open spoiler to see post, trying not to waste screenspace here. I think the map as you (re)made it has lots of potential! I'd just name it to something else.
  4. No, can't fix this with a blocking volume. You'd need an actual mesh to fix this or we'd need to place the stairs closer to the barracks.. either way it's best to just kick or ban the glitchers like this.
  5. Use the attenuation node in the soundque.
  6. What do you mean? you can turn any global sound to a local sound.
  7. I think the version that isnt working or downloading as you might say better.. is a version that is not added yet to the repository. That might explain why it's not working.
  8. Looks good but honestly I doubt if this will play well in a multiplayer match.. I have a feeling that it's to open and leaves to much room for players. If you gotta walk more than 1 minute to the enemy base the match gets boring quite soon. I'd suggest to properly block off the area's that are not part of the main gameplay and keep the background decoration as decoration..
  9. It spawns at 0,0,0 You can teleport them using the UT teleporter, thats fun haha. You can even sort them by checking for the Nod/GDI vehicle class
  10. That only solves part of the puzzle
  11. Yeah I think lots of the old shortcomings are solved in the newer maps. Nostalgia is the main factor here that limits the way of thinking..
  12. You also get a glimpse of what's causing the load stress in your level and thus you know what to tweak..
  13. Don't forget to mention the gameplayprofiler at the end of your series.
  14. To dig even deeper, you can use the gameplayprofiler that's built in, to use it see this video: (I know the quality is shitty but you get the point) And to analyse the data, check this program; When you're done with this you'll find the most resource consuming items in your level so you can do something about it!
  15. Ive noticed that lots of your culling values for particles are at 6000.. maybe you could even reduce that to like 3000 - 4000 at some places. I think its also good to look at the fog volumes, you're having almost no fog but you do have the drawcall.. http://prntscr.com/g792rk Make it like 3000 or so. You can also cull the HON/strip/ref etc..
  16. No need to update Gobi yet, I need to update the collision on the rocks first. To bad Mason couldnt finish it in time.. oh well next patch we'll be good. I think it is because you're not culling at all, its better to do it manually instead of via a culling volume btw. Especially the particles need to be culled. I'll look into it later today.
  17. That is possible using the existing ut3 stuff
  18. I've put my feedback in the screenshot below.. I've noticed that you only have 1,5 vehicle paths, with 2 choke points. I'd suggest making an alternative rock formation so you have 4 vehicle choke points. So in the screenshot below, ive marked your current setup in red to visualise, and made my suggestion in orange. Further color explanation: Red = current vehicle path Orange = suggested vehicle path Green = suggested rock additions Yellow = suggested building placement Purple = suggested block off the map Pink = suggested second infantry path (partially exposed to middle)
  19. Did this project die? It seemed so promising!
  20. So what happend to this map? any updates?
  21. Correct. This is because this building isnt setup to be a vehicle. Technically the turrets are vehicles. You can tweak the distance in a different way here. @Sarah can't it be that you're walking past one of the corners so the roof support column is blocking the line of sight? if so, try rotating the thing. It can't shoot through the floor, roof or the columns because the line of sight gets blocked. ------------------------ Personally I'd not tweak the range, I think its good the way it is (default sight radius is 12000, that is HUGE). I think you might wanna reconsider the way you positioned it in the world and also reconsider the specific part of the map layout where you're placing it. Have you got a top-screenshot where it's located? If i were you i'd also reconsider your first thought, think of it as a new player, lots of maps have the same turrets with the same range, you'd expect a similair pattern across the game.. now all the sudden it'd be different, might be weird to players. Anyways, if you really want to have the range extended across the map you need to go here;
  22. I agree, but most important, adding another objective isnt going to make the infantry path more interesting, i'd change the design a bit.
  23. Beter goed gejat dan slecht verzonnen! haha no worries. Mooi gemaakt. I've been fuzzing around on your map in the testing server, the whole atmosphere feels great, reminds me of a map in bad company 2, Atacama Desert. I think you did a really good job here! The vehicle paths look and feel really natural and well thought of, there's lots of routes and gameplay wise it seems promising! I can also tell you've spent lots of time adding details, great job! If you wish to have some feedback heres mine; * I'd go for a scratch-metal with a sand-noise combo for the specular channel of the windturbines, not the obelisk texture, * I'd add some dirt/sand to the turbines where the wind blows in as a detail * Some collisions are missing (already reported) * I'd add some more details on the infantry path to hide and sneak. Maybe add 2 supersmall supply stashes or something? * I'd also make the infantry path a bit smaller so you force people to get closer and go to combat. If you wish to have 2 paths I'd make a clear difference between them by adding height or make a tunnel. * I'd have atleast 1 ninja path to the base for sneaking purposes * I'd add a soundspline for the beach| * I'd also just use the watervolume for kiling vehicles rather than setting up a killzone.. * Personally I dont really mind the bloom effect, but it can be tuned down a bit I think.. if you want to have lots of bloom in the background maybe its better to use fog volumes or sheets.. (or use a static mesh to project upon) * To add some nice details, I'd add some local fogs with a nice shader to have the illusion that there's some gusts going on there, as you have lots of sand and wind (i see the turbines spinning) I'd expect some gusts of sand blowing up.. I think that if you could make the infantry path somewhat better gameplay wise (make sure you sketch the paths you wish to have there first) so people have more choices rather than 1 huge open field as a chokepoint this map will really work out well! Compliments on the progress thus far!
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