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Everything posted by yosh56

  1. When you seriously debate putting PUGs on your resume for leadership experience.. OldRen and X
  2. For about a 3rd of a second.... Then I remember that's free VP.
  3. Rockets/missiles just need a rewrite in general. They shouldn't be able to stop mid air and make 180 degree angles
  4. Fun fact.... the sbh's stealth generator is actually named Ezekiel's Cape https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Ezekiel's_Cape
  5. yosh56

    I'm out

    Breh... don't hijack somebody else's 'bye' thread. That's low. Make your own. Also... y'all are acting like Nexus straight up left everything. He just stopped mapping for awhile. Literally everyone takes breaks (permanent or not). Just not everyone makes a post about it. We're taking a part of natural progression and blowing it up into a catastrophe. P.S. Arts still do invisible damage
  6. You can cruise and buff already.... You just have to do the same thing you have to do to buff twice in a row: get the CP for it. Also people do use all the other powers in practice already. Some are just better at knowing when/how to use them than others.
  7. yosh56

    I'm out

    More important than you people's walls of text and fighting: Nexus just left mapping. He's still here.
  8. yosh56

    I'm out

    If ok only we still had our beacon of hope, @limsup
  9. If a rush stays alive for the 15 seconds a buff lasts, and has enough people still around for a second buff to even be worthwhile... what the absolute hell is the enemy team doing? Infantry being broken with buffs is honestly still more of a 64 player problem. Game was built and balanced around 40p... where these stupidly large infantry rushes would require basically giving up over half the team and actually being risky.
  10. Identical buffs don't stack. So 2 offensive buffs only give the benefit of one. They just reset the timer.
  11. OldRen gets pretty active on the weekends. RenCorner can sometimes hit 40 players, and the Interim Apex mod for OldRen usually finds itself 30-40 people.
  12. Posted from Discord, if you haven't asked on there yet. Active times are usually 12pm-7pm EST on weekdays, and 10pm-8pm EST on weekends. Players on weekdays usually range from 40-64 during prime time, which is about that 3-6pm EST range. Weekends are up in the air, depending on if people can be arsed to seed a second server. If you're interested in organized pick up games, those usually occur at 2PM EST on Saturdays and Sundays. See the #rules~1 channel under *Weekly Pick up Games* for more information on that.
  13. yosh56

    RenX Memes

    ................... Uh, Luhrian?
  14. Of course I have to weigh in. 1. Gliven - Canadian + Game sense 2. Havoc89 - Canadian + Tanker and low-key one of the best infantry players 3. Boxes - The best overall RenX player ever 4. Minji - Infantry, and someone to yell at me 5. Mint lemonade - Team positive 6. DoctorB0ng - Team negativity and not-dumb perma-rep 7. Marty11 - Spontaneous building combustion 8. Blazingyoshi - Yosh Team Six 9. Xeon - Always Heroic 10. Krypthebear - The only person who can get louder and more pissed than me and still say coherent shit
  15. Is this topic spurred because IA broke the ever loving hell out of their Sidam?
  16. Honestly the death information helps alleviate people screaming that they died in one hit. The game already tracks all this so it's just a matter of putting it into UI format.
  17. yosh56

    My Renegade

    I thought that was you!
  18. I'm 99% certain that death sound at around 0:33 is ripped straight from Renegade. Looks like a good concept, but way too early to be showcasing.... I mean, there was FPS lag in the video itself......
  19. Can you run through the process (Opening and clicking install till it crashes) then look in the Windows 'Event Viewer' under 'Application' and see if it has an error posted in the log?
  20. Ramming is also fully counter-able as well.... Am I going to say how... no.
  21. Do you have Rivatuner, MSI Afterburner, or any other overclocking/hardware monitors installed/running ----- Alternatively you can see if NOT running as admin works for you.
  22. Did you download from the official link on the downloads page? The .msi doesn't commonly set off anti viruses.
  23. Do you have or use Rivatuner, MSI Afterburner, ZOTAC Firestorm, or any other overclocking/hardware monitoring software?
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