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Everything posted by yosh56

  1. In a non-dickish response: I'd be down for this, so long as it actually only worked AFTER the 180 seconds. Could be asked if you want to donate after you click exit [So if you're just rejoining for say the sound bug or something, you can select not to]
  2. So I was getting this every game the last week, but I used this 'not-quite-fix' and so far haven't gotten one. I think it's kind of a bandaid for a larger problem, but it's still seeming to be 'better'. Can continue to look into it though. Good stuff.
  3. Do you have a controller plugged into your computer?
  4. UDK.exe, and some of the dll files will throw false positives from time to time. I get this on my desktop for things I literally just compiled.
  5. What are your computer specs? May tie into something, but the issue you're having is definitely the first time I've ever seen that. Also, can you post your Log file? It should be in the Game Folder then UDKGame/Logs (The log file is 'Launch.log')
  6. 6 core with hyperthreading... Attempt it with turning off hyperthreading (then turn it back on afterward)
  8. Well that's correct, but as to why it hangs on the launcher setup is beyond me at the moment. Never really heard about the MSI file breaking for anyone.
  9. When the launcher is installing, have you tried changing the install path?
  10. You probably already have a Renegade X folder in Program Files then if you had a previous version installed. I'd start with either deleting that folder or giving the Everyone group full control of that folder and its subfolders. The old installer tended to royally screw up permissions on some systems, making it difficult to make any legitimate modifications.
  11. For MSI files there usually is no option to run as admin on the context menu. You can try running command prompt as admin and then executing : msiexec /I "PathToMSI" What Windows version are you using?
  12. I disagree. Google translate is how I survived in Japan!
  13. Actually was looking at this before, though it's slippery-slope balance. Remember, GDI was technically the OP faction before around 5.1/2 ish.
  14. @jballou Like now should be good
  15. Try again in 45m-1h. Needed to sort things out server side for patching.
  16. Patching and Verification of game integrity may be inoperable for the next few hours. A message will be posted when all maintenance has been completed.
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  17. No actually. 1 translates into something extremely ambiguous, and 3 doesn't translate well at all. I don't remember any Portuguese players off the top of my head. Will look in Discord.
  18. What is your native language? We have players from plenty of countries that could probably translate.
  19. SBH spies, my dude.
  20. Locked. OP can't even stay on topic at this point.
  21. Veterancy's been tweaked several times since it was actually released. In its current state, it serves to do 2 things: A) Provide an incentive to play aggressively and not just camp in your base B) Give people something to do when the game is dragging on for an hour and a half. You never really felt like you were getting anything, or working toward anything before. Also, veterancy is one of those things that sounds bad when you only look at the numbers, but in practice, if a team actually ends up 2 ranks behind, they were already losing terribly. But again, I still rarely see that happen. You may see one or two people on the enemy team that are Heroic before people on the other team hit Elite, but there's simply not enough VP to go around for there to be squads of Heroic that quickly to outright break the game.... Unless it's a game that's been going on for 2 hours. At that point, yes, veterancy is there to end the game naturally, as opposed to just... 'and time ran out'. It doesn't matter as much now. Veterancy is its own natural time limit that still lets a game play out to base destruction like it should. All out War was actually always kind of broken in that it rewarded the camping team significantly so long as they weren't being pointwhored that hard. Again, that 'can' happen. In practice... it rarely ever does. You're making mountains out molehills. Even in outright slaughterfests on Under, it's not uncommon for GDI to be pinned in their base for half an hour, only to break out and win with tanks anyway. If you know how to play the system (just like the original points system), you know how not to give up VP, and how to get every last ounce of it. It's also fairly difficult to get from Elite to Heroic unless you just have a pristine Arty spot with nobody bothering you. That 350VP gap is pretty extensive.
  22. Theres also a GUI listed under downloads to simplify all of this. It may get flagged by Windows Smartscreen if you're using Windows 10.
  23. Ummm... are you sure this was a thing in CnC? Last I checked, losing power just made you build slower and shut off your defenses. I'm a little confused there
  24. You do not need to reinstall everything... just delete the Launcher folder, download the new one and install it where the old one was. Ain't nobody got time, and internet, for all that.
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