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Everything posted by yosh56

  1. That's the 1st time I think I've ever seen it crash in a loop trying to figure out how many resolutions there are available. I know for a fact we have people who play in 4k, and one person in 8k. Not sure why it's crashing for you. Will forward the error up the chain, but in the mean time you can manually set your resolution by finding the 'Renegade X\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini' file, and searching for 'ResX' and 'ResY' values. Set those to whatever resolution you need, then save that file and you should be fine.
  2. Did you download the launcher from THIS website? The UDK.exe files downloaded from the launcher are safe, and shouldn't encrypt any files anywhere. From what you described, it sounds like you're running into some heuristic behaviour as described here from BitDefender. https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/2700/ The only files changed in the regular course of Renegade X running, are in the folder itself.
  3. https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/1815422173029184895/ (It's for Borderlands, but that's also UE3, and this seems like an engine crash more than game-specific) Are you running with Steam on in the background?
  4. Appreciated. Permissions shouldn't have been an issue, but will see if more people have the problem, and have any similar hardware/OS.
  5. Verifying multiple times isn't normal, no. I'm still curious as to how that happened. As for getting system information, an easy way to get the overview is by running 'dxdiag' (If you're on windows 10/8 you can just type it into start and it'll run it. Will look something like this. Just screen shot the 'System Tab' and the 'Display' Tab. (You can block out the computer name if you'd rather not show that.
  6. Was going to be my next suggestion. Can we get your system specifications though for bug tracking purposes?
  7. Ummm.. I've never seen the duplicate NetIndex errors. Have you restarted your computer since you've had the problem? Definitely a unique issue there.
  8. What are your system specifications? Also, if you could, post your log here. It should be in UDKGame\Logs as Launch.log.
  9. I assume this also happens when you just hit 'Launch Game' on top as well? Would you be able to screenshot the 'Renegade X\UDKGame\Config' folder for us? Also, do you have any overclocking/Hardware management software running? For instance, Rivatuner, MSI Afterburner, ZOTAC Firestorm
  10. At the moment, no there is no way to do this on the client.
  11. Try going to 'settings' and 'Reset Game' on the launcher. Just at a glance, that usually happens with bad/corrupt config files.
  12. yosh56

    flying buggy

    Working as intended.
  13. Just to get simple things out of the way, is the game itself at least set to 1920x1080 in the settings? You'd be amazed how often that gets reset if the configuration folder is either read-only, or holding the wrong permissions in Windows.
  14. Beta 1 there was actually a furry server for Ren-X....
  15. Assume said person is an idjit that cant comprehend math... Already looked at what they mistook for a glitch... Confirmed working normally. Arty just does that much damage
  16. yosh56

    Few questions

    I dont believe clans really exist in any capacity in OldRen anymore. The tags are there, but wars are few and far between. The closest thing to competitive in RenX are Pickup Games that are held every Saturday and Sunday, and usually attract 40-50 players, all using voice chat with dedicated commanders and whatnot
  17. Just here to clarify: the total score isnt 100% VP based. Most things you get VP for you get score for, but it's weighted differently so everyone has an 'equal' shot at scoreboard position. VP literally takes into account infantry reps and snipers... maybe not infiltrators so much, sans when they're killed. And finally.... basic math is actually not adding huge server overhead. It already does that to calculate score, and it's a negligible performance hit, as it really is just a series of short-ish equations. People completely overlook just how many events and stats there actually are that go into VP.
  18. First off.... that's a server setting. 2nd off it was only intended for PUGs
  19. Arts can be used almost as front line tanks. The shell drop isnt that big a deal once you close the distance, plus the drop let's you hit things that are over hills/rocks while out of sight... but it's less extreme than the MRLS. Honestly the current MRLS is my favourite vehicle... can basically hit anything from anywhere if you just work angles.
  20. You can still curve tho? I do that ish on Walls and XMountain
  21. It likely has a lot to do with FPS fluctuation (the warping); literally just the game engine trying to keep everything proportional when once there's only a .01s between frames, and the next there's .05s between frames. The extra lag on the Z axis I don't even see in your videos, but I know what you're talking about. Not quite sure where it would be handled differently, but I have noticed people moving on ramps tend to get warpy as all hell.
  22. Kaunas won the internet with internet with that. Also infantry rushes are pretty binary... they either get caught or they don't. Buffing for a tank rush kind of requires you to just pay attention to the situation... you're generally not going to want to give up field by waiting for people to build 12 tanks and sit in base... better off just realizing it's a good time to congregate and push all at once, IE when the enemy does something stupid... like infantry rush when there's 12 tanks at the door.
  23. Okay so you have no issues downloading. If you try to make a new file in Renegade-X\UDKGame (just a nee text file or anything) does it ask for admin rights or permission? It's now at least clear that all it's having issues with is unpacking the files to their directories.
  24. How large is the 'patch' folder in the root 'Renegade X' folder, after downloading of course?
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