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Everything posted by yosh56

  1. yosh56

    Walls Only

    Ummm. Since when is a ratio of 7:8.5 grievously imbalanced?
  2. The verbosity of this solution is overwhelming.
  3. Moved to Technical Support. I know a few people have had issues with running the game off secondary drives. Would also ask in Discord.
  4. As the topic states. Kind of a shame that these things get posted in Discord... then lost in a sea of nonsense (usually from Kaunas and people talking about cats.) Post at will. FORUM RULES STILL APPLY: So NO NSFW CONTENT ---------------------------------------
  5. As stated, the ability to just buy weapons kind of just turned the game into Technicians/SBHs and Snipers that had all their combat weaknesses filled in. Every other class basically became a novelty. As for EVERY weapon being bought, that kind of just sounds like a lot more time being spent in the purchase terminal.... which I'm always against. PS: Theres 16 classes per side, not 6.
  6. No they're not..... Nod's soldier has less armour but moves faster. GDI's is the opposite. Offensively though, they're identical.
  7. They get spotted immediately when I'm not driving... Who do you think brought APC rushes back into the limelight? It's just that it usually takes 5 people and a decoy to work correctly half the time with that many people.
  8. So basically even if it was 40p your FPS basically wouldnt change, as the vehicle limits are the same....
  9. Not even remotely the full reason. Theres a very gradual slowdown that occurs over the course of about 1 minute in all online games for RenX. Whether it's 16v16 or 32v32 doesnt stop this, and can be watched at whatever the hell the 'Proxy Total' under the memory stat is, as well as in the game profiler.
  10. We know... this is the same engine that gave us the Mass Effect 1 MAKO... They're constantly being poked at, but they're never going to be perfect without access to native code. Post in technical forum. I haven't gotten a crash in months... and it was just one out of the blue, and hadn't happened for over a year since then. Admittedly, none of the the... 2 semi-active programmers can really devote time to AI programming. It's fairly low on the list, though someone could probably poke at the mid-field refill thing. I've seen that once or twice. You're 6 years too late on this discussion, to be fair. RenX was never trying to be just like Renegade. The recoil is just enough to make guns 'feel' like guns, as opposed to OldRen where nothing had any impact whatsoever (save for the Chaingun's 1st-person animation). It doesn't quite get in the way, and you're not 'forced' to use ADS to be accurate. ADS is only ever really useful for really far shots, like for the PIC/Railgun, or when lining somebody's head up with the Laser Rifle. Having ADS on right-click also just feels more natural for a modern FPS. Having right-click not do anything is... kind of a turnoff. Sprint is just sort of ingrained at this point. I'd prefer it to be slower, or at least turn slower, though the normal walk speed is fine. The weapons in Ren-X actually do far more damage than in OldRen. The basic Autorifle alone is probably one of the strongest guns with headshots. The Laser Rifle in particular is better vs. vehicles AND infantry than it used to be. Actually... in my experience, most people bring up snipers and long games when they reminisce about Renegade. ??? Did we play the same Renegade? There were about 4 viable infantry classes [SBHs/Snipers/Technicians/Basic infantry (to wait for money)] , and a bunch of novelty infantry that were just there to get sniped. It was also about who could twitch the hardest to make themselves nigh unhittable with lag. Also, you can play every single class without ever using ADS or noticing the recoil. It's just knowing 'when' to use ADS can occasionally give an edge. TL;DR: We're not CnC: Renegade, nor trying to just be CnC: Renegade. Hell, CnC: Renegade isn't even CnC: Renegade anymore.... Interim Apex has basically swallowed that scene.
  11. Also just kind of overcomplicates something that was always intentionally simple.
  12. Whoa whoa whoa, guys... Calm down. Naked Hotwire skins are 1st priority
  13. Ummm, what? I'm literally saying I don't want him to go. I'm just going to assume there was a translation error.
  14. But where am I gonna' find more renerage?? 😭 I need someone else to say what I'm usually thinking.
  15. You're all a bunch of hippie purists !!!!!!! Good job somehow making it 50/50 though.
  16. Considering the MG is a projectile, it's already decently hard to hit infantry at range. Also Ravs can still poke at them to death, and LCGs have enough boons that they're not exactly struggling just because they have a few more bullets to try and dodge.
  17. So originally the Medium Tank with the coaxial MG was just sort of implemented on larger maps to help out with Stank hunting, but overall the weapon itself sort just seems to 'fit'. The poll says it all: Should this just be 'The Medium Tank'? Personally, I don't see it being that imbalanced, as the gun doesn't do nearly as good against infantry as a Humvee/APC/MRLS. It also just makes Meds a bit more interesting to use. [Also I'm totally aware of the looping sound bug on the tank.]
  18. Originally Ren-X was built as a mod for Unreal Tournament 3. That meant you actually had to have UT3 to run it, and it limited the game somewhat. Right now it used the Unreal 3 Development Kit so it's its 'own thing' as opposed to a mod.
  19. Wait... what? The biggest complaints are certain groups of players BEING together too often.
  20. Okay so, I'm just going to cut that one off really quick and say that the 100s of players was back at like beta 1 launch. Then by beta 2/3 it was already down to basically what it is now. If you look at people talking about the game around the internet, the vast majority hated it for being too much like OldRen, game play wise, as the game used to stalemate HARD a lot. Like 3-4 hour games. That being said, a lot of OldRen players were leaving at like...beta 1 or 2 already. They were NEVER going to like it because it wasn't Renegade. Those that left after the later changes of beta 5 just didnt like those changes, but for those that left, we adopted a new playerbase based on those changes, because they were changes that addressed what was 'wrong' with CnC mode. The true OG Ren players are honestly never going to leave OGRen. They didnt like RenX since the UT3 mod, and some of them still judge it based off of that for whatever reason. Changing the game back now would just help lose the current playerbase, and it wouldnt exactly be flailing well spent. I've got... zero interest in bringing back those 50-60 diehard fans, though I do feel for them with Interim Apex now having kind of destroyed Old Ren. -------- TL;DR Back when RenX had actual hundreds of players, eg more than just ~80 players on at once, was back in beta 1, and a but of beta 2. It was still 'new, but it was down to 2 40 player servers LOOOONG before it started straying further from OldRen. Really don't think most people enjoy playing 2 hour long matches in most FPSs... It will forever be the true hurdle of CnC mode.
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