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  1. Apc ramp bug: Allows you to use APC as a ramp (similar to get vehicles on top of gdi bar on field) to get tanks and such outside of map bounds and then shoot from many locations: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =483455922 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =483455953 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =483455989 Demo added which shows how to do this bug, courtesy of jesus whom i saw using the exploit/glitch and asked him to show it to me in return for not getting banned. hitbox glitch at nod airstrip: Allows you to hide with nod being unable to see you. This can be fixed with some simple adjustments. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =483455882 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =483455832 RenX-FrontEndMap-4845181.zip
  2. @Truxa: I think that arty fix will definately correct what was happening on whiteout Also, the !requestmod and recorddemo commands are what i was looking for! I did request a mod with that command, but the recording of a short video (2 mins it was iirc) should be a better solution than trying to get in close with my mcfart and pop a screenshot. @Jolly: sorry for my misunderstanding then In the end I think it was good that match got rushed. Esp. after te GDI WF was popped. Field with about 10 players in is no real fun Well anyways, issue forgiven, considering your explanaition and the explanation of few other ppls here @Goku: Thanks, !showmods is what i needed /edit: @Truxa: I won't quit, just needed some time to calm down and stuff I also am waiting for the end of match CTD issue to get fixed (I hope beta 3 fixes that part). I noticed not opening the purchase terminal or menu the last 30 secs before match end prevents the CTD bug from appearing. But of course, with an ion or a nuke you know the time it's gonna take to end, but if someone does a sneaky C4, then you don't
  3. Case #1 was actually due to teamswapping. But the biggest issue was the mod being like "suck it up" attitude. The mod could swap to gdi himself but didn't want to either. Case #2: Four people indepedently verified the situation there. But I suspect the mod in question being a friend of WxBlueEyes. Regardless after discussing this on the server for a long time i got fed up with them protecting the guy while it was too damn obvious that he was doing it. It's also what caused me to get suspicions about the mod flying the apache which was spotting for the base2base shooting arties. Also, it was a mod I had hardly seen before, and must be a fairly new mod on MatrixRen server (or one which was relatively inactive). My goal of this post was not to discuss these moderators themselves. Nor these players. There's a clear correlation between this behavior and people leaving RenX to play other games (and not returning to RenX). This is not something you can talk to about with those server mods. This is something the server owners themselves have to be made aware of. And if they don't care, well, I'm quite sure someone will eventually set a server up which at least works better in that regard. I love RenX as a game, and I missed C&C Renegade a lot. But I'm just so afraid that obnoxious people like in the cases mentioned above will ruin the community. As this is also something the RenX developers can't fix, it's merely to try raise awareness of this problem, not to demand the RenX devs or whatever to fix it. This is also a problem occuring on multiple servers, not just this single one server.
  4. Hey all, The past days i've been growing increasingly frustrated by the handling of players by servermods of the 2 most popular servers right now: EKT and MatrixRen. Beforehand, this is not a post to flame or whatever. I do want to address this and raise awareness about a fact that server owners should consider a big responsibility. The RenX community is small, and most days the only 2 populated servers are EKT and MatrixRen. Both servers are some of the better moderated servers, but lately i've noticed more mods being around with a childish attitude. This is something which i noticed has been pissing off quite some people and made people leave RenX. Server owners should keep an extra eye on these things as this can destroy the fragile RenX community. That is to summarize the responsibility mentioned above. To name 2 examples from today: I. I was playing on EKT marathon server. A bunch of matches things were okay. But when the map field got voted in, 3 dudes swapped from GDI to NOD, making the game very unbalanced. It was 2V8 at that point, which is ludicrous. Luckily 2 nod guys swapped back to GDI to balance things a bit out, but it was still 4V6. The game's moderator at that moment (EKT-JollyCake) didn't care. A bunch of minutes later our WF got destroyed and the issue was pointe dout once more. This time EKT-JollyCake said no one wants to join a team which's WF got destroyed. That while the problem was pointed out 10 minutes prior! That's something of a childish attitude which gets awfully close to bullying another team. By the time I dc'd from the server there was only 1 other gdi left (one which swapped from nod to gdi to balance things) while nod had 6 ppl still. II. On MatrixRen, things were fairly fine most of the day. But at a certain moment on the map Whiteout 2 arties started base2base shooting using an apache as spotter. I caught them red handed in the act, but they popped my McFartland real fast and i could only get 1 screenshot of it which didn't clearly show it even. I called a mod, but noticed 2 were online at that point. One of the base2base shooters was WxBlueEyes. The issue was reported by 4 GDI people, but the moderator insisted we were talking crap. While we saw it with our own eyes. Now I do not know if that mod was flying the apache or was a friend of WxBlueEyes (he's not an unfamiliar player on the server and generally behaves well) this was clearly bullying the other team once more. The worse part is that MatrixRen strictly enforces the no base2base shooting rule, while 2 mods were aware of the problem but didn't care and even called it bullshit. I pointed the exact position of the apache and one of the arties (just in front of the airstrip close to the entrance) but they said an arty had never been there while i got shot by the same arty from exactly that position. Now, the thing is. A large amount of players were pissed off by this childish and bullying behavior of mods today. I've seen about 15 people (nearly) ragequit RenX today. So in that sense, I would like to remind the server owners that they have a responsibility in picking moderators which can act in an adult way if needed (in case of reports of improper behavior of players). I hope this trend will not continue, and I will wait with playing RenX for the coming few days till beta 3 is out. I got kinda fed up with this shit. Also, I specifically registered on RenX forum to point this problem out and make server owners aware of this responsibility they have for the RenX community.
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