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Everything posted by AshbyJones

  1. Stamina has a purpose...another resource to manage. The UI for the bars is not my preference—they were one of the steps back in the overall redesign from a while back—the old circles were much easier to read quickly.
  2. wellll...aren't these *offical* servers now? like developers' servers?
  3. I remember on one server at some point there was a player count under which you could not use superweapons...was it decided that is a bad idea? Seems like a popular informal agreement on small matches, but it tends to lead to lots of bitching when one or two ppl don't know or care... Today I totally TH'd calling out ppl doing an ion rush when we'd agreed no superweapons or comm...much hysteria ensued. Not saying that was the right way to handle it but... Any chance of going back to something like whichever server had that limit? Maybe of a vote to limit superweapons or even comms?
  4. So you disappear for 6 months and then come back to stir up trouble??
  5. This screen you're showing almost never shows up for me...I sort of thought it was a bug when it does...
  6. can't be that hard...assuming it doesn't already exist?
  7. one of those ideas that would be great but are impossible to implement. Give us City Flying first...
  8. Generally I just deal with this by !noobing the whiner, but seems like there are a number of players who constantly bitch about ppl cheating... I 100% don't get it--I've seen cheats in this game, but it's not like there's such a prevalent problem that if affects the game. Some players are fing insane and I know to avoid them...mudcrab, math, poi, jypt... But even if a few ppl in a 128 person match were cheating....it's never been an actual problem. I mean the one time I can think of was when there was an arty firing like 1000 rounds per second on Under.... Basically (and I know this is perfect coming from me) stop bitching--
  9. seems like soundbug has gotten more frequent again...2¢...
  10. as a frequent abuser of !noob I agree that getting rid of it would just lead to worse behavior.....not from me obviously.......but from like other ppl-- inoob doesn't actually do anything, right? it's a really PG way to deal with disagreement or frustration... you can get rid of !rec though i mean it's pointless. why would anyone use that...
  11. hmmm its been a long time for me--maybe it was certain servers that had gotten rid of it. scrin crate is great...i mean it sucks but it should stay.
  12. ok so...remember in Red Alert where there were alternate versions of the same map? Like you could choose the North or South or Middle version of a map in the campaign? What if you had this in Ren-x???/?? crazy I know--right? but say ppl choose Under...but no one knows which slightly different version of Under it'll be until it starts....like change the rocks and shit. Just enough to make it interesting.... Just a thought...the best thought...F1 this already
  13. keep crates as-is. bring back scrin abduction. ty
  14. sortof longstanding issue so I assume devs are aware, but if not, FYI! Trying to see if you have silo/comm/whatever using "M" is 100% useless...either it's stuck red or yellow or green or grey and you have no idea if it is real or not.
  15. yes--only good for gunners to run across when rushing hon... Also theres that weird middle steel walkway outside the dam....literally no point to it...
  16. I think it is--I don't find it terribly useful just funny/different. Certainly more noticeable.
  17. what if dam mct allowed you to cross a spillway? ie the only way to cross the dam was to control mct... If other team has it you're only defending until you can get it back.
  18. I want to like Nod vs Nod but I hate it...I don't know why but its terrible. IT SHOULDN'T BE but... No Idea how to solve so I'll just complain.
  19. or just let gts shoot down cruise missiles....even if they otherwise can't hit air units...solution solved
  20. omg yes. YES 1 THOUSAND TIMES YES. Y CANT YOU AIRSTRIKE A NUKE BUT YOU CAN CRUISE MISSLE/SMOKE ONE? HOW ON EARTH DOES IT MAKE SENSE THAT YOU CAN CRUISE A GT? I understand that you can shoot a cruise down but realistically that doesnt' happen most of the time...MOST OF THE TIME it is definitely *abused* by lazy commanders...not mentioning any names SHPETIM. It makes the game worse...maybe get rid of cruise missiles altogether!!!!!!!! That is a valid point 100%. I dont know if commanding on average give more or less vp for players vs. their baseline.
  21. Commanders are often the more skilled players in the game. They shouldn't get extra points from the huge damage done over a large area from the GIANT MISSILE THAT COMES OUT OF NOWHERE...which only they get...
  22. If you're giving commanders cruise missiles and emps, it is a HUGE advantage towards their rank/score over everyone else. MintLemonade/Reaper/Shpetim/whoever don't need help getting to MVP/heroic/etc... Superpowers shouldn't count towards VP or score...
  23. I mean it's the Commando sound from CNC1, right? Honestly I find it funny along with the other commando sounds they added...not a complaint just more funny than useful--
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