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Everything posted by AshbyJones

  1. All I know is the current shuffle doesn't work right. The latest patch has some cool features, but PLEASE prioritize shuffling over these new features..........
  2. ...according to some ppl, arties get some kind of vp boost if you're camping buildings...like if you hit a building a few times the vp-per-hit goes up. NO idea if that's true but if you've been around the last week or so you've heard this person talk about it.....starts with an S, ends with a M....constantly AFK... and again...PLEASE DONT BRING BACK THE CURVING
  3. I noticed also that there is (something like) html tags when ppl place beacons. also have no screenshot. "html tags" being as close to code-speak as I'm able...
  4. lol yea...I noticed it but as Sarah said...who cares???
  5. thank you Agent for all the info you've provided--sounds like you may have a better idea of what's going on than the other developers who I'd heard from. Ultimately I'm happy to hear that the developer(s) are conscious of this issue and are working to fix it....the info I'd gotten was from the perspective that enough developers just enjoyed the roflstomps to the point that nothing would ever happen. I'm not able to understand the code you provided earlier, but I'm curious whether you're surprised that the current sorting doesn't work as well as one would like?
  6. meh still the developers fault somehow
  7. According to some people, arties have a crazy unfair VP advantage...but that’s for smarter ppl than me to figure out...
  8. I had posted something along the lines of this thread elsewhere--it's too bad that here we are a year after [tmx]ryz's last post and nothing seems to have changed. What I said in another thread was, Today two developers told me that there is currently no mechanism to balance teams between matches. I didn't know this--I just thought whatever did exist did not work properly. One said it just isn't possible... I have no business developing/coding anything, but it's very surprising that there is no way to measure points/vp/rank/etc. and use that information to sort teams. I was also told that I have no idea what the Fair Play situation was, which is totally correct. I do remember when Fair Play had a measure to prevent ppl from switching teams for a certain period at the beginning of matches. I was told that "the developers" told Fair Play that they could not do anything like this, or their server would be de-listed from the launcher. Again, I don't know the situation, and I'm no pillar of the community, but I don't understand why balance-related measures can't be experimented with on a per-server basis if the developers say they are unable to do anything about it themselves.
  9. I could never figure out how to do it, and I hated those who could with a passion. Please Please Please don't ever bring it back.
  10. I get it, but since recent patches it appears to have improved. One or two patches ago it seemed like it happened every 2-4 matches... Lenovo P410 Xeon E5-1630 Quadro M2000 Creative Sound Blaster Z, output over spdif
  11. I agree with isupreme. The game shouldn't discourage new people from trying to command. Having slow/roweboat/shpetim/[tmx]ryz/etc. command every game is unfortunate, and a mechanism that actively puts them in that role over and over again is not helpful. Of course I do always nominate the same ppl so I guess I'm part of the problem.
  12. Today two developers told me that there is currently no mechanism to balance teams between matches. I didn't know this--I just thought whatever did exist did not work properly. One said it just isn't possible... I have no business developing/coding anything, but it's very surprising that there is no way to measure points/vp/rank/etc. and use that information to sort teams. I was also told that I have no idea what the Fair Play situation was, which is totally correct. I do remember when Fair Play had a measure to prevent ppl from switching teams for a certain period at the beginning of matches. I was told that "the developers" told Fair Play that they could not do anything like this, or their server would be de-listed from the launcher. Again, I don't know the situation, and I'm no pillar of the community, but I don't understand why balance-related measures can't be experimented with on a per-server basis if the developers say they are unable to do anything about it themselves.
  13. AGREED--today is one of the bad days....out of many bad days. It's at the point where it's not that one team just happens to work together better or has better players--it's a function of the game being broken. It's not ppl switching teams...its how the teams are constructed from the start of each match. What are the devs doing to fix the team balance? I hear that a while back FairPlay tried to implement some measures to help fix this long-term problem and were prevented by the devs. Is this true and why?
  14. Mainly I'd like to say thank you to whoever worked to replace the HUD for this new patch--in the short time I've played with it, it seems to perform much better with fewer bugs. Haven't seen any shaking icons or messed up text--though it did seem like some building icons were missing at the bottom. I personally value the fixes and quality of life improvements being made much more than new features. I'm also hopeful the new layout/design will grow on me--maybe once I can keep track of where everything's been moved to... There's a certain logic to how things are arranged around the screen, but overall the HUD seems much less legible than before. See the old vs. new stamina icon/animation, and the grenade one especially--maybe the new ones fit better with your aesthetic, but the old ones "worked" much better.
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